use DBI;
use Encode
use Parallel::ForkManager;
my $dbip='10.2.xx.xx';
my $dbname='ESBDB';
my $dbuser='xx';
my $dbpass='xx';
my $buss_seq_num=$ARGV[0];
my $vdate= substr($buss_seq_num,6,8);
print $vdate."
my $esbtag='in';
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle://$dbip:1521/$dbname", $dbuser, $dbpass) or die "can't connect to database ";
my $hostSql = qq{select t.esbflowno from esb2_trans_log t
where/* t.trans_date >=
to_date('2018-08-28 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
and t.trans_date <=
to_date('2018-08-28 23:59:59', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')*/
print $hostSql."
my $selStmt = $dbh->prepare($hostSql);
$selStmt->bind_columns(undef, $aa);
while( $selStmt->fetch() ){
push (@arr ,$aa."
print "----------------
print @arr;
print "----------------
sub getfile{
my $a=shift;
my $app=substr($a,0,7);
print $app."
my $cmd="ansible -i /etc/ansible/hosts $app -u esb -m shell -a 'grep -l $a /app/esb/esblog/$esbtag/$vdate/*'";
print $cmd."
my $b= `$cmd`;
print $b."
open (C,">","$a.txt");
print C $b;
close C;
open (D,"<","$a.txt");
my @data=();
while (<D>){
if ($_ =~/^/app/)
{print "$_==$_
"; push (@data,$_);};
close D;
print "-------------------
print @data;
print "
print "-------------------
##@data 代表所有匹配当前内部流水号的文件
foreach (@data){
chomp $_;
my $file=(split(///,$_))[6];
print "$file==$file
system("rm -rf /esb/logdir/$buss_seq_num-$a-$file.txt");
$cmd="ansible -i /etc/ansible/hosts $app -u esb -m shell -a ' cat $_' >>/esb/logdir/$buss_seq_num-$a-$file.txt";
print $cmd."
my $e=substr($buss_seq_num,6,4).'-';
print "$e===$e
local $/=$e;
open (E,"<","/esb/logdir/$buss_seq_num-$a-$file.txt") or die;
while (<E>){
$_=~ s/[
]/ /g;
$_=~ s#$/$##g;
system("rm -rf $buss_seq_num-$a-$");
open DATAFH,">>/esb/logdir/$buss_seq_num-$a-$" || die "open file failed:$!";
print DATAFH ($/.$_)."
close E;
close DATAFH;
system("rm -rf /esb/logdir/$buss_seq_num-$a-$file.fin");
my $cmd="grep $a /esb/logdir/$buss_seq_num-$a-$ >>/esb/logdir/$buss_seq_num-$a.fin";
print "$cmd==$cmd
my $pm = Parallel::ForkManager->new(20);
foreach $a (@arr){
chomp $a ;
print $a;
$pm->start and next LINKS; # do the fork
$pm->finish; # do the exit in the child process