• debian中sudo无法使用问题


    To solve this issue install sudo in Debian,follow the given below steps

    Step 1: First you have to become super user (root)

    su -

    Step 2: Now install sudo with the help of command apt-get

    apt-get install sudo

    Step 3: Now check the sudo

    root@debian:~# exit
    linux@debian:~$ sudo su -
    We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
    Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:
        #1) Respect the privacy of others.
        #2) Think before you type.
        #3) With great power comes great responsibility.
    [sudo] password for linux: 
    linux is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.

    Note: user name linux is not listed in sudoers file hence to allow the user called linux to use “sudo su -“. We will edit the sudoers file

    Important note: With sudoers file you can also specify which particular commands a particular user or group can use.

    Step 4: Allowing user to use “sudo su -”

    Because in my system user called linux is first user.I want to give access of super user to this account.

    switch to superuser root

    linux@debian:~$ su -

    Edit the /etc/sudoers file: Append the below given line in sudoers file.
    Replace the user name called linux with your user name. save and exit

    vi /etc/sudoers
    linux   ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

    Step 5: Now recheck. Exit from console and login with user and use the command sudo su –

    root@debian:~# exit
    You have mail in /var/mail/linux
    linux@debian:~$ sudo su -
    [sudo] password for linux: 
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ieayoio/p/5392249.html
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