• 11g单节点配置em


    OS:Centos 7




    [oracle@11g lib]$ emca -config dbcontrol db -repos create
    STARTED EMCA at Oct 13, 2021 4:18:18 AM
    EM Configuration Assistant, Version Production
    Copyright (c) 2003, 2011, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Enter the following information:
    Database SID: slnngk
    Listener port number: 1521
    Listener ORACLE_HOME [ /u01/app/oracle/product/ ]: 
    Password for SYS user:  
    Password for DBSNMP user:  
    Password for SYSMAN user:  
    Email address for notifications (optional): 
    Outgoing Mail (SMTP) server for notifications (optional): 
    You have specified the following settings
    Database ORACLE_HOME ................ /u01/app/oracle/product/
    Local hostname ................ 11g
    Listener ORACLE_HOME ................ /u01/app/oracle/product/
    Listener port number ................ 1521
    Database SID ................ slnngk
    Email address for notifications ............... 
    Outgoing Mail (SMTP) server for notifications ............... 
    Do you wish to continue? [yes(Y)/no(N)]: yes
    Oct 13, 2021 4:18:38 AM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig perform
    INFO: This operation is being logged at /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/emca/slnngk/emca_2021_10_13_04_18_18.log.
    Oct 13, 2021 4:18:38 AM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig createRepository
    INFO: Creating the EM repository (this may take a while) ...
    Oct 13, 2021 4:20:14 AM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig invoke
    INFO: Repository successfully created
    Oct 13, 2021 4:20:15 AM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig uploadConfigDataToRepository
    INFO: Uploading configuration data to EM repository (this may take a while) ...
    Oct 13, 2021 4:20:45 AM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig invoke
    INFO: Uploaded configuration data successfully
    Oct 13, 2021 4:20:46 AM oracle.sysman.emcp.util.DBControlUtil secureDBConsole
    INFO: Securing Database Control (this may take a while) ...
    Oct 13, 2021 4:20:51 AM oracle.sysman.emcp.util.DBControlUtil secureDBConsole
    INFO: Database Control secured successfully.
    Oct 13, 2021 4:20:51 AM oracle.sysman.emcp.util.DBControlUtil startOMS
    INFO: Starting Database Control (this may take a while) ...
    Oct 13, 2021 4:21:09 AM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig performConfiguration
    INFO: Database Control started successfully
    Oct 13, 2021 4:21:09 AM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig performConfiguration
    INFO: >>>>>>>>>>> The Database Control URL is https://11g:1158/em <<<<<<<<<<<
    Oct 13, 2021 4:21:11 AM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig invoke
    ************************  WARNING  ************************
    Management Repository has been placed in secure mode wherein Enterprise Manager data will be encrypted.  The encryption key has been placed in the file: /u01/app/oracle/product/ Ensure this file is backed up as the encrypted data will become unusable if this file is lost. 
    Enterprise Manager configuration completed successfully
    FINISHED EMCA at Oct 13, 2021 4:21:11 AM





    emca -deconfig dbcontrol db
    emca -repos drop
    emca -config dbcontrol db -repos create



    [oracle@rac01 ~]$emctl stop dbconsole
    [oracle@rac01 ~]$emctl start dbconsole
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