• 微信小程序:实现日历功能



    二、 代码实现

    1. index.wxml

     1 <view class='wrap'>
     2     <view>
     3         <view class='date-show'>
     4             <view class='lt-arrow' bindtap='lastMonth'>
     5                 <image src='/images/left_arrow.png' mode='aspectFit'></image>
     6             </view>
     7             {{year}}年{{month}}月
     8             <view class='rt-arrow' bindtap='nextMonth'>
     9                 <image src='/images/right_arrow.png' mode='aspectFit'></image>
    10             </view>
    11         </view>
    12     </view>
    13     <view class='header'>
    14         <view wx:for='{{date}}' class='{{(index == todayIndex) && isTodayWeek ? "weekMark" : ""}}'>{{item}}<view></view></view>
    15     </view>
    16     <view class='date-box'>
    17         <view wx:for='{{dateArr}}' class='{{isToday == item.isToday ? "nowDay" : ""}}' data-date='{{item.isToday}}'>            
    18             <view class='date-head'>
    19                 <view>{{item.dateNum}}</view>
    20             </view>
    21             <!-- <view class='date-weight'>{{item.weight}}</view> -->
    22         </view>
    23     </view>
    24 </view>

    2. index.js

     1 Page({
     2   data: {
     3     year: 0,
     4     month: 0,
     5     date: ['日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六'],
     6     dateArr: [],
     7     isToday: 0,
     8     isTodayWeek: false,
     9     todayIndex: 0
    10   },
    11   onLoad: function () {
    12     let now = new Date();
    13     let year = now.getFullYear();
    14     let month = now.getMonth() + 1;
    15     this.dateInit();
    16     this.setData({
    17       year: year,
    18       month: month,
    19       isToday: '' + year + month + now.getDate()
    20     })
    21   },
    22   dateInit: function (setYear, setMonth) {
    23     //全部时间的月份都是按0~11基准,显示月份才+1
    24     let dateArr = [];                        //需要遍历的日历数组数据
    25     let arrLen = 0;                            //dateArr的数组长度
    26     let now = setYear ? new Date(setYear, setMonth) : new Date();
    27     let year = setYear || now.getFullYear();
    28     let nextYear = 0;
    29     let month = setMonth || now.getMonth();                    //没有+1方便后面计算当月总天数
    30     let nextMonth = (month + 1) > 11 ? 1 : (month + 1);
    31     let startWeek = new Date(year + ',' + (month + 1) + ',' + 1).getDay();                            //目标月1号对应的星期
    32     let dayNums = new Date(year, nextMonth, 0).getDate();                //获取目标月有多少天
    33     let obj = {};
    34     let num = 0;
    36     if (month + 1 > 11) {
    37       nextYear = year + 1;
    38       dayNums = new Date(nextYear, nextMonth, 0).getDate();
    39     }
    40     arrLen = startWeek + dayNums;
    41     for (let i = 0; i < arrLen; i++) {
    42       if (i >= startWeek) {
    43         num = i - startWeek + 1;
    44         obj = {
    45           isToday: '' + year + (month + 1) + num,
    46           dateNum: num,
    47           weight: 5
    48         }
    49       } else {
    50         obj = {};
    51       }
    52       dateArr[i] = obj;
    53     }
    54     this.setData({
    55       dateArr: dateArr
    56     })
    58     let nowDate = new Date();
    59     let nowYear = nowDate.getFullYear();
    60     let nowMonth = nowDate.getMonth() + 1;
    61     let nowWeek = nowDate.getDay();
    62     let getYear = setYear || nowYear;
    63     let getMonth = setMonth >= 0 ? (setMonth + 1) : nowMonth;
    65     if (nowYear == getYear && nowMonth == getMonth) {
    66       this.setData({
    67         isTodayWeek: true,
    68         todayIndex: nowWeek
    69       })
    70     } else {
    71       this.setData({
    72         isTodayWeek: false,
    73         todayIndex: -1
    74       })
    75     }
    76   },
    77   lastMonth: function () {
    78     //全部时间的月份都是按0~11基准,显示月份才+1
    79     let year = this.data.month - 2 < 0 ? this.data.year - 1 : this.data.year;
    80     let month = this.data.month - 2 < 0 ? 11 : this.data.month - 2;
    81     this.setData({
    82       year: year,
    83       month: (month + 1)
    84     })
    85     this.dateInit(year, month);
    86   },
    87   nextMonth: function () {
    88     //全部时间的月份都是按0~11基准,显示月份才+1
    89     let year = this.data.month > 11 ? this.data.year + 1 : this.data.year;
    90     let month = this.data.month > 11 ? 0 : this.data.month;
    91     this.setData({
    92       year: year,
    93       month: (month + 1)
    94     })
    95     this.dateInit(year, month);
    96   }
    97 })

    3. index.wxss

      1 .date-show{
      2     position: relative;
      3      250rpx;
      4     font-family: PingFang-SC-Regular;
      5     font-size: 40rpx;
      6     color: #282828;
      7     text-align: center;
      8     margin: 59rpx auto 10rpx;
      9 }
     10 .lt-arrow,.rt-arrow{
     11     position: absolute;
     12     top: 1rpx;
     13      60rpx;
     14     height: 60rpx;
     15   padding-right: 0.6rem;
     16 }
     17 .lt-arrow image,.rt-arrow image{
     18      40rpx;
     19     height: 40rpx;
     20 }
     21 .lt-arrow{
     22     left: -110rpx;
     23     /* transform: rotate(180deg); */
     24 }
     25 .rt-arrow{
     26     right: -100rpx;
     27 }
     28 .header{
     29     font-size: 0;
     30     padding: 0 24rpx;
     31 }
     32 .header>view{
     33     display: inline-block;
     34      14.285%;
     35     color: #333;
     36     font-size: 30rpx;
     37     text-align: center;
     38     border-bottom: 1px solid #D0D0D0;
     39     padding: 39rpx 0;
     40 }
     41 .weekMark{
     42     position: relative;
     43 }
     44 .weekMark view{
     45     position: absolute;
     46     bottom: 0;
     47     left: 0;
     48      100%;
     49     border-bottom: 1px solid #22A7F6;
     50 }
     51 .date-box{
     52     font-size: 0;
     53     padding: 10rpx 0;
     54 }
     55 .date-box>view{
     56     position: relative;
     57     display: inline-block;
     58      14.285%;
     59     color: #020202;
     60     font-size: 40rpx;
     61     text-align: center;
     62     vertical-align: middle;
     63     margin: 15rpx 0;
     64 }
     65 .date-head{
     66     height: 60rpx;
     67     line-height: 60rpx;
     68     font-size: 26rpx;
     69 }
     70 .nowDay .date-head{
     71      60rpx;
     72     border-radius: 50%;
     73     text-align: center;
     74     color: #fff;
     75     background-color: #22A7F6;
     76     margin: 0 auto;
     77 }
     78 .date-weight{
     79     font-size: 22rpx;
     80     padding: 15rpx 0;
     81 }
     82 .nowDay .date-weight{
     83     color: #22A7F6;
     84 }
     85 .one{
     86     position: absolute;
     87     bottom: 0;
     88     right: 5rpx;
     89      20rpx;
     90     height: 20rpx;
     91     border-radius: 50%;
     92     background-color: red;
     93 }
     94 .two{
     95     position: absolute;
     96     bottom: 30rpx;
     97     right: 5rpx;
     98      20rpx;
     99     height: 20rpx;
    100     border-radius: 50%;
    101     background-color: blue;
    102 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/huiAlex/p/9463037.html
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