• SAP系统管理中常见问题解答(转载)


    system——status看 Platform ID
    Platform 32-bit 64-bit

    DEC-Alpha --- 288
    HP-UX 272 273
    RM600 322 323
    AIX 320 324
    SUN 369 370
    WINNT 560

    2.How can I find out if a 64-bit database is in use?

    ST04 --〉 'Detail analysis menu' -->'V$Tables' --> 'V$Version'
    The string '64-bit version' is output for 64-bit versions

    3.What combinations of database software and R/3 kernel are possible?

    32-bit database with 32-bit R/3 kernel
    64-bit database with 64-bit R/3 kernel
    64-bit database with 32-bit R/3 kernel
    Not supported: 32-bit database with 64-bit R/3 kernel


    5.Where can I get a list of all transaction codes in SAP?

    The following tables hold all SAP transactions:
    Table TSTC stores all transaction codes and their respective ABAP program.
    Table TSTCT stores the text (or description) for each transaction.
    Table THSTC has also documentation for all transaction. It is a copy of TSTCT.
    Table TSTCP stores the possible parameters for each transaction.

    6.Where can I get a list of all tables in SAP?

    Table DD02L stores all tables in SAP.

    7.How can I hide a client from the users?

    There is no way to actually hide a client but there is a workaround: delete the entry in table T000 via SCC4. This way, nobody will able to log on to it. To “unhide” it, simply re-create the entry via SCC4.

    8.How can I lock a client?

    You can use one of these two: 1) delete the entry in table T000 via SCC4; 2) run tp locksys/unlocksys at the OS level.

    9.How can I determine the size of a client?

    You can run a local client copy in “test” mode.

    10.How can I see all the available icons in SAP?

    Execute transaction BIBS and select Elements -> Icon Overview.
    You can use the code that appears on the last column in order to put icons in system messages (SM02).

    11.What happens if I start a dialog instance but the database and SAP services are down on the central instance?

    The SAP_xx and SAPOSCOL services will start.
    However, the work processes will end soon after being started.

    12.What happens if I start a dialog instance but only the database services are up on the central instance?

    The SAP services will start and so will the work processes. However, because the message server is down on the central instance users will get the message “No logon possible (no hardware ID received by message server) when trying to log on. No user logins will work. The “Process List” in the SAP MMC will stay in yellow.

    13.Can I import transports between different R/3 releases?

    Read the technical and logical problems SAP reports when doing transports between different R/3 releases.
    SAP Notes 126776 and 330267.

    14.I lost the password for SAP*. What can I do?

    You can delete the record for SAP* in table USR02 as follows:
    delete USR02 where BNAME=”SAP*” and MANDT=’XXX’;
    Replace ‘XXX’ for a valid client number.

    15.Can SAP be installed on FAT or FAT32 partitions?

    No. SAP needs to be installed on NTFS partitions only.

    16.How can I quickly check if the passwords for the accounts SAP*, DDIC, SAPCPIC and EarlyWatch are not the default ones?

    Run SE38 and execute report RSUSR003.

    17.Can I copy just data from client to another?

    No. There is no copy profile that allows you to copy just data.
    For this you need to configure and use ALE or buy a third-party program that has this type of functionality.

    18.Can Query Analyzer tell me if there is insufficient disk space to restore a database?

    Yes. It will display message (Msg) 3257 indicating that there is not enough disk space to perform the restore.

    19.Disable Multiple Logins in the Same Client

    To disable multiple user logins within the same client implement this parameter in the instance profile:
    login/disable_multi_gui_login = 1
    If you do not use this parameter in your system, users have the ability to ignore the warning window at the time they try to login to the same client.
    Activating this parameter in your system will make you look good if you get audited!
    How about exceptional logins?
    In case you're wondering how to allow multiple logins for certain key users you can implement parameter login/multi_login_users. You can list the user IDs that should be ignored if the parameter above is active in your system

    20.Roles with Restricted Company Codes and Values

    Do you need to find out what roles you have set up with restricted company code values for specific authorization objects?
    If your company has changed its company code (BURK) and if you have limited access to a particular company code in your roles, you will have to adjust the roles to use the new company code or to use * for any code.
    But, how do you quickly find out what roles you need to adjust?
    Simple. Query table AGR_1252 and check the contents of the LOW and HIGH fields. You can use your favorite query tool (Query Analyzer in SQL Server for example) or use transaction SE16 or SE11 within SAP.
    Here is a sample query:
    from AGR_1252
    where MANDT='100'
    and (LOW <>' or HIGH <>')
    and (LOW <>'*' and HIGH <>'*')
    and AGR_NAME not like 'SAP%'
    The above query looks for any non-SAP role in client 100 where either LOW or HIGH have anything different than *.
    You'll get a list of the roles you need to adjust to use the new company code.

    21.View Locked Transactions

    As you know, you can lock/unlock transaction codes via SM01.
    But, how do you go about viewing the transactions that are locked in the system?
    You need to look in field CINFO, table TSTC.
    Within SAP, you can use either SE11 or SE16 to browse the table contents.
    Make sure you enter "A0" as the "HEX01 data element for SYST" starting value and "A9" as the ending value.
    This will list all the transactions locked in the system.
    Note: The CINFO field description is "HEX01 data element for SYST".

    22.Logging on to SAP using SAPSHCUT

    You need to pass these parameters:
    -sysname = entry name in SAPLogon
    -client = client number
    -user = user ID
    -pw = password (in plain text)
    Optionally, you can pass parameter -command to execute a transaction upon logon.
    See example below:
    sapshcut -sysname=SAP Production -client=000 -user=sap* -pw=06071992 -command=SM04
    For more information, run SAPSHCUT /?

    23.Fast Logon to an SAP Server

    You can log on to an SAP server quickly using the "SAPGUI" executable.
    This way, you do not even need SAPLogon.
    At the command prompt type:
    sapgui hostname instnumber
    sapgui myprd 00
    The example above lets you log on to the server "myprd" with instance number 00.
    The SAPGUI.exe is located under the "SAPgui" directory. You either need to put this directory in your system's path or change to the directory to be able to log on as indicated above.

    24.Saving Passwords for SAP shortcuts

    Passwords are not saved in shortcuts created within SAPGUI. In fact, when you edit a shortcut the password field is grayed out.
    Why? Because you need to first register the SAPshortcuts using:
    sapshcut -register
    SAPSHCUT.exe is located under the SAPpcsapgui directory. In SAPGUI 4.0 it was called SAPSH.exe.
    Once you do the registration you need to open the registry (regedit or regedt32) and change the value data of "EnablePassword" to "1" under:
    Then, you will be able to type and save your passwords.

    25.SAP table with Version and Instance name

    USAP R/3 stores its version, instance name and OS platform in tables!
    This is excellent as you can then query the database to get the R/3 version, Instance Name and OS platform as follows:
    select * from SVERS
    select * from TSLE4
    You don't even have to log on to the application to get this info. The above query gives it to you in less than 1 second.

    26.Logging on to SAPNet directly (bypass OSS1)

    You can logon to SAPNet -R/3 FrontEnd without using transaction OSS1.
    This way you don't have to open an SAP session just to log on to SAPNet.
    Here is how to do it:
    a. Create the file "saproute.ini" under the %winnt% directory and add the following two entries:
    sapserv4=/H/ is my SAP router's IP address. is SAPServ4's IP address.
    b. Create the file "sapmsg.ini" under the %winnt% directory and add the following two entries:
    [Message Server]
    c. Open the SAPLogon program (it is part of the SAP FrontEnd software -SAPGUI, on your PC).
    d. Click on the "Groups" button.
    e. Click on the down arrow for "SAP Router for" and select your SAPServX from the list.
    f. Click on the "Generate list" button.
    g. Select "1_PUBLIC" from the list of groups.
    h. Click on the "Add and Logon" button.
    You're done! You can change the name of the SAPNet session in SAPLogon if you want to.
    No more typing OSS1!

    27.Determining who executed a transport


    28.HP11i安装oracle 920 时出错,"Error in invoking target install of make file $ORACLE_HOME/ctx/lib/ins_ctx.mk"?

    login os level as user root,cd /usr/lib
    ln -s /usr/lib/libX11.3 libX11.sl
    ln -s /usr/lib/libXIE.2 libXIE.sl
    ln -s /usr/lib/libXext.3 libXext.sl
    ln -s /usr/lib/libXhp11.3 libXhp11.sl
    ln -s /usr/lib/libXi.3 libXi.sl
    ln -s /usr/lib/libXm.4 libXm.sl
    ln -s /usr/lib/libXp.2 libXp.sl
    ln -s /usr/lib/libXt.3 libXt.sl
    ln -s /usr/lib/libXtst.2 libXtst.sl

    29.install sap support package ,upgrade kernel(19466)?

    Notes: 447925(old),782140(new),664679(special feature on windows)

    30.DB13做数据库备份或check时,出现ORA-01031: insufficient privileges?

    Download sapdba_role.sql from sap website and execute it

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hulianfei/p/7116782.html
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