• Simple Web API Server in Golang (1)

    To be an better Gopher, get your hands dirty. Topcoder offered a serials of challenges for learning Golang.

    In this blog, I tried to implement "Go Learning Challenge - Simple Web-API Server"[1].

    What's used in this challenge ? Following aspects and packages will be covered in this challenge

    • How to create a HTTP server: net/http
    • How to create routers (handlers for different URLs): regex + url
    • How to write HTTP responses: net/http
    • How to load JSON config: json + io/ioutil
    • How to parse URL query string: url
    • How to encode data in sha256/base64: sha256/base64  + strings
    • How to write tests in Golang: testing
    • How to parse command line arguments: flag
    • How to log: log

    Configuration File example:

            "domain": "topcoder.com",
            "users": [
                    "username": "takumi",
                    "password": "ilovego"
                    "username": "teru",
                    "password": "ilovejava"
                    "username": "toshi",
                    "password": "iloveapex"
            "domain": "appirio.com",
            "users": [
                    "username": "jun",
                    "password": "ilovetopcoder"
                    "username": "narinder",
                    "password": "ilovesamurai"
                    "username": "chris",
                    "password": "ilovesushi"


    package SimpleWebAPIServer
    import (
    type User struct {
        UserName string `json:"username"`
        Password string `json:"password"`
    type Domain struct {
        Name string `json:"domain"`
        Users UserList `json:"users"`
    type DomainWarehouse []Domain
    type UserList []User
    func ReadConfig(fn string) (DomainWarehouse, error) {
        data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fn)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        var m DomainWarehouse
        json.Unmarshal(data, &m)
        return m, nil
    func (dw DomainWarehouse) GetDomain(name string) (*Domain, error) {
        for _, domain := range dw {
            if domain.Name == name {
                return &domain, nil
        return nil, errors.New("Failed to find domain")
    func (ul UserList) GetUser(username string) (*User, error) {
        for _, user := range ul {
            if user.UserName == username {
                return &user, nil
        return nil, errors.New("Failed to find user")

    tests for config.go

    package SimpleWebAPIServer
    import (
    func TestReadConfig(t *testing.T) {
        dw, err := ReadConfig("./users.json")
        if err != nil {
            t.Error("Failed to read config")
        if dw == nil || len(dw) != 2 {
            t.Error("Failed to unmarshal json objects")
        if dw[0].Name != "topcoder.com" || len(dw[0].Users) != 3 {
            t.Error("Incorrect value")
    func TestGetDomain(t *testing.T) {
        dw, err := ReadConfig("./users.json")
        if err != nil {
            t.Error("Failed to read config")
        domain, err := dw.GetDomain("topcoder.com")
        if err != nil {
            t.Error("Failed to get domain")
        if domain.Name != "topcoder.com" || len(domain.Users) != 3 {
            t.Error("Incorrect value")
    func TestGetUser(t *testing.T) {
        dw, err := ReadConfig("./users.json")
        if err != nil {
            t.Error("Failed to read config")
        domain, err := dw.GetDomain("topcoder.com")
        if err != nil {
            t.Error("Failed to get domain")
        if domain.Name != "topcoder.com" || len(domain.Users) != 3 {
            t.Error("Incorrect value")
        ul := domain.Users
        u, err := ul.GetUser("takumi")
        if err != nil {
            t.Error("Failed to get user")
        if u.UserName != "takumi" || u.Password != "ilovego" {
            t.Error("Invalid user values")

    After implementing this simple web api server, I got better understanding of Golang syntax and Web API stuffs. For more Web API server challenges, go to [3] about OAuth2.

    [1] topcoder : http://www.topcoder.com/challenge-details/30046011/?type=develop&noncache=true

    [2] git : https://coding.net/u/huys03/p/SimpleWebAPIServer/git

    [3] next challenge: http://www.topcoder.com/challenge-details/30046224/?type=develop

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/huys03/p/4051264.html
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