//TODO: 文字
当我们在使用 PDF 阅读器的时候,当我们看到一半,不小心关闭的时候,下次再打开,还是会回到上次看到的地方,能记住你上次阅读的位置。能自动定位到你上次的地方。VS里面的 TODO 注释 也是起到一个书签的作用,当我们做了某些工作,而要过几天后再做的时候,那么我们做一个TODO标签,下次打开VS的时候,我们就可以查看一下之前已经定义好的TODO标记。也是起到一个记忆的作用,我们现在打开VS
当我们双击下面的 标题的时候 会自动 跳到代码
一个项目中,至少1个月,那么你做到哪里,你不一定会很记得。这个时候如果用一个TODO 就会显示你还有什么任务,而且还可以定位到代码。
继续。写完剩下的存储过程。对照着 数据库关系表来写
group by 要在 order by 的下面
而且 order by 里面 没有的,要放在 group by里面(这是我自己理解的)
下面是本节讲到的 存储过程
SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: <李鹏> -- Create date: <2011-10-17 12:00> -- Description: <取出最新条新闻(所属分类、新闻标题、发布时间)> -- ============================================= --CREATE PROCEDURE <Procedure_Name, sysname, ProcedureName> CREATE PROCEDURE news_SelectNewNews AS BEGIN select top 10 a.id,content,createtime,name from news a, category b where a.caId=b.id order by createtime desc end GO exec proNewsSelectNewNews -- ============================================= -- Author: <李鹏> -- Create date: <2011-10-18 11:45> -- Description: <取出10条热点新闻(评论回复数最多的条新闻)> -- ============================================= --CREATE PROCEDURE <Procedure_Name, sysname, ProcedureName> create proc news_SelectHotNews as begin select a.id,a.title,a.createtime, c.name, COUNT(b.id) as comCount from news a,comment b,category c where a.id=b.newsid and a.caId=c.id group by a.id,a.title,a.createtime, c.name order by comCount desc end exec news_SelectHotNews -- ============================================= -- Author: <李鹏> -- Create date: <2011-10-19 16:50> -- Description: <根据类别ID取出该类别下的所有新闻> create proc news_SelectByCaID @caid int as begin select a.id,a.title,a.createtime,a.content,b.name from news a, category b where a.caId=b.id and a.caId=@caid order by a.createtime desc end --exec news_SelectBycaid 9 -- ============================================= -- Author: <李鹏> -- Create date: <2011-10-19 16:54> -- Description: <根据新闻ID取出该条新闻主体内容> create proc news_SelectByNewsID @newsid int as begin select title,[content] ,createtime ,caId from news where id=@newsid end --exec news_SelectByNewsID 3 -- ============================================= -- Author: <李鹏> -- Create date: <2011-10-19 16:57> -- Description: <根据标题搜索新闻> alter proc news_searchByTitle @title varchar(50) as begin select top 10 a.id,a.title,content,createtime,name from news a, category b where a.caId=b.id and a.title like '%'+@title+'%' order by createtime desc end --exec news_searchByTitle '标' -- ============================================= -- Author: <李鹏> -- Create date: <2011-10-19 17:43> -- Description: <根据内容搜索新闻> create proc news_searchByContent @content varchar(200) as begin select top 10 a.id,a.title,content,createtime,name from news a, category b where a.caId=b.id and a.content like '%'+@content+'%' order by createtime desc end exec news_searchByContent '是' -- ============================================= -- Author: <李鹏> -- Create date: <2011-10-19 17:45> -- Description: < 增加新闻> create proc news_Insert @title varchar(200),@content text,@caid int as begin INSERT INTO news(title, [content], caId) VALUES (@title,@content,@caid) end exec news_insert '这是标题','这里是内容',22 -- ============================================= -- Author: <李鹏> -- Create date: <2011-10-25 15:23> -- Description: < 修改新闻> create proc news_Update @title varchar(200),@content text,@caid int,@id int as begin UPDATE news SET title = @title, [content] = @content, caId = @caid where id=@id end -- ============================================= -- Author: <李鹏> -- Create date: <2011-10-25 15:43> -- Description: < 删除新闻> create proc news_Delete @id int as begin --先删除该新闻下的评论 delete comment where newsid=@id --再删除新闻本身 delete from news where id=@id end