• 无废话ExtJs 入门教程十八[树:TreePanel]


     1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
     2 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
     3 <head>
     4     <title></title>
     5     <!--ExtJs框架开始-->
     6     <script type="text/javascript" src="/Ext/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
     7     <script type="text/javascript" src="/Ext/ext-all.js"></script>
     8     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/Ext/resources/css/ext-all.css" />
     9     <style type="text/css">
    10         .nodeicon
    11         {
    12             background-image: url(image/user.gif) !important;
    13         }
    14     </style>
    15     <!--ExtJs框架结束-->
    16     <script type="text/javascript">
    17         Ext.onReady(function () {
    18             //树的节点数据源
    19             var node = {
    20                 text: '根',
    21                 expanded: true,
    22                 leaf: false,
    23                 children: [
    24                     { text: '根下节点一[user图标]', leaf: true, iconCls: 'nodeicon' },
    25                     { text: '根下节点二', leaf: true },
    26                     { text: '根下节点三', leaf: false, children: [
    27                         { text: '节点三子节点一', leaf: true },
    28                         { text: '节点三子节点二', leaf: false, expanded: true, children: [
    29                             { text: '节点三子节点二节点一', leaf: true },
    30                             { text: '节点三子节点二节点二', leaf: true }
    31                         ]
    32                         }
    33                     ]
    34                     }
    35                 ]
    36             };
    37             //树面板(本地数据源)
    38             var treelocal = new Ext.tree.TreePanel({
    39                 title: 'TreePanelLocal',
    40                 //rootVisible: false,
    41                 root: node
    42             });
    43             //树面板(服务器数据源)
    44             var treeservice = new Ext.tree.TreePanel({
    45                 title: 'TreePanelService',
    46                 root: { text: '根', expanded: true },
    47                 //rootVisible: false,
    48                 loader: new Ext.tree.TreeLoader({
    49                     url: '/App_Ashx/Demo/Tree.ashx'
    50                 })
    51             });
    52             //单表
    53             var form = new Ext.form.FormPanel({
    54                 frame: true,
    55                 title: '表单标题',
    56                 style: 'margin:10px',
    57                 items: [treelocal, treeservice],
    58                 buttons: [{
    59                     text: '获取选中项',
    60                     handler: function () {
    61                         selectNode = treelocal.getSelectionModel().getSelectedNode();
    62                         alert('TreePanelLocal:' + (selectNode == null ? treelocal.root.text : selectNode.text));
    63                     }
    64                 }]
    65             });
    66             //窗体
    67             var win = new Ext.Window({
    68                 title: '窗口',
    69                  476,
    70                 height: 574,
    71                 resizable: true,
    72                 modal: true,
    73                 closable: true,
    74                 maximizable: true,
    75                 minimizable: true,
    76                 items: form
    77             });
    78             win.show();
    79         });
    80     </script>
    81 </head>
    82 <body>
    83     <!--
    84 说明:
    85 (1)var tree = new Ext.tree.TreePanel():创建一个新的TreePanel表单对象。
    86 (2)root: node:根节点。
    87 (3)expanded: true:是否展开子节点,默认为false,如“根下节点三”。
    88 (4)leaf: true:是否为叶子节点,这个要注意下,如果设置为false但没有 children 那么会产生一直读取子节点的展示。
    89 (5)//rootVisible: false:有时候我们不想显示根节点,可以通过rootVisible设置他的可见性。在本例中我没有隐藏根。
    90 (6)loader: new Ext.tree.TreeLoader({
    91                     url: '/App_Ashx/Demo/Tree.ashx'
    92                 })
    93    树的数据载入组件,通过url寻找service端返回的json,并且自动转换成 TreeNode。
    94 (7)iconCls: 'nodeicon':ExtJs自带的图标显示为“文件夹”或是“列表”,通过 iconCls 可以列换树型菜单的图标。
    95 (8)selectNode = treelocal.getSelectionModel().getSelectedNode():获取选中项。
    96 -->
    97 </body>
    98 </html>


     1 using System.Web;
     3 namespace HZYT.ExtJs.WebSite.App_Ashx.Demo
     4 {
     5     public class Tree : IHttpHandler
     6     {
     7         public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
     8         {
     9             string strResult = @"[
    10                     { text: '根下节点一[user图标]', leaf: true, iconCls: 'nodeicon' },
    11                     { text: '根下节点二', leaf: true },
    12                     { text: '根下节点三', leaf: false, children: [
    13                         { text: '节点三子节点一', leaf: true },
    14                         { text: '节点三子节点二', leaf: false, expanded: true, children: [
    15                             { text: '节点三子节点二节点一', leaf: true },
    16                             { text: '节点三子节点二节点二', leaf: true }
    17                         ]
    18                         }
    19                     ]
    20                     }
    21                 ]";
    22             context.Response.Write(strResult);
    23         }
    25         public bool IsReusable
    26         {
    27             get
    28             {
    29                 return false;
    30             }
    31         }
    32     }
    33 }





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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/iamlilinfeng/p/2566350.html
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