• 数据库聚合函数(统计函数)



    Select AVG(age)  as 年龄 from biao  where banji=’一班’

    --直接出平均值,赋值给列名 年龄。注意as位置在from前.    AVG只可以对数字类型操作。

    Select COUNT(*)  from biao  where name like ‘王%’—王姓的人数

    Select COUNT( distinct  age)  from biao –-去除年龄相同的。显示年龄的个数!

    Select MAX/MIN (age) from biao where banji=’一班’—-一班最大/小的年龄

    Select SUM(shuxue) from biao where name like ‘王%’—王姓所有人的数学分数  总和

    ()中都可以使用distinct ,不写时默认是   all

    use student


    select * from biao

    select AVG(yuwen) as 语文平均分 from biao

    select COUNT (*)as geshu from biao 

    select AVG (age) as 年龄 from biao where banji='一班'--求一班的平均年龄


    select COUNT(*) as 个数 from biao --查询biao中数据个数


    select COUNT (distinct banji) from biao --表示班级个数,去除重名!


    select MAX (yuwen )from biao where banji='一班'--

    select MIN (yuwen )from biao where banji='一班'--

    select SUM (yuwen )from biao where age=23--


    select AVG(age) as 平均年龄,COUNT(*)as 人数 from biao where banji='一班'




    select COUNT (*) from biao where age=25  --25 岁的人个数


    select AVG (age)as 平均年龄, MAX (yuwen)as 语文最高分  from biao where sex='女'


    update biao set name='田园青' where code  between 1 and 2



    select *from biao where yuwen >75 or shuxue>75 or yingyu>75 order by yuwen




    select  banji from biao group by banji--   分组,只显示一班和二班


    select banji ,AVG(yuwen) as 语文平均分 from biao group by banji --   先分组后求平均分


    select age,COUNT(*) as 个数 from biao where age between 20 and 25 group by age




    select banji, count(*) as 个数 from biao where yuwen >=60 group by banji




    select banji, count(*) as 大于分的人数 from biao where yuwen >=88 group by banji having COUNT(*)>5




    select banji ,COUNT(*) as 语文大于的人数 from biao where yuwen>=75 group by banji order by COUNT(*)desc


    --选出语文成绩大于分班级的人数按班级分组,再按降序排列(group by 后面的语句最后执行)


    select banji ,MAX (yuwen),MAX(shuxue),MAX(yingyu)from biao group by banji  order by MAX (yuwen) asc


    --按班级分组,求出语数英最大值,最后按语文分升序排列(order by 后面必须跟前面语句中的信息)


    select banji ,COUNT(*) as 班人数 ,AVG (yuwen) as 每班语文平均分 from biao group by banji having AVG(yuwen)>85




    --先执行where,再group by(按…分组), 再执行前面的聚合函数,

    --最后执行having 函数(having 函数+ 判断符+ 条件)


    select code,name ,ABS(yuwen) as 语文分数绝对值 from biao


    select code,name,yuwen from biao where ABS (yuwen)>95


    --ABS 取绝对值。选取分数绝对值大于人的code, name, yuwen


    select CEILING (shuxue)from biao where (shuxue-CEILING (shuxue))!=0--取上限!




    select FLOOR (shuxue)from biao where code=8--取下限!


    select '这是'+name+'年龄的平方:',POWER (age,2)from biao


    select POWER (4,3) as 呵呵 --表示的次方,命名为呵呵


    select ROUND (1.765734211,1)--把.765734211四舍五入到小数点后位!


    select shuxue,ROUND(shuxue,0)as shehou from biao where shuxue != ROUND (shuxue,0)




    select SQRT (9) as 平方根 --求平方根。得出结果3.


    select SQUARE (9) as 平方  --平方!得出结果是81.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/huaze/p/4065475.html
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