• ZKW线段树入门

    Part 1








    • 一个节点的父节点是这个数左移1,这个位运算就是低位舍弃,所有数字左移一位
    • 一个节点的子节点是这个数右移1,是左节点,右移1+1是右节点
    • 同一层的节点是依次递增的,第n层有2^(n-1)个节点
    • 最后一层有多少节点,值域就是多少(这个很重要)


    • 查询区间[1,n]


    1 int n,M,q;int d[N<<1];
    2 inline void Build(int n){
    3     for(M=1;M<n;M<<=1);
    4     for(int i=M+1;i<=M+n;i++) d[i]=in();
    5 }





    • 维护区间和?
    1 for(int i=M-1;i;--i) d[i]=d[i<<1]+d[i<<1|1];
    • 维护最值?
    1 for(int i=M-1;i;--i) d[i]=max/min (d[i<<1],d[i<<1|1]);  




    Part 2


      • 单点修改
    1 void Change(int x,int v){
    2     d[M+x]+=v;
    3 }


    1 void Change(int x,int v){
    2     d[x=M+x]+=v;
    3     while(x) d[x>>=1]=d[x<<1]+d[x<<1|1];
    4 }


    • 单点查询(差分思想,后面会用到)


    1 void Build(int n){
    2     for(M=1;M<=n+1;M<<=1);for(int i=M+1;i<=M+n;i++) d[i]=in();
    3     for(int i=M-1;i;--i) d[i]=min(d[i<<1],d[i<<1|1]),d[i<<1]-=d[i],d[i<<1|1]-=d[i];
    4 }


    1 void Sum(int x,int res=0){
    2     while(x) res+=d[x],x>>=1;return res;
    3 }


    Part 3 



    1 int Sum(int s,int t,int Ans=0){
    2     for (s=s+M-1,t=t+M+1;s^t^1;s>>=1,t>>=1){
    3         if(~s&1) Ans+=d[s^1];
    4         if( t&1) Ans+=d[t^1];
    5     }return Ans;
    6 }
    • 为什么~s&1?
    • 为什么t&1?

    • 变成开区间了以后,如果s是左儿子,那么它的兄弟节点一定在区间内,同理,如果t是右儿子,那么它的兄弟节点也一定在区间内!

    • 这样计算不会重复吗?



      • 区间最小值
    1 void Sum(int s,int t,int L=0,int R=0){
    2     for(s=s+M-1,t=t+M+1;s^t^1;s>>=1,t>>=1){
    3         L+=d[s],R+=d[t];
    4         if(~s&1) L=min(L,d[s^1]);
    5         if(t&1) R=min(R,d[t^1]);
    6     }
    7     int res=min(L,R);while(s) res+=d[s>>=1];
    8 }



    • 区间最大值
    1 void Sum(int s,int t,int L=0,int R=0){
    2     for(s=s+M-1,t=t+M+1;s^t^1;s>>=1,t>>=1){
    3         L+=d[s],R+=d[t];
    4         if(~s&1) L=max(L,d[s^1]);
    5         if(t&1) R=max(R,d[t^1]);
    6     }
    7     int res=max(L,R);while(s) res+=d[s>>=1];
    8 }


    • 区间加法
    1 void Add(int s,int t,int v,int A=0){
    2     for(s=s+M-1,t=t+M+1;s^t^1;s>>=1,t>>=1){
    3         if(~s&1) d[s^1]+=v;if(t&1) d[t^1]+=v;
    4         A=min(d[s],d[s^1]);d[s]-=A,d[s^1]-=A,d[s>>1]+=A;
    5         A=min(d[t],d[t^1]);d[t]-=A,d[t^1]-=A,d[t>>1]+=A;
    6     }
    7     while(s) A=min(d[s],d[s^1]),d[s]-=A,d[s^1]-=A,d[s>>=1]+=A;
    8 }



     1 #include<cstdio>
     2 #include<iostream>
     3 #define M 261244
     4 using namespace std;
     5 int tr[524289];
     6 void query(int s,int t)
     7 {
     8     int ans=0;
     9     for(s=s+M-1,t=t+M+1;s^t^1;s>>=1,t>>=1)
    10     {
    11          if(~s&1)ans+=tr[s^1];
    12          if(t&1)ans+=tr[t^1];
    13          }
    14     printf("%d
    15 } 
    16 void change(int x,int y)
    17 {
    18     for(tr[x+=M]+=y,x>>=1;x;x>>=1)
    19        tr[x]=tr[x<<1]+tr[x<<1|1];
    20 }
    21 int main()
    22 {
    23     int n,m,f,x,y;
    24     scanf("%d",&n);
    25     for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){scanf("%d",&x);change(i,x);}
    26     scanf("%d",&m);
    27     for(int i=1;i<=m;i++)
    28     {
    29             scanf("%d%d%d",&f,&x,&y);
    30             if(f==1)change(x,y);
    31             else query(x,y);
    32             }
    33     return 0;
    34 }
    View Code


      1 #include <cstdio>
      2 #include <cstring>
      3 #include <cctype>
      4 #define N ((131072 << 1) + 10) //表示节点个数->不小于区间长度+2的最小2的正整数次幂*2+10
      5 typedef long long LL;
      6 inline int getc() {
      7     static const int L = 1 << 15;
      8     static char buf[L] , *S = buf , *T = buf;
      9     if (S == T) {
     10         T = (S = buf) + fread(buf , 1 , L , stdin);
     11         if (S == T)
     12             return EOF;
     13     }
     14     return *S++;
     15 }
     16 inline int getint() {
     17     static char c;
     18     while(!isdigit(c = getc()) && c != '-');
     19     bool sign = (c == '-');
     20     int tmp = sign ? 0 : c - '0';
     21     while(isdigit(c = getc()))
     22         tmp = (tmp << 1) + (tmp << 3) + c - '0';
     23     return sign ? -tmp : tmp;
     24 }
     25 inline char getch() {
     26     char c;
     27     while((c = getc()) != 'Q' && c != 'C');
     28     return c;
     29 }
     30 int M; //底层的节点数
     31 int dl[N] , dr[N]; //节点的左右端点
     32 LL sum[N]; //节点的区间和
     33 LL add[N]; //节点的区间加上一个数的标记
     34 #define l(x) (x<<1) //x的左儿子,利用堆的性质
     35 #define r(x) ((x<<1)|1) //x的右儿子,利用堆的性质
     36 void pushdown(int x) { //下传标记
     37  if (add[x]&&x<M) {//如果是叶子节点,显然不用下传标记(别忘了)
     38      add[l(x)] += add[x];
     39         sum[l(x)] += add[x] * (dr[l(x)] - dl[l(x)] + 1);
     40         add[r(x)] += add[x];
     41         sum[r(x)] += add[x] * (dr[r(x)] - dl[r(x)] + 1);
     42         add[x] = 0; 
     43     }
     44 }
     45 int stack[20] , top;//
     46 void upd(int x) { //下传x至根节点路径上节点的标记(自上而下,用栈实现)
     47  top = 0;
     48     int tmp = x;
     49     for(; tmp ; tmp >>= 1)
     50         stack[++top] = tmp;
     51     while(top--)
     52         pushdown(stack[top]);
     53 }
     54 LL query(int tl , int tr) { //求和
     55  LL res=0;
     56     int insl = 0, insr = 0; //两侧第一个有用节点
     57  for(tl=tl+M-1,tr=tr+M+1;tl^tr^1;tl>>=1,tr>>=1) {
     58         if (~tl&1) {
     59             if (!insl)
     60         upd(insl=tl^1);
     61             res+=sum[tl^1];
     62         }
     63         if (tr&1) {
     64             if(!insr)
     65         upd(insr=tl^1)
     66             res+=sum[tr^1];
     67         }
     68     }
     69     return res;
     70 }
     71 void modify(int tl , int tr , int val) { //修改
     72  int insl = 0, insr = 0;
     73     for(tl=tl+M-1,tr=tr+M+1;tl^tr^1;tl>>=1,tr>>=1) {
     74         if (~tl&1) {
     75             if (!insl)
     76                 upd(insl=tl^1);
     77             add[tl^1]+=val;
     78             sum[tl^1]+=(LL)val*(dr[tl^1]-dl[tl^1]+1);
     79         }
     80         if (tr&1) {
     81             if (!insr)
     82                 upd(insr=tr^1);
     83             add[tr^1]+=val;
     84             sum[tr^1]+=(LL)val*(dr[tr^1]-dl[tr^1]+1);
     85         }
     86     }
     87     for(insl=insl>>1;insl;insl>>=1) //一路update
     88      sum[insl]=sum[l(insl)]+sum[r(insl)];
     89     for(insr=insr>>1;insr;insr>>=1)
     90         sum[insr]=sum[l(insr)]+sum[r(insr)];
     93 }
     94 inline void swap(int &a , int &b) {
     95     int tmp = a;
     96     a = b;
     97     b = tmp;
     98 }
     99 int main() {
    100     //freopen("tt.in" , "r" , stdin);
    101  int n , ask;
    102     n = getint();
    103     ask = getint();
    104     int i;
    105     for(M = 1 ; M < (n + 2) ; M <<= 1);
    106     for(i = 1 ; i <= n ; ++i)
    107         sum[M + i] = getint() , dl[M + i] = dr[M + i] = i; //建树
    108  for(i = M - 1; i >= 1 ; --i) { //预处理节点左右端点
    109      sum[i] = sum[l(i)] + sum[r(i)];
    110         dl[i] = dl[l(i)];
    111         dr[i] = dr[r(i)];
    112     }
    113     char s;
    114     int a , b , x;
    115     while(ask--) {
    116         s = getch();
    117         if (s == 'Q') {
    118             a = getint();
    119             b = getint();
    120             if (a > b)
    121                 swap(a , b);
    122             printf("%lld
    " , query(a , b));
    123         }
    124         else {
    125             a = getint();
    126             b = getint();
    127             x = getint();
    128             if (a > b)
    129                 swap(a , b);
    130             modify(a , b , x);
    131         }
    132     }
    133     return 0;
    134 }
    View Code


     1 #include <iostream>  
     2 #include <cstdio>  
     3 #include <cstring>  
     4 #include <cmath>  
     5 #include <algorithm>  
     6 #include <vector>  
     7 #define mp(x,y) make_pair(x,y)  
     9 using namespace std;  
    11 const int N = 100000;  
    12 const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;  
    14 int a[N + 10];  
    15 int b[N + 10];  
    16 int M;  
    17 int lq, rq;  
    18 vector<pair<int, int> > s[N * 22];  
    20 void add(int id, int cur)  
    21 {  
    22     cur += M;  
    23     int lat = 0;  
    24     if (s[cur].size())  
    25         lat = s[cur][s[cur].size() - 1].second;  
    26     s[cur].push_back(mp(id, ++lat));  
    27     for (cur >>= 1; cur; cur >>= 1)  
    28     {  
    29         int l = 0;  
    30         if (s[cur << 1].size())  
    31             l = s[cur << 1][s[cur << 1].size() - 1].second;  
    32         int r = 0;  
    33         if (s[cur << 1 | 1].size())  
    34             r = s[cur << 1 | 1][s[cur << 1 | 1].size() - 1].second;  
    35         s[cur].push_back(mp(id, l + r));  
    36     }  
    37 }  
    39 int Q(int id, int k)  
    40 {  
    41     if (id >= M) return id - M;  
    42     int l = id << 1, r = l ^ 1;  
    43     int ll = lower_bound(s[l].begin(), s[l].end(), mp(lq, inf)) - s[l].begin() - 1;  
    44     int rr = lower_bound(s[l].begin(), s[l].end(), mp(rq, inf)) - s[l].begin() - 1;  
    45     int kk = 0;  
    46     if (rr >= 0)kk = s[l][rr].second;  
    47     if (ll >= 0)kk = s[l][rr].second - s[l][ll].second;  
    48     if (kk < k)return Q(r, k - kk);  
    49     return Q(l, k);  
    50 }  
    52 int main()  
    53 {  
    54     int n, m;  
    55     while (~scanf("%d%d", &n, &m))  
    56     {  
    57         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)  
    58         {  
    59             scanf("%d", a + i);  
    60             b[i] = a[i];  
    61         }  
    62         sort(b, b + n);  
    63         int nn = unique(b, b + n) - b;  
    64         for (M = 1; M < nn; M <<= 1);  
    65         for (int i = 1; i < M + M; i++)  
    66         {  
    67             s[i].clear();  
    68             //s[i].push_back(mp(0, 0));  
    69         }  
    70         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)  
    71         {  
    72             int id = lower_bound(b, b + nn, a[i]) - b;  
    73             add(i + 1, id);  
    74         }  
    75         while (m--)  
    76         {  
    77             int k;  
    78             scanf("%d %d %d", &lq, &rq, &k);  
    79             lq--;  
    80             int x = Q(1, k);  
    81             printf("%d
    ", b[x]);  
    82         }  
    83     }  
    84     return 0;  
    85 }  
    View Code


      1 const int N = 1e5;  
      3 struct node  
      4 {  
      5     int sum, d, v;  
      6     int l, r;  
      7     void init()  
      8     {  
      9         d = 0;  
     10         v = -1;  
     11     }  
     12     void cb(node ls, node rs)  
     13     {  
     14         sum = ls.sum + rs.sum;  
     15         l = ls.l, r = rs.r;  
     16     }  
     17     int len()  
     18     {  
     19         return r - l + 1;  
     20     }  
     21     void V(int x)  
     22     {  
     23         sum = len() * x;  
     24         d = 0;  
     25         v = x;  
     26     }  
     27     void D(int x)  
     28     {  
     29         sum += len() * x;  
     30         d += x;  
     31     }  
     32 };  
     34 struct tree  
     35 {  
     36     int m, h;  
     37     node g[N << 2];  
     38     void init(int n)  
     39     {  
     40         for (m = h = 1; m < n + 2; m <<= 1, h++);  
     41         int i = 0;  
     42         for (; i <= m; i++)  
     43         {  
     44             g[i].init();  
     45             g[i].sum = 0;  
     46         }  
     47         for (; i <= m + n; i++)  
     48         {  
     49             g[i].init();  
     50             scanf("%d", &g[i].sum);  
     51             g[i].l = g[i].r = i - m;  
     52         }  
     53         for (; i < m + m; i++)  
     54         {  
     55             g[i].init();  
     56             g[i].sum = 0;  
     57             g[i].l = g[i].r = i - m;  
     58         }  
     59         for (i = m - 1; i > 0; i--)  
     60             g[i].cb(g[i << 1], g[i << 1 | 1]);  
     61     }  
     62     void dn(int x)  
     63     {  
     64         for (int i = h - 1; i > 0; i--)  
     65         {  
     66             int f = x >> i;  
     67             if (g[f].v != -1)  
     68             {  
     69                 g[f << 1].V(g[f].v);  
     70                 g[f << 1 | 1].V(g[f].v);  
     71             }  
     72             if (g[f].d)  
     73             {  
     74                 g[f << 1].D(g[f].d);  
     75                 g[f << 1 | 1].D(g[f].d);  
     76             }  
     77             g[f].v = -1;  
     78             g[f].d = 0;  
     79         }  
     80     }  
     81     void up(int x)  
     82     {  
     83         for (x >>= 1; x; x >>= 1)  
     84         {  
     85             if (g[x].v != -1)continue;  
     86             int d = g[x].d;  
     87             g[x].d = 0;  
     88             g[x].cb(g[x << 1], g[x << 1 | 1]);  
     89             g[x].D(d);  
     90         }  
     91     }  
     92     void update(int l, int r, int x, int o)  
     93     {  
     94         l += m - 1, r += m + 1;  
     95         dn(l), dn(r);  
     96         for (int s = l, t = r; s ^ t ^ 1; s >>= 1, t >>= 1)  
     97         {  
     98             if (~s & 1)  
     99             {  
    100                 if (o)  
    101                     g[s ^ 1].V(x);  
    102                 else  
    103                     g[s ^ 1].D(x);  
    104             }  
    105             if (t & 1)  
    106             {  
    107                 if (o)  
    108                     g[t ^ 1].V(x);  
    109                 else  
    110                     g[t ^ 1].D(x);  
    111             }  
    112         }  
    113         up(l), up(r);  
    114     }  
    115     int Q(int l, int r)  
    116     {  
    117         int ans = 0;  
    118         l += m - 1, r += m + 1;  
    119         dn(l), dn(r);  
    120         for (int s = l, t = r; s ^ t ^ 1; s >>= 1, t >>= 1)  
    121         {  
    122             if (~s & 1)ans += g[s ^ 1].sum;  
    123             if (t & 1)ans += g[t ^ 1].sum;  
    124         }  
    125         return ans;  
    126     }  
    127 };  
    View Code


     1 #include <cstdio>  
     2 #include <algorithm>  
     3 #include <cstring>  
     4 #include <cmath>  
     5 #include <vector>  
     6 #include <iostream>  
     8 using namespace std;  
    10 const int W = 1000;  
    12 int m;  
    14 struct tree  
    15 {  
    16     int d[W << 2];  
    17     void o()  
    18     {  
    19         for (int i = 1; i < m + m; i++)d[i] = 0;  
    20     }  
    21     void Xor(int l, int r)  
    22     {  
    23         l += m - 1, r += m + 1;  
    24         for (int s = l, t = r; s ^ t ^ 1; s >>= 1, t >>= 1)  
    25         {  
    26             if (~s & 1)d[s ^ 1] ^= 1;  
    27             if (t & 1)d[t ^ 1] ^= 1;  
    28         }  
    29     }  
    31 } g[W << 2];  
    33 void chu()  
    34 {  
    35     for (int i = 1; i < m + m; i++)  
    36         g[i].o();  
    37 }  
    40 void Xor(int lx, int ly, int rx, int ry)  
    41 {  
    42     lx += m - 1, rx += m + 1;  
    43     for (int s = lx, t = rx; s ^ t ^ 1; s >>= 1, t >>= 1)  
    44     {  
    45         if (~s & 1)g[s ^ 1].Xor(ly, ry);  
    46         if (t & 1)g[t ^ 1].Xor(ly, ry);  
    47     }  
    48 }  
    50 int Q(int x, int y)  
    51 {  
    52     int ans = 0;  
    53     for (int xx = x + m; xx; xx >>= 1)  
    54     {  
    55         for (int yy = y + m; yy; yy >>= 1)  
    56         {  
    57             ans ^= g[xx].d[yy];  
    58         }  
    59     }  
    60     return ans;  
    61 }  
    63 int main()  
    64 {  
    65     int T;  
    66     cin >> T;  
    67     int fl = 0;  
    68     while (T--)  
    69     {  
    70         if (fl)  
    71         {  
    72             printf("
    73         }  
    74         fl = 1;  
    75         int N, M;  
    76         cin >> N >> M;  
    77         for (m =  1; m < N + 2; m <<= 1);  
    78         chu();  
    79         while (M--)  
    80         {  
    81             char o[4];  
    82             scanf("%s", o);  
    83             if (*o == 'Q')  
    84             {  
    85                 int x, y;  
    86                 scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);  
    87                 printf("%d
    ", Q(x, y));  
    88             }  
    89             else  
    90             {  
    91                 int lx, ly, rx, ry;  
    92                 scanf("%d%d%d%d", &lx, &ly, &rx, &ry);  
    93                 Xor(lx, ly, rx, ry);  
    94             }  
    95         }  
    96     }  
    97     return 0;  
    98 }  
    View Code


      1 #include <algorithm>  
      2 #include <iostream>  
      3 #include <cstdio>  
      4 #include <cstring>  
      5 #include <vector>  
      6 #include <cmath>  
      8 using namespace std;  
     10 const int N = 111;  
     12 int n;  
     13 vector<double> y;  
     15 struct node  
     16 {  
     17     double s;  
     18     int c;  
     19     int l, r;  
     20     void chu(double ss, int cc, int ll, int rr)  
     21     {  
     22         s =  ss;  
     23         c = cc;  
     24         l = ll, r = rr;  
     25     }  
     26     double len()  
     27     {  
     28         return y[r] - y[l - 1];  
     29     }  
     30 } g[N << 4];  
     31 int M;  
     33 void init(int n)  
     34 {  
     35     for (M = 1; M < n + 2; M <<= 1);  
     36     g[M].chu(0, 0, 1, 1);  
     37     for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)  
     38         g[i + M].chu(0, 0, i, i);  
     39     for (int i = n + 1; i < M; i++)  
     40         g[i + M].chu(0, 0, n, n);  
     41     for (int i = M - 1; i > 0; i--)  
     42         g[i].chu(0, 0, g[i << 1].l, g[i << 1 | 1].r);  
     43 }  
     45 struct line  
     46 {  
     47     double x, yl, yr;  
     48     int d;  
     49     line() {}  
     50     line(double x, double yl, double yr, int dd): x(x), yl(yl), yr(yr), d(dd) {}  
     51     bool operator < (const line &cc)const  
     52     {  
     53         return x < cc.x || (x == cc.x && d > cc.d);  
     54     }  
     55 };  
     57 vector<line>L;  
     59 void one(int x)  
     60 {  
     61     if (x >= M)  
     62     {  
     63         g[x].s = g[x].c ? g[x].len() : 0;  
     64         return;  
     65     }  
     66     g[x].s = g[x].c ? g[x].len() : g[x << 1].s + g[x << 1 | 1].s;  
     67 }  
     69 void up(int x)  
     70 {  
     71     for (; x; x >>= 1)  
     72         one(x);  
     73 }  
     75 void add(int l, int r, int d)  
     76 {  
     77     if (l > r)return;  
     78     l += M - 1, r += M + 1;  
     79     for (int s = l, t = r; s ^ t ^ 1; s >>= 1, t >>= 1)  
     80     {  
     81         if (~s & 1)  
     82         {  
     83             g[s ^ 1].c += d;  
     84             one(s ^ 1);  
     85         }  
     86         if (t & 1)  
     87         {  
     88             g[t ^ 1].c += d;  
     89             one(t ^ 1);  
     90         }  
     91     }  
     92     up(l);  
     93     up(r);  
     94 }  
     96 double sol()  
     97 {  
     98     y.clear();  
     99     L.clear();  
    100     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)  
    101     {  
    102         double lx, ly, rx, ry;  
    103         scanf("%lf %lf %lf %lf", &lx, &ly, &rx, &ry);  
    104         L.push_back(line(lx, ly, ry, 1));  
    105         L.push_back(line(rx, ly, ry, -1));  
    106         y.push_back(ly);  
    107         y.push_back(ry);  
    108     }  
    109     sort(y.begin(), y.end());  
    110     y.erase(unique(y.begin(), y.end()), y.end());  
    111     init(y.size());  
    112     sort(L.begin(), L.end());  
    113     n = L.size() - 1;  
    114     double ans = 0;  
    115     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)  
    116     {  
    117         int l = upper_bound(y.begin(), y.end(), L[i].yl + 1e-8) - y.begin();  
    118         int r = upper_bound(y.begin(), y.end(), L[i].yr + 1e-8) - y.begin() - 1;  
    119         add(l, r, L[i].d);  
    120         ans += g[1].s * (L[i + 1].x - L[i].x);  
    121     }  
    122     return ans;  
    123 }  
    125 int main()  
    126 {  
    127     int ca = 1;  
    128     while (cin >> n && n)  
    129     {  
    130         printf("Test case #%d
    Total explored area: %.2f
    ", ca++, sol());  
    131     }  
    132     return 0;  
    133 }  
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ibilllee/p/7699502.html
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