这里面我们介绍一下springboot集成mybatis完成一对多数据和一对一数据的功能。任何一个人离开你 都并非突然做的决定 人心是慢慢变冷 树叶是渐渐变黄 故事是缓缓写到结局 而爱是因为失望太多 才变成不爱。
create TABLE person( person_id int(11) PRIMARY KEY , person_name VARCHAR(45) not NULL ); INSERT INTO person(person_id, person_name) VALUES (1, "huhx"); create table comment( comment_id int(11) PRIMARY key, person_id int(11) not null, content VARCHAR(45) not null, comment_time DATETIME not NULL ); INSERT INTO comment(comment_id, person_id, content, comment_time) VALUES (1, 1, "content huhx", now()); INSERT INTO comment(comment_id, person_id, content, comment_time) VALUES (2, 1, "content java", now()); INSERT INTO comment(comment_id, person_id, content, comment_time) VALUES (3, 1, "content golang", now());
- Comment:评论表
public class Comment { private int commentId; private String content; private Date commentTime; }
- Person:用户表
public class Person { private int personId; private String personName; }
- PersonComment:用户的评论表
public class PersonComment { private Person person; List<Comment> comments; }
@RequestMapping("/mybatis") @RestController public class MyBatisBeanAction { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyBatisBeanAction.class); @Resource private SqlSession sqlSession; @GetMapping("getComment") public ResponseBean<PersonComment> getPersonComments(@RequestParam("personId") int personId) { PersonComment personComment = this.sqlSession.selectOne("user.queryPersonComments", personId); return ResultUtil.success(personComment); } }
<resultMap id="personCommentMap" type="PersonComment"> <id column="person_id"/><!--这条语句不能省略,否则查询出三条。会electOne在返回处报错..--> <association property="person" column="person_id" javaType="Person"> <id property="personId" column="person_id"/> <result property="personName" column="person_name"/> </association> <collection property="comments" ofType="Comment"> <id property="commentId" column="comment_id"/> <result property="content" column="content"/> <result property="commentTime" column="comment_time"/> </collection> </resultMap> <!-- 一对多的bean映射的写法 --> <select id="queryPersonComments" parameterType="int" resultMap="personCommentMap"> SELECT a.person_id, a.person_name, b.comment_id, b.content, b.comment_time FROM person a, comment b WHERE a.person_id = b.person_id AND a.person_id = #{personId} ORDER BY a.person_id DESC </select>
22:25:19.281 [http-nio-9998-exec-4] DEBUG user.queryAllUserInfo_COUNT - ==> Preparing: SELECT count(0) FROM puser 22:25:19.282 [http-nio-9998-exec-4] DEBUG user.queryAllUserInfo_COUNT - ==> Parameters: 22:25:19.285 [http-nio-9998-exec-4] DEBUG user.queryAllUserInfo_COUNT - <== Total: 1 22:25:19.286 [http-nio-9998-exec-4] DEBUG user.queryAllUserInfo - ==> Preparing: SELECT userId, username, password, address, phoneNumber, birthday, sex FROM puser ORDER BY userId DESC LIMIT ?, ? 22:25:19.286 [http-nio-9998-exec-4] DEBUG user.queryAllUserInfo - ==> Parameters: 3(Integer), 3(Integer) 22:25:19.290 [http-nio-9998-exec-4] DEBUG user.queryAllUserInfo - <== Total: 3
{ "returnCode": 0, "returnMessage": "成功", "response": { "person": { "personId": 1, "personName": "huhx" }, "comments": [ { "commentId": 1, "content": "content huhx", "commentTime": 1513606831000 }, { "commentId": 2, "content": "content java", "commentTime": 1513606862000 }, { "commentId": 3, "content": "content golang", "commentTime": 1513606863000 } ] } }
@GetMapping("getCommentMap") public ResponseBean<List<Map<String, Object>>> getPersonCommentsMap(@RequestParam("personId") int personId) { List<Map<String, Object>> lists = this.sqlSession.selectList("user.queryPersonCommentsMap", personId); return ResultUtil.success(lists); } <select id="queryPersonCommentsMap" parameterType="int" resultType="map"> SELECT a.person_id, a.person_name, b.comment_id, b.content, b.comment_time FROM person a, comment b WHERE a.person_id = b.person_id AND a.person_id = #{personId} ORDER BY a.person_id DESC </select>
{ "returnCode": 0, "returnMessage": "成功", "response": [ { "comment_time": 1513606831000, "person_name": "huhx", "comment_id": 1, "content": "content huhx", "person_id": 1 }, { "comment_time": 1513606862000, "person_name": "huhx", "comment_id": 2, "content": "content java", "person_id": 1 }, { "comment_time": 1513606863000, "person_name": "huhx", "comment_id": 3, "content": "content golang", "person_id": 1 } ] }