• 暑假集训(2)第九弹 ----- Points on Cycle(hdu1700)

                                                Points on Cycle

    Time Limit:1000MS     Memory Limit:32768KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u


    There is a cycle with its center on the origin.
    Now give you a point on the cycle, you are to find out the other two points on it, to maximize the sum of the distance between each other
    you may assume that the radius of the cycle will not exceed 1000.


    There are T test cases, in each case there are 2 decimal number representing the coordinate of the given point.


    For each testcase you are supposed to output the coordinates of both of the unknow points by 3 decimal places of precision
    Alway output the lower one first(with a smaller Y-coordinate value), if they have the same Y value output the one with a smaller X.

    when output, if the absolute difference between the coordinate values X1 and X2 is smaller than 0.0005, we assume they are equal.

    Sample Input

    2 1.500 2.000 563.585 1.251

    Sample Output

    0.982 -2.299 -2.482 0.299 -280.709 -488.704 -282.876 487.453

    问题分析:它是一道几何题,假设以知点a坐标为(x0,y0),位置点b,c为(x1,y1),(x2,y2).  圆方程为x2+y2 = r2;可将圆方程化为x=rcosα,y=rsinα;

    又有x12+y1 2= r2 = x02+y0 2,(a*b)/|a|*|b| = cos120

    易得 acosα + bsinα = -0.5r

           (acosα)2   = (0.5r + bsinα)2

            r2sinα2 + rbsinα + 0.25r2 - a2 = 0

          得   x1 = -0.5*b + a*√3 * 0.5  或 x1 = -0.5*b - a*√3 *0.5(舍去)

          及   y = -0.5*b - a*√3 * 0.5  或 y= 0.5*b + a*√3 * 0.5(舍去)


    也可直接利用cos(α+β) = cosαcosβ - sinαsinβ ,sin(α+β) = sinαcosβ + cosαsinβ求解,

     1 #include <cstdio>
     2 #include <cmath>
     3 int main()
     4 {
     5   double a,b,x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2;
     6   int t;
     7   a=sqrt(3.0)/2;
     8   b=-0.5;
     9   scanf("%d",&t);
    10    while(t--)
    11   {
    12     scanf("%lf%lf",&x0,&y0);
    13     x1 = b*x0 - a*y0;
    14     y1 = b*y0 + a*x0;
    15     x2 = b*x0 + a*y0;
    16     y2 = b*y0 - a*x0;
    17     if(y1<y2 || ((fabs(y1-y2) < 0.005) && x1 < x2))
    18       printf("%.3lf %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf
    19     else
    20       printf("%.3lf %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf
    21   }
    22   return 0;
    23 }
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