• es6初级之箭头函数实现隔行变色



    2.给div 加背景

    3.鼠标移动到div上时,当前div 背景变色



     1 <!DOCTYPE html>
     2 <html lang="en">
     3 <head>
     4     <meta charset="UTF-8">
     5     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
     6     <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
     7     <title>Document</title>
     8     <style>
     9         div {
    10             border: 1px solid #000;
    11             margin: 10px;
    12             border: 1px solid #000;
    13             height: 10px;
    14             padding: 10px;
    15         }        
    16         .even-color {
    17             background: #eee;
    18         }       
    19         .odd-color {
    20             background: #ccc;
    21         }       
    22         .active {
    23             background: red;
    24         }
    25     </style>
    26 </head>
    27 <body>
    28     <div></div>
    29     <div></div>
    30     <div></div>
    31     <div></div>
    32     <div></div>
    33     <div></div>
    34     <div></div>
    35     <div></div>
    36     <div></div>
    37     <div></div>
    38     <div></div>
    39     <div></div>
    40     <div></div>
    41     <div></div>
    42     <div></div>
    43 </body>
    44 </html>

    js 常规实现方式(es5):

     1  window.onload = function() {
     2             var adiv = document.querySelectorAll("div");
     3             var oldColor = '';
     4             adiv.forEach(function(ele, index) {
     5                 ele.className = (index % 2 == 0) ? 'even-color' : 'odd-color';
     6             });
     7             adiv.forEach(function(ele, index) {
     8                 ele.onmouseover = function() {
     9                     oldColor = this.className;
    10                     this.className = 'active';
    11                 }
    12                 ele.onmouseout = function() {
    13                     this.className = oldColor;
    14                 }
    15             });
    16  }

    js  es6实现方式:

     1  window.onload = function() {
     2             let adiv = document.querySelectorAll("div");
     3             let oldColor = '';
     4             adiv.forEach((ele, index) => {
     5                 ele.className = (index % 2 == 0) ? 'even-color' : 'odd-color';
     6             });
     7             adiv.forEach((ele, index) => {
     8                 ele.onmouseover = () => {
     9                     oldColor = ele.className;
    10                     ele.className = 'active';
    11                 };
    12                 ele.onmouseout = () => {
    13                     ele.className = oldColor;
    14                 }
    15             });
    16         };

    js es6 及html5    ele.classList.add()  & ele.classList.remove()  方法实现:

     1 window.onload = function() {
     2             let adiv = document.querySelectorAll("div");
     3             let oldColor = '';
     4             adiv.forEach((ele, index) => {
     5                 ele.className = (index % 2 == 0) ? 'even-color' : 'odd-color';
     6             });
     7             adiv.forEach((ele, index) => {
     8                 ele.onmouseover = () => {
     9                     ele.classList.add('active');
    10                 };
    11                 ele.onmouseout = () => {
    12                     ele.classList.remove('active');
    13                 }
    14             });
    15         }


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/huanying2015/p/8304939.html
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