# 方法一: from threading import Thread import time,os def task(): print('%s is runing'%os.getpid()) time.sleep(2) print('%s is done'%os.getpid()) if __name__ == '__main__': t = Thread(target=task,) t.start() print('主')
# 方法二: from threading import Thread import time,os class Mythread(Thread): def __init__(self,name): super().__init__() self.name = name def run(self): print('%s is runing'%os.getpid()) time.sleep(1) print('%s is done'%os.getpid()) if __name__ == '__main__': t = Mythread('alex') t.start() print('主')
# 查看线程中的ppid , pid from threading import Thread import time,os def task(): print('parents: %s self: %s '%(os.getppid(),os.getpid())) time.sleep(2) if __name__ == '__main__': t = Thread(target=task,) t.start() print('主',os.getppid(),os.getpid()) # parents: 7588 self: 7748 # 主 7588 7748
# 进程的ppid , pid from multiprocessing import Process import time,os def task(): print('parents: %s self: %s '%(os.getppid(),os.getpid())) time.sleep(2) if __name__ == '__main__': t = Process(target=task,) t.start() print('主',os.getppid(),os.getpid()) # 主 7588 11020 # parents: 11020 self: 4228
# 线程之间内存空间共享 from threading import Thread n=100 def task(): global n n=0 if __name__ == '__main__': t = Thread(target=task,) t.start() t.join() print('主',n) # 主 0
# 进程直接内存空间隔离 from multiprocessing import Process n=100 def task(): global n n=0 if __name__ == '__main__': t = Process(target=task,) t.start() t.join() print('主',n) # 主 100
# name # current_thread().getName() from threading import Thread,current_thread import time def task(): print('%s is runing'%current_thread().getName()) # 其中current_thread()代表当前线程 time.sleep(2) print('%s is done'%current_thread().getName()) if __name__ == '__main__': t = Thread(target=task) t.start() print(t.name) print('主',current_thread().getName()) # 结果 # Thread-1 is runing # Thread-1 # 主 MainThread # Thread-1 is done
from threading import Thread,current_thread,enumerate,active_count import time def task(): print('%s is runing'%current_thread().getName()) # 其中current_thread()代表当前线程 time.sleep(2) print('%s is done'%current_thread().getName()) if __name__ == '__main__': t = Thread(target=task) t.start() print(enumerate()) # 查看当前活着的线程 print(enumerate()[0].getName()) print(active_count()) # 查看当前或者的线程数 print('主',current_thread().getName()) # 结果 # Thread-1 is runing # [<_MainThread(MainThread, started 10708)>, <Thread(Thread-1, started 2404)>] # MainThread # 2 # 主 MainThread # Thread-1 is done
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor,ThreadPoolExecutor from threading import current_thread import time,random def task(n): print('%s is running'%current_thread().getName()) time.sleep(random.randint(1,3)) print('%s is done'%current_thread().getName()) return n**2 if __name__ == '__main__': # t = ProcessPoolExecutor() # 不指定的话默认为cpu的核数 import os print(os.cpu_count()) # 查看cpu的核数 t = ThreadPoolExecutor(2) # 不指定的话默认为cpu的核数*5 objs = [] for i in range(10): obj = t.submit(task,i) objs.append(obj) t.shutdown(wait=True) for obj in objs: print(obj.result()) print('主',current_thread().getName()) # 结果: # 4 # <concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x00000226E09816A0>_0 is running # <concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x00000226E09816A0>_1 is running # # <concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x00000226E09816A0>_1 is done # <concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x00000226E09816A0>_1 is running # # <concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x00000226E09816A0>_1 is done # <concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x00000226E09816A0>_1 is running # <concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x00000226E09816A0>_0 is done # <concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x00000226E09816A0>_0 is running # # <concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x00000226E09816A0>_1 is done # <concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x00000226E09816A0>_1 is running # # <concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x00000226E09816A0>_0 is done # <concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x00000226E09816A0>_0 is running # # <concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x00000226E09816A0>_0 is done # <concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x00000226E09816A0>_0 is running # <concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x00000226E09816A0>_1 is done # <concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x00000226E09816A0>_1 is running # # <concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x00000226E09816A0>_1 is done # <concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x00000226E09816A0>_1 is running # # <concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x00000226E09816A0>_0 is done # <concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x00000226E09816A0>_1 is done # 0 # 1 # 4 # 9 # 16 # 25 # 36 # 49 # 64 # 81 # 主 MainThread
# 用线程做 import requests,time from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from threading import current_thread def get(url): print('%s GET %s' % (current_thread().getName(), url)) re = requests.get(url) time.sleep(2) if re.status_code == 200: return {'url': url, 'text': re.text} def parse(obj): res = obj.result() print('[%s] <%s> (%s)' % (current_thread().getName(), res['url'], len(res['text']))) if __name__ == '__main__': urls = ['http://www.baidu.com', 'http://www.jd.com', 'http://www.tmall.com'] t = ThreadPoolExecutor(2) for url in urls: t.submit(get,url).add_done_callback(parse) t.shutdown(wait=True) print('主') # <concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x000001E657CC1908>_0 GET http://www.baidu.com # <concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x000001E657CC1908>_1 GET http://www.jd.com # [<concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x000001E657CC1908>_0] <http://www.baidu.com> (2381) # <concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x000001E657CC1908>_0 GET http://www.tmall.com # [<concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x000001E657CC1908>_1] <http://www.jd.com> (124541) # [<concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x000001E657CC1908>_0] <http://www.tmall.com> (212080) # 主
# 用进程做 import requests,time,os from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor def get(url): print('%s GET %s' % (os.getpid(), url)) re = requests.get(url) time.sleep(2) if re.status_code == 200: return {'url': url, 'text': re.text} def parse(obj): res = obj.result() print('[%s] <%s> (%s)' % (os.getpid(), res['url'], len(res['text']))) if __name__ == '__main__': urls = ['http://www.baidu.com', 'http://www.jd.com', 'http://www.tmall.com'] t = ProcessPoolExecutor(2) for url in urls: t.submit(get,url).add_done_callback(parse) t.shutdown(wait=True) print('主') # 9876 GET http://www.baidu.com # 2396 GET http://www.jd.com # 9876 GET http://www.tmall.com # [7576] <http://www.baidu.com> (2381) # [7576] <http://www.jd.com> (124541) # [7576] <http://www.tmall.com> (212080) # 主
from multiprocessing import Process import os,time,random def task(): print('%s is running'%os.getpid()) time.sleep(random.randint(1,4)) print('%s is done'%os.getpid()) if __name__ == '__main__': p = Process(target = task) p.daemon = True p.start() p.join() print('主‘,os.getpid()) # 9260 is running # 9260 is done # 主 6884
其中的守护进程是p.daemon = True,但是这句必须要放在p.start()之前,且守护进程不能开启子进程。
from multiprocessing import Process import os,time,random def task(): print('%s is running'%os.getpid()) time.sleep(random.randint(1,3)) print('%s is done'%os.getpid()) if __name__ == '__main__': p = Process(target=task) p1 = Process(target=task) p2 = Process(target=task) p.daemon = True # 1、必须在p.start()之前2、守护进程不能开启子进程 p.start() p1.start() p2.start() p.join() print('主',os.getpid()) # 11128 is running # 9872 is running # 5968 is running # 11128 is done # 主 5632 # 5968 is done # 9872 is done
# 1、对主进程来说,运行完毕指的是主进程代码的运行完毕 # 2、对主进程来说,运行完毕指的是主线程所在的进程内所有的非守护线程全部运行完毕,主线程才算运行完毕
# 1、主进程在其代码结束之后就已经算运行完毕了(守护进程在此时就会被回收),然后主进程会一直等待非守护的子进程都运行完毕后回收子进程的资源(否则就会产生僵尸进程),才会结束。 # 2、主线程在其他非守护线程运行完毕之后才算运行完毕(守护线程在此时就会被回收)。这是因为主线程的结束意味着进程的结束,进程整体的资源将全部被回收,而进程必须要保证非守护线程全部运行完毕之后才能够结束。
from multiprocessing import Process import time def foo(): print(123) time.sleep(1) print('end123') def bar(): print(456) time.sleep(3) print('end456') if __name__ == '__main__': p1 = Process(target=foo) p2 = Process(target=bar) p1.daemon = True p1.start() p2.start() print('main——————') # main—————— # 456 # end456
from threading import Thread import time def foo(): print(123) time.sleep(1) print('end123') def bar(): print(456) time.sleep(3) print('end456') if __name__ == '__main__': p1 = Thread(target=foo) p2 = Thread(target=bar) p1.daemon = True p1.start() p2.start() print('main——————') # 123 # 456 # main—————— # end123 # end456
from multiprocessing import Process,Lock import os,time,random def task(mutex): mutex.acquire() print('%s print 1'%os.getpid()) time.sleep(random.randint(1,3)) print('%s print 2'%os.getpid()) time.sleep(random.randint(1,3)) print('%s print 3'%os.getpid()) mutex.release() if __name__ == '__main__': mutex = Lock() p1 = Process(target=task,args=(mutex,)) p2 = Process(target=task,args=(mutex,)) p3 = Process(target=task,args=(mutex,)) p1.start() p2.start() p3.start() # 520 print 1 # 520 print 2 # 520 print 3 # 11164 print 1 # 11164 print 2 # 11164 print 3 # 5044 print 1 # 5044 print 2 # 5044 print 3
from threading import Thread,Lock import time n = 100 def task(): global n with mutex: temp = n time.sleep(0.1) n = temp-1 if __name__ == '__main__': mutex = Lock() t_l = [] for i in range(100): t = Thread(target=task) t_l.append(t) t.start() for j in t_l: j.join() print(n) # 0
from multiprocessing import Process,Lock import json,os,time,random def search(): with open('db.txt',encoding='utf-8') as f: dic = json.load(f) print('%s 剩余票数 %s'%(os.getpid(),dic['count'])) def get(): with open('db.txt',encoding='utf-8') as read_f: dic = json.load(read_f) if dic['count'] > 0: dic['count']-=1 time.sleep(random.randint(1,3)) with open('db.txt','w',encoding='utf-8') as write_f: json.dump(dic,write_f) print('%s 抢票成功'%os.getpid()) def task(mutex): search() with mutex: get() if __name__ == '__main__': mutex = Lock() for i in range(10): p = Process(target=task,args=(mutex,)) p.start() p.join() # 7960 剩余票数 2 # 7960 抢票成功 # 2984 剩余票数 1 # 2984 抢票成功 # 10236 剩余票数 0 # 6608 剩余票数 0 # 8908 剩余票数 0 # 6992 剩余票数 0 # 4524 剩余票数 0 # 8700 剩余票数 0 # 10956 剩余票数 0 # 172 剩余票数 0
from multiprocessing import Process,Semaphore import time,random,os def task(sm): with sm: print('%s 上厕所'%os.getpid()) time.sleep(random.randint(1,3)) print('%s 上完厕所'%os.getpid()) if __name__ == '__main__': sm = Semaphore(3) for i in range(10): p = Process(target=task,args=(sm,)) p.start() # 9376 上厕所 # 10848 上厕所 # 5784 上厕所 # 10848 上完厕所 # 8296 上厕所 # 5784 上完厕所 # 172 上厕所 # 9376 上完厕所 # 10236 上厕所 # 8296 上完厕所 # 9860 上厕所 # 10236 上完厕所 # 10792 上厕所 # 9860 上完厕所 # 1136 上厕所 # 172 上完厕所 # 6140 上厕所 # 10792 上完厕所 # 1136 上完厕所 # 6140 上完厕所
# 进程队列 from multiprocessing import Queue q = Queue(3) q.put({'a':1}) q.put('xxxx') q.put(4) print(q.get()) print(q.get()) print(q.get()) print(q.get()) # {'a': 1} # xxxx # 4 # 此时的代码没有运行完毕, # 这是因为这时用put放入的数据个数小于从队列中get出来的个数, # 运行完第三个get之后,就停在这里等待put数据进入队列
import queue q = queue.Queue(3) q.put({'a':1}) q.put('xxxx') q.put(4) print(q.get()) print(q.get()) print(q.get()) print(q.get()) # {'a': 1} # xxxx # 4 # 此时的代码没有运行完毕, # 这是因为这时用put放入的数据个数小于从队列中get出来的个数, # 运行完第三个get之后,就停在这里等待put数据进入队列
import queue q = queue.PriorityQueue(3) q.put((10,{'a':1})) q.put((-1,{'b':'xxx'})) # q.put((1, {'b': 3})) q.put((-2, {'c': 'xxxx'})) print(q.get()) print(q.get()) print(q.get()) print(q.get()) print(q.get()) # (-2, {'c': 'xxxx'}) # (-1, {'b': 'xxx'}) # (10, {'a': 1}) # 此时的代码没有运行完毕, # 这是因为这使用put放入的数据个数小于从队列中get出来的个数, # 运行完第三个get之后,就停在这里等待put数据进入队列
import queue q = queue.LifoQueue(3) q.put({'a': 1}) q.put({'b': 2}) q.put({'c': 3}) print(q.get()) print(q.get()) print(q.get()) print(q.get()) # {'c': 3} # {'b': 2} # {'a': 1} # 先进后出
from multiprocessing import Process,Queue import time,random,os def procducer(q): for i in range(10): res = '包子 %s'%i time.sleep(0.6) q.put(res) print('%s 生产了 %s'%(os.getpid(),res)) def consumer(q): while True: res = q.get() if res is None: break print('%s 吃了 %s'%(os.getpid(),res)) time.sleep(random.randint(1,3)) if __name__ == '__main__': q = Queue() p = Process(target=procducer,args=(q,)) c = Process(target=consumer,args=(q,)) p.start() c.start() p.join() q.put(None) print('主') # 9944 生产了 包子 0 # 10944 吃了 包子 0 # 9944 生产了 包子 1 # 10944 吃了 包子 1 # 9944 生产了 包子 2 # 9944 生产了 包子 3 # 10944 吃了 包子 2 # 9944 生产了 包子 4 # 9944 生产了 包子 5 # 9944 生产了 包子 6 # 9944 生产了 包子 7 # 9944 生产了 包子 8 # 10944 吃了 包子 3 # 9944 生产了 包子 9 # 主 # 10944 吃了 包子 4 # 10944 吃了 包子 5 # 10944 吃了 包子 6 # 10944 吃了 包子 7 # 10944 吃了 包子 8 # 10944 吃了 包子 9
from multiprocessing import Process, JoinableQueue import time, os, random def producer(food,q): for i in range(3): res = '%s %s' % (food, i) time.sleep(0.9) q.put(res) print('%s 生产了 %s' % (os.getpid(), res)) q.join() def consumer(q): while True: res = q.get() print('%s 吃了 %s' % (os.getpid(), res)) time.sleep(random.randint(1, 3)) q.task_done() if __name__ == '__main__': q = JoinableQueue() p1 = Process(target=producer,args=('包子', q)) p2 = Process(target=producer,args=('狗粮', q)) c1 = Process(target=consumer,args=(q,)) c2 = Process(target=consumer,args=(q,)) c1.daemon = True c2.daemon = True p1.start() p2.start() c1.start() c2.start() p1.join() p2.join() print('主') # 10008 生产了 包子 0 # 8220 吃了 包子 0 # 10972 生产了 狗粮 0 # 11192 吃了 狗粮 0 # 10008 生产了 包子 1 # 10972 生产了 狗粮 1 # 10008 生产了 包子 2 # 10972 生产了 狗粮 2 # 8220 吃了 包子 1 # 11192 吃了 狗粮 1 # 8220 吃了 包子 2 # 11192 吃了 狗粮 2 # 主
# 因为Python解释器帮你自动定期进行内存回收,可以理解为Python解释器里有一个独立的线程,
美国一段时间它起wake up做一次全局轮询看看哪些内存数据是可以被清空的,此时你自己程序里的
from threading import Thread import os,time def work(): global n temp = n time.sleep(0.3) n = temp-1 if __name__ == '__main__': n = 100 l = [] for i in range(100): p = Thread(target=work) l.append(p) p.start() for p in l: p.join() print(n) # 结果99
import threading R = threading.Lock() R.acquire() ''' 对公共数据的操作 ''' R.release()
from threading import Thread,Lock import time n = 100 def task(): global n mutext.acquire() temp = n time.sleep(0.2) n = temp-1 mutext.release() if __name__ == '__main__': t_l = [] mutext = Lock() start = time.time() for i in range(100): t = Thread(target=task) t_l.append(t) t.start() for t in t_l: t.join() print(time.time()-start) # 0.6020324230194092 print(n) # 97 由原来的并发执行变成串行,牺牲了执行效率保证了数据安全
分析: # 1、100个线程去抢GIL锁,即抢执行权限 # 2、肯定有一个线程先抢到GIL(暂且称为线程1),然后开始执行,一旦执行就会拿到lock.acquire() # 3、极有可能线程1 还未运行完毕,就有另外一个线程2抢到GIL,然后开始运行,但线程2发现互斥锁lock还未被线程1释放,于是阻塞,被迫交出执行权限,即释放GIL # 4、直到线程1重新抢到GIL,开始从上次暂停的位置继续执行,直到正常释放互斥锁lock,然后其他的线程再重复2 3 4的过程
# 不加锁:并发执行,速度快,数据不安全 from threading import current_thread,Thread,Lock import os,time def task(): global n print('%s is running'%current_thread().getName()) temp = n time.sleep(0.5) n = temp-1 if __name__ == '__main__': n = 100 lock = Lock() threads = [] start_time = time.time() for i in range(100): t = Thread(target=task) threads.append(t) t.start() for t in threads: t.join() stop_time = time.time() print('主: %s n: %s' %(stop_time-start_time,n)) ''' 结果: Thread-1 is running Thread-2 is running ………… Thread-98 is running Thread-99 is running Thread-100 is running 主: 0.5232374668121338 n: 99 '''
# 不加锁:未加锁部分并发执行,加锁部分串行执行,速度慢,数据安全 from threading import current_thread,Thread,Lock import os,time def task(): # 未加锁的代码并发运行 time.sleep(3) print('%s atsrt to run' %current_thread().getName()) global n # 加锁的代码串行运行 lock.acquire() temp = n time.sleep(0.5) n = temp-1 lock.release() if __name__ == '__main__': n = 100 lock = Lock() threads = [] start_time = time.time() for i in range(10): t = Thread(target=task) threads.append(t) t.start() for t in threads: t.join() stop_time = time.time() print('主 :%s n: %s'% (stop_time-start_time,n)) # Thread-1 atsrt to run # Thread-2 atsrt to run # Thread-6 atsrt to run # Thread-5 atsrt to run # Thread-4 atsrt to run # Thread-3 atsrt to run # Thread-11 atsrt to run # Thread-10 atsrt to run # Thread-8 atsrt to run # Thread-7 atsrt to run # Thread-9 atsrt to run # Thread-17 atsrt to run # Thread-15 atsrt to run # Thread-13 atsrt to run # Thread-14 atsrt to run # Thread-12 atsrt to run # Thread-16 atsrt to run # Thread-24 atsrt to run # Thread-23 atsrt to run # Thread-22 atsrt to run # Thread-21 atsrt to run # Thread-19 atsrt to run # Thread-18 atsrt to run # Thread-20 atsrt to run # Thread-29 atsrt to run # Thread-28 atsrt to run # Thread-26 atsrt to run # Thread-27 atsrt to run # Thread-30 atsrt to run # Thread-25 atsrt to run # Thread-31 atsrt to run # Thread-33 atsrt to run # Thread-32 atsrt to run # Thread-37 atsrt to run # Thread-36 atsrt to run # Thread-34 atsrt to run # Thread-35 atsrt to run # Thread-44 atsrt to run # Thread-43 atsrt to run # Thread-41 atsrt to run # Thread-40 atsrt to run # Thread-39 atsrt to run # Thread-42 atsrt to run # Thread-38 atsrt to run # Thread-49 atsrt to run # Thread-48 atsrt to run # Thread-50 atsrt to run # Thread-47 atsrt to run # Thread-45 atsrt to run # Thread-46 atsrt to run # Thread-53 atsrt to run # Thread-52 atsrt to run # Thread-51 atsrt to run # Thread-59 atsrt to run # Thread-58 atsrt to run # Thread-57 atsrt to run # Thread-56 atsrt to run # Thread-55 atsrt to run # Thread-54 atsrt to run # Thread-64 atsrt to run # Thread-63 atsrt to run # Thread-62 atsrt to run # Thread-61 atsrt to run # Thread-60 atsrt to run # Thread-66 atsrt to run # Thread-65 atsrt to run # Thread-70 atsrt to run # Thread-67 atsrt to run # Thread-69 atsrt to run # Thread-68 atsrt to run # Thread-71 atsrt to run # Thread-72 atsrt to run # Thread-75 atsrt to run # Thread-74 atsrt to run # Thread-73 atsrt to run # Thread-77 atsrt to run # Thread-76 atsrt to run # Thread-78 atsrt to run # Thread-79 atsrt to run # Thread-82 atsrt to run # Thread-80 atsrt to run # Thread-81 atsrt to run # Thread-86 atsrt to run # Thread-85 atsrt to run # Thread-84 atsrt to run # Thread-83 atsrt to run # Thread-91 atsrt to run # Thread-88 atsrt to run # Thread-90 atsrt to run # Thread-89 atsrt to run # Thread-87 atsrt to run # Thread-95 atsrt to run # Thread-96 atsrt to run # Thread-94 atsrt to run # Thread-93 atsrt to run # Thread-92 atsrt to run # Thread-100 atsrt to run # Thread-99 atsrt to run # Thread-98 atsrt to run # Thread-97 atsrt to run # 主 :53.08581185340881 n: 0 #耗时很久很久