#不建议使用_thread模块,因为主线程退出后,其他线程没有清理直接退出。而使用threading模块,会确保在所有重要的子线程退出前,保持整个进程存活。 import _thread from time import sleep, ctime def loop0(): print('start loop 0 at:', ctime()) sleep(4) print('loop 0 done at:', ctime()) def loop1(): print('start loop 1 at:', ctime()) sleep(2) print('loop 1 done at:', ctime()) def main(): print('starting at:', ctime()) _thread.start_new_thread(loop0,()) _thread.start_new_thread(loop1,()) sleep(6) #没有这句话就直接结束了,相当于多线程等待 print('all DONE at:', ctime()) if __name__ == '__main__': main() #下面不需要特别指定等待时间,本质是通过锁对象的状态监测来执行等待 import _thread as thread from time import sleep, ctime SleepLoops = [4, 2] #休息时间 def Func(nloop, nsec, lock): print('start loop', nloop, 'at:', ctime()) sleep(nsec) print('loop', nloop, 'done at:', ctime()) lock.release() #针对锁对象使用,改变锁的状态,释放锁 def main(): print('starting threads...') #锁住线程的对象 LocksHandle = [] #对象数量 nSleep = range(len(SleepLoops)) #建立锁对象 for i in nSleep: lock = thread.allocate_lock() #得到锁对象 lock.acquire() #取得锁对象 LocksHandle.append(lock) #执行功能函数 for i in nSleep: #传递3个参数到新线程的功能函数中 thread.start_new_thread(Func, (i, SleepLoops[i], LocksHandle[i]) ) #本质通过状态监测来处理多线程等待问题 for i in nSleep: #如果锁对象是锁住状态,一直等待 while LocksHandle[i].locked(): pass print('all DONE at:', ctime()) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#threading模块不需要繁琐的设置就可以轻松关闭线程。 #可调用的函数实例---------------------------------------------------- import threading import time SleepLoops = [2, 1] #休息时间 #定义功能函数 def loop(nloop, nsec): print('start loop', nloop, 'at:', time.ctime()) time.sleep(nsec) print('loop', nloop, 'done at:', time.ctime()) #主要的多线程函数 def main(): print('starting at:', time.ctime()) threads = [] #储存线程句柄 nSleep = range(len(SleepLoops)) #传递函数到线程,并且添加线程句柄,这里不执行功能函数。 for i in nSleep: t = threading.Thread(target=loop,args=(i, SleepLoops[i])) threads.append(t) #开始线程,cup会执行功能函数 print("开始执行功能函数") for i in nSleep: threads[i].start() #join()函数让线程在执行完后自动结束线程,不需要去设置繁琐的状态监控。 for i in nSleep: # wait for all threads[i].join() # threads to finish print('all DONE at:', time.ctime()) if __name__ == '__main__': main() #可调用的类实例----------------------------------------------------- import threading from time import sleep, ctime SleepLoops = [2, 1] class ThreadFunc(object): def __init__(self, func, args, name=''): self.name = name self.func = func self.args = args def __call__(self): self.func(*self.args) def loop(nloop, nsec): print('start loop', nloop, 'at:', ctime()) sleep(nsec) print('loop', nloop, 'done at:', ctime()) def main(): print('starting at:', ctime()) threads = [] #存档线程句柄 n = range(len(SleepLoops)) for i in n: # create all threads #本质是调用类中__call__ t = threading.Thread(target=ThreadFunc(loop, (i, SleepLoops[i]),loop.__name__)) threads.append(t) print("开始执行功能类") for i in n: # start all threads threads[i].start() for i in n: # wait for completion threads[i].join() print('all DONE at:', ctime()) if __name__ == '__main__': main() #子类的实例--------------------------------------------------- import threading from time import sleep, ctime SleepLoops = [2, 1] class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, func, args, name=''): threading.Thread.__init__(self, name=name) self.func = func self.args = args #类似于__call__(),这里必须要写成run() def run(self): self.func(*self.args) def Func(nloop, nsec): print('start loop', nloop, 'at:', ctime()) sleep(nsec) print('loop', nloop, 'done at:', ctime()) def main(): print('starting at:', ctime()) threads = [] n = range(len(SleepLoops)) for i in n: t = MyThread(Func, (i, SleepLoops[i]),Func.__name__) threads.append(t) print("开始执行子类") for i in n: threads[i].start() for i in n: threads[i].join() print('all DONE at:', ctime()) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import threading from time import time, ctime class MoreThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, func, args, name='', verb=False): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.name = name self.func = func self.args = args self.verb = verb def getResult(self): return self.res def run(self): if self.verb: print('starting', self.name, 'at:', ctime()) self.res = self.func(*self.args) if self.verb: print(self.name, 'finished at:', ctime())
import MyThread from time import ctime, sleep def fib(x): sleep(0.005) if x < 2: return 1 return (fib(x-2) + fib(x-1)) def fac(x): sleep(0.1) if x < 2: return 1 return (x * fac(x-1)) def sum(x): sleep(0.1) if x < 2: return 1 return (x + sum(x-1)) funcs = (fib, fac, sum) n = 12 def main(): nfuncs = range(len(funcs)) print('*** SINGLE THREAD') for i in nfuncs: print('starting', funcs[i].__name__,'at:', ctime()) print(funcs[i](n)) print(funcs[i].__name__, 'finished at:',ctime()) print(' *** MULTIPLE THREADS') threads = [] for i in nfuncs: t = MyThread.MoreThread(funcs[i], (n,),funcs[i].__name__) threads.append(t) for i in nfuncs: threads[i].start() for i in nfuncs: threads[i].join() print(threads[i].getResult()) print('all DONE') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#锁能够防止多个线程同时进入公共临界区 import threading,time num = 0 #创建lock对象,这句必须要有,指向一个锁。且只能acquire()一次------------------------------------ lock = threading.Lock() def run(n): #如果不加入锁,print的内容会混乱 lock.acquire() #获得锁,锁住状态。每次只能有一个线程访问 global num print("first",n,num) num +=1 print("second",n,num) time.sleep(0.01) lock.release() #释放锁,没有锁状态。排队的进程可以访问。 #或者用with语句也可以 with lock: print("third", n, num) num += 1 print("fourth", n, num) time.sleep(0.01) t_objs = [] #存线程实例 for i in range(50): t = threading.Thread(target=run,args=(i,)) t.start() t_objs.append(t) #为了不阻塞后面线程的启动,不在这里join,先放到一个列表里 for t in t_objs: #循环线程实例列表,等待所有线程执行完毕 t.join() print("----------all threads has finished...",threading.current_thread(),threading.active_count()) print("num:",num) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import threading, time num, num2 = 0, 0 Relock = threading.RLock() #RLock()可以多次上锁,且不会阻塞---------------------------------------- def run1(): print("grab the first part data") Relock.acquire() global num num += 1 Relock.release() return num def run2(): print("grab the second part data") Relock.acquire() global num2 num2 += 1 Relock.release() return num2 def run3(): Relock.acquire() res = run1() print('--------between run1 and run2-----') res2 = run2() Relock.release() print(res, res2) for i in range(1): t = threading.Thread(target=run3) t.start() while threading.active_count() != 1: print(threading.active_count()) else: print('----all threads done---') print(num, num2)
#对于有限资源的应用,使用信号量是个不错的选择 #threading.BoundedSemaphore()限制多线程的访问 import threading, time # 最多允许5个线程同时运行:0-4运行完,才可以运行下一组 semaphore = threading.BoundedSemaphore(5) def run(n): semaphore.acquire() time.sleep(1) print("run the thread: %s " % n) semaphore.release() with semaphore: time.sleep(1) print("run the thread: %s " % n) if __name__ == '__main__': for i in range(22): t = threading.Thread(target=run, args=(i,)) t.start() while threading.active_count() != 1: pass # print(threading.active_count()) else: print('----all threads done---') #print(num)
from time import sleep from queue import Queue,PriorityQueue from MyThread import MoreThread def writer(queue, loops): for i in range(loops): print('producing object for Q...') queue.put('xxx', 1) print("size now", queue.qsize()) def reader(queue, loops): for i in range(loops): val = queue.get(1) print('consumed object from Q... size now', queue.qsize()) funcs = [writer, reader] nfuncs = range(len(funcs)) def main(): nloops = 5 q = Queue(32) #建立一个先入先出队列 threads = [] for i in nfuncs: t = MoreThread(funcs[i], (q, nloops), funcs[i].__name__) threads.append(t) for i in nfuncs: threads[i].start() for i in nfuncs: threads[i].join() print('all DONE') if __name__ == '__main__': main() #优先级队列 q = PriorityQueue() q.put((-1,"A")) q.put((3,"B")) q.put((10,"C")) q.put((6,"D")) print(q.get()) print(q.get()) print(q.get()) print(q.get())