• 基于cache和不拆点的优化算法




      要想遍历图,首先得存图,我用邻接表来存 private HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Edge, Integer>>

      第一个Integer为起始节点(fromNodeId),第二个Integert为相同边的条数(为了防止在删边时一次删去了所有相同的边),Edge类中保存了 toNodeId 和 weight (Edge类需要重写hashCode和equals方法以作为hashMap的key;需要继承Comparable接口并重写compareTo方法,使得Edge可以放入优先队列中;可以重写toSrting方法方便debug)

      为什么一个叫Edge的类只保存了 toNodeId 和 weight ,而没有保存 fromNodeId 呢,因为在邻接表中 formNodeId 是作为索引的存在。在之后的 Dijkstra 算法中以起点为中心向外层层扩展,因为起点已经存在,每次只扩展 weight 和 toNodeId。所以在Edge类中根本用不到 fromNodeId。

     1 public class Edge implements Comparable<Edge> {
     3     private int toNodeId;
     4     private int weight;
     6     public Edge(int toNodeId, int weight) {
     7         this. toNodeId= toNodeId;
     8         this.weight = weight;
     9     }
    11     @Override
    12     public int compareTo(Edge o) {
    13         return this.weight - o.getWeight();
    14     }
    16     @Override
    17     public String toString() {
    18         return (toNodeId + " " + weight);
    19     }
    21     @Override
    22     public int hashCode() {
    23         int result = 17;
    24         result = result * 37 + toNodeId;
    25         result = result * 37 + weight;
    26         return result;
    27     }
    29     @Override
    30     public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    31         if (obj != null && (obj instanceof Edge)) {
    32             return (((Edge) obj).getTo() == toNodeId
    33                 && ((Edge) obj).getWeight() == weight);
    34         } else {
    35             return false;
    36         }
    37     }
    39     public int getToNodeId() {
    40         return toNodeId;
    41     }
    43     public int getWeight() {
    44         return weight;
    45     }
    46 }






     1 public class Connect {
     3     private int fromNodeId;
     4     private int toNodeId;
     6     public Connect(int a, int b) {
     7         if (a <= b) {
     8             this.fromNodeId = a;
     9             this.toNodeId = b;
    10         } else {
    11             this.fromNodeId = b;
    12             this.toNodeId = a;
    13         }
    14     }
    16     @Override
    17     public int hashCode() {
    18         int result = 17;
    19         result = result * 37 + fromNodeId;
    20         result = result * 37 + toNodeId;
    21         return result;
    22     }
    24     @Override
    25     public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    26         if (obj != null && (obj instanceof Connect)) {
    27             return (((Connect) obj).getFromId() == fromNodeId
    28                 && ((Connect) obj).getToId() == toNodeId);
    29         } else {
    30             return false;
    31         }
    32     }
    34     @Override
    35     public String toString() {
    36         return (fromNodeId + " " + toNodeId);
    37     }
    40     public int getFromIdNodeId () {
    41         return fromNodeId;
    42     }
    44     public int getToIdNodeId () {
    45         return toNodeId;
    46     }
    47 }

      我们在使用完Dijkstra后,将原点到各个点的距离保存在HashMap<Integer, Integer>中,前一个Integer为toNodeId,后一个Integer为计算出的最短距离。然后将计算结果保存在cache中cache.put(new Connect(fromNodeId, a), dis.get(a)),a为用Iterator遍历的dis的keySet()。




    a. shortCount


     1 public HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Edge, Integer>> addShort(Path path) {
     2     for (int i = 0; i < path.size() - 1; i++) {
     3         if (shortCount.containsKey(path.getNode(i))) {
     4             HashMap<Edge, Integer> value
     5                 = shortCount.get(path.getNode(i));
     6             Edge edge = new Edge(path.getNode(i + 1), 1);
     7             if (value.containsKey(edge)) {
     8                 int num = value.get(edge);
     9                 num++;
    10                 value.put(edge, num);
    11             } else {
    12                 value.put(edge, 1);
    13             }
    14             shortCount.put(path.getNode(i), value);
    15         } else {
    16             HashMap<Edge, Integer> value = new HashMap<>();
    17             Edge edge = new Edge(path.getNode(i + 1), 1);
    18             value.put(edge, 1);
    19             shortCount.put(path.getNode(i), value);
    20         }
    21         if (shortCount.containsKey(path.getNode(i + 1))) {
    22             HashMap<Edge, Integer> value
    23                 = shortCount.get(path.getNode(i + 1));
    24             Edge edge = new Edge(path.getNode(i), 1);
    25             if (value.containsKey(edge)) {
    26                 int num = value.get(edge);
    27                 num++;
    28                 value.put(edge, num);
    29             } else {
    30                 value.put(edge, 1);
    31             }
    32             shortCount.put(path.getNode(i + 1), value);
    33         } else {
    34             HashMap<Edge, Integer> value = new HashMap<>();
    35             Edge edge = new Edge(path.getNode(i), 1);
    36             value.put(edge, 1);
    37             shortCount.put(path.getNode(i + 1), value);
    38         }
    39     }
    40     return shortCount;
    41 }
     1 public HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Edge, Integer>>
     2     removeShort(Path path) {
     3     for (int i = 0; i < path.size() - 1; i++) {
     4         HashMap<Edge, Integer> value = shortCount.get(path.getNode(i));
     5         Edge edge = new Edge(path.getNode(i + 1), 1);
     6         int num = value.get(edge);
     7         num--;
     8         if (num == 0) {
     9             value.remove(edge);
    10             if (value.size() == 0) {
    11                 shortCount.remove(path.getNode(i));
    12             } else {
    13                 shortCount.put(path.getNode(i), value);
    14             }
    15         } else {
    16             value.put(edge, num);
    17             shortCount.put(path.getNode(i), value);
    18         }
    19         value = shortCount.get(path.getNode(i + 1));
    20         edge = new Edge(path.getNode(i), 1);
    21         num = value.get(edge);
    22         num--;
    23         if (num == 0) {
    24             value.remove(edge);
    25             if (value.size() == 0) {
    26                 shortCount.remove(path.getNode(i + 1));
    27             } else {
    28                 shortCount.put(path.getNode(i + 1), value);
    29             }
    30         } else {
    31             value.put(edge, num);
    32             shortCount.put(path.getNode(i + 1), value);
    33         }
    34     }
    35     return shortCount;
    36 }


    b. transferCount


      e.g.对于路径1 2 3和路径4 2 5




     1 public HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Edge, Integer>>
     2     addTransfer(Path path) {
     3     for (int i = 0; i < path.size() - 1; i++) {
     4         for (int j = i + 1; j < path.size(); j++) {
     5             if (transferCount.containsKey(path.getNode(i))) {
     6                 HashMap<Edge, Integer> value
     7                     = transferCount.get(path.getNode(i));
     8                 Edge edge = new Edge(path.getNode(j), 1);
     9                 if (value.containsKey(edge)) {
    10                     int num = value.get(edge);
    11                     num++;
    12                     value.put(edge, num);
    13                 } else {
    14                     value.put(edge, 1);
    15                 }
    16                 transferCount.put(path.getNode(i), value);
    17             } else {
    18                 HashMap<Edge, Integer> value = new HashMap<>();
    19                 Edge edge = new Edge(path.getNode(j), 1);
    20                 value.put(edge, 1);
    21                 transferCount.put(path.getNode(i), value);
    22             }
    23             if (transferCount.containsKey(path.getNode(j))) {
    24                 HashMap<Edge, Integer> value
    25                     = transferCount.get(path.getNode(j));
    26                 Edge edge = new Edge(path.getNode(i), 1);
    27                 if (value.containsKey(edge)) {
    28                     int num = value.get(edge);
    29                     num++;
    30                     value.put(edge, num);
    31                 } else {
    32                     value.put(edge, 1);
    33                 }
    34                 transferCount.put(path.getNode(j), value);
    35             } else {
    36                 HashMap<Edge, Integer> value = new HashMap<>();
    37                 Edge edge = new Edge(path.getNode(i), 1);
    38                 value.put(edge, 1);
    39                 transferCount.put(path.getNode(j), value);
    40             }
    41         }
    42     }
    43     return transferCount;
    44 }



    1 private int[] aa = {1, 4, 16, 64, 256};
    2 private int F(int x, int y) {
    3     return aa[Math.max(((x % 5 + 5) % 5), ((y % 5 + 5) % 5))];
    4 }
     1 private void flord(Path path, boolean switching) {
     2     HashMap<Integer, Integer> hashMap = new HashMap<>();
     3     int n = 0;
     4     int max = 120;
     5     int[][] matrix = new int[max][max];
     6     for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
     7         for (int j = 0; j < max; j++) {
     8             if (i == j) {
     9                 matrix[i][j] = 0;
    10             } else {
    11                 matrix[i][j] = 1000000;
    12             }
    13         }
    14     }
    15     for (int i = 0; i < path.size() - 1; i++) {
    16         if (!hashMap.containsKey(path.getNode(i))) {
    17             hashMap.put(path.getNode(i), n);
    18             n++;
    19         }
    20         if (!hashMap.containsKey(path.getNode(i + 1))) {
    21             hashMap.put(path.getNode(i + 1), n);
    22             n++;
    23         }
    24         if (path.getNode(i) == path.getNode(i + 1)) {
    25             matrix[hashMap.get(path.getNode(i))]
    26                 [hashMap.get(path.getNode(i + 1))] = 0;
    27         } else {
    28             if (switching) {
    29                 matrix[hashMap.get(path.getNode(i))]
    30                     [hashMap.get(path.getNode(i + 1))] = 1;
    31                 matrix[hashMap.get(path.getNode(i + 1))]
    32                     [hashMap.get(path.getNode(i))] = 1;
    33             } else {
    34                 matrix[hashMap.get(path.getNode(i))]
    35                     [hashMap.get(path.getNode(i + 1))]
    36                     = F(path.getNode(i), path.getNode(i + 1));
    37                 matrix[hashMap.get(path.getNode(i + 1))]
    38                     [hashMap.get(path.getNode(i))]
    39                     = F(path.getNode(i), path.getNode(i + 1));
    40             }
    41         }      
    42     }
    43     for (int k = 0; k < max; k++) {
    44         for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
    45             for (int j = 0; j < max; j++) {
    46                 if (matrix[i][k] + matrix[k][j] < matrix[i][j]) {
    47                     matrix[i][j] = matrix[i][k] + matrix[k][j];
    48                 }
    49             }
    50         }
    51     }
    52     if (switching) {
    53         priceMatrix = matrix;
    54         priceMap = hashMap;
    55     } else {
    56         valueMatrix = matrix;
    57         valueMap = hashMap;
    58     }
    59 }

      计算出的两两之间的权值保存在matrix中,因为nodeId并不是按照从零开始递增的,但是为了利用二维数组,需要建立一个映射表,存在hashMap中。因为在删除边是还要利用映射关系和权值,所以matrix和hashMap需要分别保存在HashMap<Path, int[][]>和HashMap<Path, HashMap<Integer, Integer>>中。

    c. priceCount


      e.g.对于路径1 2 3和路径4 2 5




      相对于transfer,有改动的地方是 Edge edge = new Edge(path.getNode(j), 2 + priceMatrix[priceMap.get(path.getNode(i))][priceMap.get(path.getNode(j))]);

    d. valueCout


      e.g.对于路径1 2 3和路径4 2 5




      相对于transfer,有改动的地方是 Edge edge = new Edge(path.getNode(j), 32 + valueMatrix[valueMap.get(path.getNode(i))][valueMap.get(path.getNode(j))]);



     1 public int addPath(Path path) {
     2     if (path != null && path.isValid()) {
     3         if (pidList.containsKey(path)) {
     4             return pidList.get(path);
     5         }
     6         id++;
     7         pathList.put(id, path);
     8         pidList.put(path, id);
     9         shortCount = addShort(path);
    10         transferCount = addTransfer(path);
    11         priceCount = addPrice(path);
    12         priceMatrixPath.put(path, priceMatrix);
    13         priceMapPath.put(path, priceMap);
    14         valueCount = addRemove.addValue(path);
    15         valueMatrixPath.put(path, valueMatrix);
    16         valueMapPath.put(path, valueMap);
    17         shorrt = new HashMap<>();
    18         transfer = new HashMap<>();
    19         price = new HashMap<>();
    20         value = new HashMap<>();
    21         block = connectedBlock();
    22         return id;
    23     } else {
    24         return 0;
    25     }
    26 }
     1 public int removePath(Path path) throws PathNotFoundException {
     2     if (path == null || !path.isValid() || !pidList.containsKey(path)) {
     3         throw new PathNotFoundException(path);
     4     } else {
     5         shortCount = addRemove.removeShort(path);
     6         transferCount = addRemove.removeTransfer(path);
     7         priceCount = addRemove.removePrice(path);
     8         valueCount = addRemove.removeValue(path);
     9         int pathId = pidList.get(path);
    10         pidList.remove(path);
    11         pathList.remove(pathId);
    12         shorrt = new HashMap<>();
    13         transfer = new HashMap<>();
    14         price = new HashMap<>();
    15         value = new HashMap<>();
    16         block = connectedBlock();
    17         return pathId;
    18     }
    19 }


      注意到有一句是 block = connectedBlock(),connectBlock是计算连通块个数的,在遍历所有点的基础上调用了几次Dijkstra算法,便有几个连通块,并将结果保存在cache中。因为连通块的个数在add和remove之后会变动,并且不能利用缓存中的信息,所以在结构变更指令后直接计算connectBlock的个数,并将结果保存在cache中。




     1 public int getShortestPathLength(int fromNodeId, int toNodeId)
     2     throws NodeIdNotFoundException, NodeNotConnectedException {
     3     if (!shortCount.containsKey(fromNodeId)) {
     4         throw new NodeIdNotFoundException(fromNodeId);
     5     } else if (!shortCount.containsKey(toNodeId)) {
     6         throw new NodeIdNotFoundException(toNodeId);
     7     } else if (!isConnected(fromNodeId, toNodeId)) {
     8         throw new NodeNotConnectedException(fromNodeId, toNodeId);
     9     } else {
    10         Connect connect = new Connect(fromNodeId, toNodeId);
    11         if (shorrt.containsKey(connect)) {
    12             return shorrt.get(connect);
    13         } else {
    14             dis = dijkstra(fromNodeId);
    15             Iterator<Integer> iterator = dis.keySet().iterator();
    16             while (iterator.hasNext()) {
    17                 int a = iterator.next();
    18                 shorrt.put(new Connect(fromNodeId, a), dis.get(a));
    19             }
    20             return shorrt.get(connect);
    21         }
    22     }
    23 }



     1 public HashMap<Integer, Integer> dijkstra(int s) {
     2     HashMap<Integer, Integer> visit = new HashMap<>();
     3     HashMap<Integer, Integer> dis = new HashMap<>();
     4     Iterator<Integer> iterator = shortCount.keySet().iterator();
     5     while (iterator.hasNext()) {
     6         int key = iterator.next();
     7         dis.put(key, 1000000);
     8         visit.put(key, 0);
     9     }
    10     Queue<Edge> queue = new PriorityQueue<>();
    11     queue.add(new Edge(s, 0));
    12     dis.put(s, 0);
    13     while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
    14         Edge now = queue.poll();
    15         if (dis.get(now.getTo()) < now.getWeight()) {
    16             continue;
    17         }
    18         if (visit.get(now.getTo()) == 1) {
    19             continue;
    20         }
    21         visit.put(now.getTo(), 1);
    22         Iterator<Edge> i
    23             = shortCount.get(now.getTo()).keySet().iterator();
    24         while (i.hasNext()) {
    25             Edge edge = i.next();
    26             if (visit.get(edge.getTo()) == 0 && dis.get(edge.getTo())
    27                 > dis.get(now.getTo()) + edge.getWeight()) {
    28                 dis.put(edge.getTo(),
    29                     dis.get(now.getTo()) + edge.getWeight());
    30                 queue.add(
    31                     new Edge(edge.getTo(), dis.get(edge.getTo())));
    32             }
    33         }
    34     }
    35     return dis;
    36 }
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