1 #6-1 2 3 #help(string) 4 import string 5 6 str = "helloworld" 7 substr = "h1e" 8 9 if string.find(str, substr) != -1: 10 print"substr=%s is part of %s" % (substr, str) 11 else: 12 print"not substring"
1 #6-2 2 import string 3 import keyword 4 5 alphas = string.letters + '_' 6 nums = string.digits 7 8 print "welcome" 9 print "testees must be at least 2 chars long." 10 11 ips = raw_input("identifier:") 12 13 14 if len(ips)== 1: 15 if ips[0] not in alphas: 16 print"single letter invalid" 17 else: 18 if not keyword.iskeyword(ips): 19 print "valid" 20 else: 21 print "invalid is keyword" 22 #print "valid" 23 elif len(ips) > 1: 24 if ips[0] not in alphas: 25 print "first symbol invalid" 26 else: 27 for others in ips[1:]: 28 if others not in alphas + nums: 29 print "invalid remaining" 30 break 31 else: 32 if not keyword.iskeyword(ips): 33 print "valid" 34 else: 35 print "invalid, is keyword" 36 else: 37 print"string should be at least 2 chars"
1 #6-3 2 3 import string 4 5 nums = string.digits 6 7 str=raw_input("Enter the nums:") 8 #a 9 a = [] 10 for e in str: 11 a.append(int(e)) 12 a.sort(reverse = True) 13 print a 14 #b 15 b = sorted(str, reverse = True) 16 print b
1 #6-4 2 3 def average(a): 4 size = len(a) 5 sum = 0 6 for e in a: 7 sum += int(e) 8 return float(sum)/float(size) 9 10 print """ 11 (a)add new 12 (other)exit 13 """ 14 a = [] 15 16 opt = raw_input("your opt:") 17 while opt == "a": 18 a.append(raw_input("Enter the score:")) 19 opt = raw_input("your opt:") 20 21 print "the average of the scores:%f" % average(a)
1 #6-5(a) 2 3 inputstring = raw_input("Enter the string:") 4 5 sz = len(inputstring) 6 7 if sz == 1: 8 print inputstring 9 else: 10 i = 0 11 while i<sz: 12 if (i-1)<0: 13 print inputstring[i], inputstring[i+1] 14 elif (i+1)>=sz: 15 print inputstring[i-1], inputstring[i] 16 else: 17 print inputstring[i-1], inputstring[i], inputstring[i+1] 18 19 i = i+1
1 #6-5(b) 2 3 def str_cmp_helper(str1, str2): 4 lens = len(str1) 5 i = 0 6 while i<lens: 7 if str1[i]>str2[i]: 8 return 1 9 elif str1[i]<str2[i]: 10 return -1 11 i = i+1 12 return 0 13 14 def str_cmp(str1, str2): 15 if len(str1)>len(str2): 16 return 1 17 elif len(str1)<len(str2): 18 return -1 19 else: 20 return str_cmp_helper(str1, str2) 21 22 str1 = raw_input("enter the str1:") 23 str2 = raw_input("enter the str2:") 24 25 result = str_cmp(str1, str2) 26 if result == 1: 27 print "str1:%s > str2:%s" % (str1, str2) 28 elif result == 0: 29 print "str1:%s is the same to str2:%s" % (str1, str2) 30 else: 31 print "str1:%s < str2:%s" % (str1, str2)
1 #6-5(c) 2 3 def is_palin(str): 4 lens = len(str) 5 6 if lens == 1: 7 return True 8 else: 9 i = 0 10 while i<lens/2: 11 if str[i] <> str[lens -1 - i]: 12 return False 13 else: 14 i= i+1 15 return True 16 17 inputstring = raw_input("enter the string:") 18 19 if is_palin(inputstring): 20 print "%s is palin"% inputstring 21 else: 22 print "%s is not palin"% inputstring
1 #6-5(d) 2 3 def palin(str): 4 lens = len(str) 5 if lens%2 != 0: 6 i = lens -1 -1 7 else: 8 i = lens - 1 9 10 while i>=0: 11 str = str +str[i] 12 i= i-1 13 14 return str 15 16 17 inputstring = raw_input("enter the string:") 18 19 print"the palin of %s is: %s" % (inputstring, palin(inputstring))
1 #6-6 2 3 def trim_end_blacks(str): 4 lens = len(str) 5 i = lens -1 6 #trim the end blanks 7 while i >=0 and str[i] == ' ': 8 str = str[:i] 9 i = i- 1 10 #trim the start blanks 11 while str[0]==' ' and len(str)!=0: 12 str = str[1:] 13 print str 14 15 inputstr = raw_input("enter the string:") 16 17 print """after trim the blanks in start and end pos: 18 %s change to %s 19 """%(inputstr, trim_end_blacks(inputstr))
1 #6-8 2 3 print """ 4 (zero,one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,), 5 (ten,eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen,), 6 (twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety,) 7 (hundred, thousand, million, billion,...) 8 """ 9 10 units = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"] 11 teens = ["ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"] 12 tens = ["twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"] 13 hundreds = ["hundred", "thousand", "million", "billion"] 14 15 def num_to_eng(num): 16 #get thousand 17 need_and = False 18 eng_str = "" 19 if(num == 0): 20 eng_str = "Zero" 21 return eng_str 22 num = num%10000 23 if num/1000 != 0: 24 need_and = True 25 eng_str = eng_str + units[num/1000-1]+" thousand " 26 num = num%1000 27 if num/100 !=0: 28 need_and = True 29 eng_str = eng_str + units[num/100 - 1]+" hundred " 30 if(need_and): 31 eng_str = eng_str + "and " 32 33 num = num%100 34 if(num>19): 35 eng_str = eng_str + tens[num/10 - 2]+" " 36 num = num%10 37 if(num != 0): 38 eng_str = eng_str + units[num-1] 39 elif(num>9): 40 eng_str = eng_str + teens[num -10] 41 else: 42 eng_str = eng_str+ units[num-1] 43 return eng_str 44 num = raw_input("enter the number:") 45 print num_to_eng(int(num))
1 #6-9 2 3 def min_to_hm(t): 4 h = t/60 5 h=h%24 6 7 m = t%60 8 9 return "%d:%d"%(h,m) 10 11 t = raw_input("enter the mins:") 12 print "the time is:%s" % min_to_hm(int(t))
1 #6-10 2 import string 3 def ul_covert(str): 4 return string.swapcase(str) 5 6 str = raw_input("enter the string:") 7 8 print ul_covert(str)
1 #6-11 2 def n_to_ip(num): 3 str = "%d" % num 4 if len(str)!= 12: 5 print "invalid ip" 6 return "" 7 else: 8 return str[:3]+":"+str[3:6]+":"+str[6:9]+":"+str[9:12] 9 10 def ip_to_n(str): 11 if len(str)!=15: 12 print "invalid ip str" 13 return 0 14 else: 15 return int(str[0:3]+str[4:7]+str[8:11]+str[12:15]) 16 17 18 num = int(raw_input("enter the ip num:")) 19 print"after covert to ip string: %s" % n_to_ip(num) 20 print"after convert to ip num: %d" % ip_to_n(n_to_ip(num))
1 #6-12 2 3 def findchr(string, char): 4 if char == "": 5 return 0 6 lens = len(string) 7 if lens == 0: 8 return -1 9 i=0 10 while i<lens: 11 if string[i] == char: 12 return i 13 else: 14 i=i+1 15 return -1 16 17 def rfindchr(string, char): 18 lens = len(string) 19 if char == "": 20 return lens 21 if lens == 0: 22 return -1 23 i = lens -1 24 while i>=0: 25 if string[i] == char: 26 return i 27 else: 28 i=i-1 29 30 return -1 31 32 def subchr(string, origchar, newchar): 33 lens = len(string) 34 i = 0 35 while i<lens: 36 if string[i]==origchar: 37 string = string[0:i]+newchar+string[i+1:] 38 i= i+1 39 return string 40 41 42 print findchr("","") 43 print findchr("", "a") 44 print findchr("abc","a") 45 print findchr("abc", "d") 46 47 print rfindchr("","") 48 print rfindchr("", "a") 49 print rfindchr("abc","a") 50 print rfindchr("dabcd", "d") 51 52 print subchr("test", "t", "a")
1 #6-13 2 #import string 3 4 def atoc(str): 5 real = 0 6 img = 0 7 8 lens = len(str) 9 10 i = lens -1 11 if str[i] == "j": 12 if str[i-1]==")": 13 j = i -2 14 while j>=0: 15 if str[j] != "(": 16 j= j-1 17 else: 18 break 19 img = float(str[j+1:i-1]) 20 i = j-1 21 else: 22 j=i 23 while j>0: 24 if str[j]=="+" or str[j]=="-": 25 break 26 else: 27 j=j-1 28 img = float(str[j+1:i]) 29 i=j 30 real = float(str[0:i]) 31 return complex(real, img) 32 33 str = raw_input("enter the complex:") 34 print atoc(str)
1 #6-14 2 import string 3 import random 4 5 def Rockhambocu(pc_opt,y_opt): 6 """ 7 pc_opt, the option of pc 8 y_opt, your option 9 (r)rock 10 (s)scissor 11 (c)cloth 12 """ 13 str_opt = "rsc" 14 15 rsc_rule =[[0,-1,1],[1,0,-1],[-1,1,0]] 16 17 pc_i = string.find(str_opt, pc_opt) 18 y_i = string.find(str_opt, y_opt) 19 20 return rsc_rule[pc_i][y_i] 21 22 def RSC_result(r): 23 result = ["fail", "draw", "win"] 24 return result[r+1] 25 26 print """ 27 enter your option: 28 (r)rock 29 (s)scissor 30 (c)cloth 31 (other)default r 32 """ 33 34 y_opt = raw_input() 35 36 str_opt ="rsc" 37 pc_opt = str_opt[random.randint(0,2)] 38 print "PC option is %s" % pc_opt 39 40 print "you %s"% RSC_result(Rockhambocu(pc_opt, y_opt))
1 #6-15 2 3 def is_leap(y): 4 if y/400 == 0: 5 return True 6 elif y/4 == 0 and y/100 != 0: 7 return True 8 return False 9 10 def check_date_valid(y, m, d): 11 """ 12 -1, invalid date 13 1, valid date 14 """ 15 if y<1: 16 return -1 17 if m<1 or m>12: 18 return -1 19 month_days = [31,28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30] 20 if is_leap(y): 21 month_days[1] = 29 22 if d<1 or d>month_days[m-1]: 23 return -1 24 25 return 1 26 27 def calcu_days(y, m, d): 28 sum = d 29 month_days = [31,28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30] 30 year_days = 365 31 32 if is_leap(y): 33 month_days[1] = 29 34 35 i = 1 36 while i<m: 37 sum = sum + month_days[i-1] 38 i=i+1 39 i=1 40 while i<y: 41 if is_leap(i): 42 sum = sum + year_days + 1 43 else: 44 sum = sum + year_days 45 i = i +1 46 return sum 47 48 49 def days_between_tdate(date1, date2): 50 y1 = int(date1[6:]) 51 m1 = int(date1[3:5]) 52 d1 = int(date1[:2]) 53 54 if check_date_valid(y1, m1, d1) == -1: 55 return -1 56 57 y2 = int(date2[6:]) 58 m2 = int(date2[3:5]) 59 d2 = int(date2[:2]) 60 61 if check_date_valid(y2, m2, d2) == -1: 62 return -1 63 64 return abs(calcu_days(y1, m1, d1) - calcu_days(y2, m2, d2)) 65 66 def all_days_your_life(birthday): 67 date = raw_input("Enter the date of today:") 68 return days_between_tdate(birthday, date) 69 70 71 def days_of_next_birthday(birthday): 72 date = raw_input("Enter the date of today:") 73 74 y1 = int(date[6:]) 75 m1 = int(date[3:5]) 76 d1 = int(date[:2]) 77 78 if check_date_valid(y1, m1, d1) == -1: 79 return -1 80 81 y2 = y1 82 m2 = int(birthday[3:5]) 83 d2 = int(birthday[:2]) 84 85 if check_date_valid(y2, m2, d2) == -1: 86 return -1 87 88 if calcu_days(y2,m2,d2)<calcu_days(y1,m1,d1): 89 y2 = y2 +1 90 91 return calcu_days(y2,m2,d2)-calcu_days(y1,m1,d1) 92 93 94 date1 = raw_input("Enter the date1:") 95 date2 = raw_input("Enter the date2:") 96 97 print "the days between these two date is: %d days"% days_between_tdate(date1, date2) 98 99 birthday = raw_input("enter the date you have born:") 100 print "the days you have been in the world: %s days"% all_days_your_life(birthday) 101 102 print "the next birthday till now: %d days"% days_of_next_birthday(birthday)
1 #6-16 2 3 def add_matrix(M, N): 4 r1 = len(M) 5 c1 = len(M[0]) 6 7 r2 = len(N) 8 c2 = len(N[0]) 9 10 r = [([0]*r1) for i in range(c1)] 11 12 if r1==r2 and c1==c2: 13 i = 0 14 while i<r1: 15 j = 0 16 while j<c1: 17 r[i][j] = M[i][j] + N[i][j] 18 print M[i][j], N[i][j] 19 j = j+1 20 i = i+1 21 return r 22 else: 23 return -1 24 25 26 def mul_matrix(M, N): 27 r1 = len(M) 28 c1 = len(M[0]) 29 30 r2 = len(N) 31 c2 = len(N[0]) 32 33 if c1 != r2: 34 return -1 35 r = [([0]*c2) for i in range(r1)] 36 37 for i in range(r1): 38 for j in range(c2): 39 for i1 in range(c1): 40 r[i][j] = r[i][j] + M[i][i1]*N[i1][j] 41 i1 = i1 + 1 42 j = j +1 43 i= i+1 44 return r 45 46 M = [[1,1], [2,0]] 47 N = [[-1,2], [9,0]] 48 49 print add_matrix(M, N) 50 N=[[0, 2, 3], [1, 1, 2]] 51 print mul_matrix(M, N)
1 #6-17 2 3 def myPop(a): 4 if len(a[0]) == 0: 5 return -1 6 ret = a[0][-1] 7 8 #a[0] = a[0][0: len(a[0])-1] 9 del a[0][-1] 10 print a[0] 11 return ret 12 13 a = [1,2,3] 14 15 print myPop([a]) 16 print a