• nextDay、beforeDay以及根据nextDay(beforeDay)求解几天后的日期,几天前的日期和两个日期之间的天数


      1 package com.corejava.chap02;
      3 public class Date {
      4     private int year;
      5     private int month;
      6     private int day;
      8     public Date(int year, int month, int day) {
      9         this.year = year;
     10         this.month = month;
     11         this.day = day;
     12     }
     14     public void display(){
     15         System.out.println(year + "/" + month + "/" +day);
     16     }
     18     //isLeapYear
     19     private boolean isLeapYear(){
     21         if(year % 400 == 0) return true;
     22         else if(year%4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) return true;
     23         else return false;
     24     }
     25     //The max days of the month
     26     private int MaxofMonth(int month){
     27         int max = 0;
     28         switch(month){
     29             case 1:
     30             case    3:
     31             case    5:
     32             case    7:
     33             case    8:
     34             case    10:
     35             case    12: max = 31;break;
     36             case 4:
     37             case 6:
     38             case 9:
     39             case    11: max = 30;break;
     40             case 2:if(isLeapYear()) max = 29;else max = 28;break;
     41             default : System.out.println("Date error");//
     42         }
     43         return max;
     44     }
     46     public Date nextDay(){
     47         int nday = day +1;
     48         int nmonth = month;
     49         int nyear = year;
     50         if (nday > MaxofMonth(month)){
     51             nmonth = month +1;
     52             if (nmonth > 12){
     53                 nyear += 1;
     54                 return new Date(nyear,1,1);
     55             } else {
     56                 return new Date(year,nmonth,1);
     57             }
     58         } else {
     59             return new Date(year,month,nday);
     60         }
     62     }
     64     public Date afterDay(int n) {
     65     /*
     66         Date temp = new Date(year,month,day);
     67         for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
     68             temp = temp.nextDay();
     69         }
     70         return temp;
     71     */
     73         Date temp = null;
     75         if (n==0) temp = new Date(year,month,day);
     76         else if (n<0) temp = afterDay(n+1).previousDay();
     77         else temp = afterDay(n-1).nextDay();
     78         return temp;
     79     }
     81     public Date previousDay(){
     82         int pday = day - 1;
     83         int pmonth = month;
     84         int pyear = year;
     85         if(pday <= 0) {
     86             pmonth = month - 1;
     87         if(pmonth < 1){
     88             pyear = year - 1;
     89             pmonth = 12;
     90         } 
     91             pday = MaxofMonth(pmonth);
     92         }
     93         return new Date(pyear,pmonth,pday);
     94     }
     95     private int compare(Date date) {
     96         if(date.year == this.year){
     97             if(date.month == this.month) {
     98                 if(date.day == this.day) return 0;    //    more true
     99                 else if(date.day > this.day) return 1;
    100                 else return -1;
    101             } 
    102             else if(date.month > this.month) return 1;
    103             else return -1;
    104         } 
    105         else if(date.year > this.year)    return 1;
    106         else return -1;    
    107     }
    108     public int sub(Date date) {
    109         Date sdate = date;
    110         int count = 0;
    111         if(compare(date)==0);
    112         else if(compare(date) == 1){
    113             for(;compare(sdate)==1;){
    114                 count ++;
    115                 sdate = sdate.previousDay() ;
    116             }
    117         } else {
    118             for(;compare(sdate)==-1;){
    119             count ++;
    120             sdate = sdate.nextDay();
    121             }
    122         }
    123         return count;
    124     }
    125 }


     1 package com.corejava.chap02;
     3 public class TestDate{
     4     public static void main(String[] args){
     5         Date date = new Date(2012,12,30);
     6         Date nextDate = date.nextDay();
     7         Date nextNextDay = nextDate.nextDay();
     9         System.out.println("------first Date------");
    10         date.display();
    11         System.out.println("------Next Day------");
    12         nextDate.display();
    13         System.out.println("------Next Next Day------");
    14         nextNextDay.display();
    16         System.out.println("------after 5 days------");
    17         date.afterDay(5).display();
    19         System.out.println("------previousday of 2013/1/1------");
    20         Date previous = nextDate.previousDay();    
    21         previous.display();
    23         System.out.println("------before 5 days------");
    24         date.afterDay(-5).display();
    26         Date d = new Date(2012,12,29);
    27         System.out.println("------Test sub()------");
    28         System.out.print("compare with :");
    29         d.display();
    30         System.out.println(date.sub(d));
    31     }
    32 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/husky/p/5695549.html
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