• @fontface

     * jQuery.hhNewSilder 滚动图片插件
     * User: huanhuan
     * QQ: 651471385
     * Email: th.wanghuan@gmail.com
     * 微博: huanhuan的天使
     * Date: 13-5-4
     * Time: 下午5:20
     * Dependence jquery-1.7.2.min.js

    /*font-face 格式
    src: <source> [<format>][,<source> [<format>]]*;
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
    第一种方法:<i class="icon-index-max" aria-hidden="true" data-icon="&#xe02b;"></i>
    第二种方法:<i class="icon-podcast icon-index-max"></i>
    @font-face {
    font-family: 'icomoon';
    src: url('../fontface/icomoon.eot');/* IE9 Compat Modes */
    src: url('../fontface/icomoon.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),/* IE6-IE8 */
    url('../fontface/icomoon.woff') format('woff'),/* Modern Browsers */
    url('../fontface/icomoon.ttf') format('truetype'),/* Safari, Android, iOS */
    url('../fontface/icomoon.dev.svg#icomoon') format('svg');/* Legacy iOS */
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
    /* Use the following CSS code if you want to use data attributes for inserting your icons */
    [data-icon]:before {
    font-family: 'icomoon';
    content: attr(data-icon);
    speak: none;
    font-weight: normal;
    font-variant: normal;
    text-transform: none;
    font-style: normal;
    line-height: 1;
    -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
    *-webkit-font-smoothing: 设置字体的抗锯齿或者说光滑度的属性

    /* Use the following CSS code if you want to have a class per icon */
    Instead of a list of all class selectors,
    you can use the generic selector below, but it's slower:
    [class*="icon-"] {
    .icon-home, .icon-office, .icon-pencil, .icon-pencil-2, .icon-connection, .icon-bullhorn, .icon-newspaper, .icon-images, .icon-camera, .icon-file, .icon-profile, .icon-file-2, .icon-library, .icon-books, .icon-book, .icon-feed, .icon-podcast, .icon-pacman, .icon-folder, .icon-folder-open, .icon-tags, .icon-qrcode, .icon-cart, .icon-cart-2, .icon-credit, .icon-coin, .icon-support, .icon-calendar, .icon-calendar-2, .icon-alarm, .icon-alarm-2, .icon-map, .icon-map-2, .icon-location, .icon-location-2, .icon-pushpin, .icon-envelop, .icon-notebook, .icon-address-book, .icon-phone-hang-up, .icon-phone, .icon-print, .icon-keyboard, .icon-screen, .icon-laptop, .icon-mobile, .icon-mobile-2, .icon-tablet, .icon-tv, .icon-box-add, .icon-box-remove, .icon-disk, .icon-users, .icon-bubbles, .icon-bubbles-2, .icon-bubbles-3, .icon-reply, .icon-forward, .icon-redo, .icon-undo, .icon-spinner, .icon-binoculars, .icon-zoom-in, .icon-expand, .icon-contract, .icon-expand-2, .icon-contract-2, .icon-key, .icon-lock, .icon-unlocked, .icon-food, .icon-glass, .icon-gift, .icon-bars, .icon-stats, .icon-cog, .icon-cogs, .icon-cog-2, .icon-equalizer, .icon-settings, .icon-fire, .icon-remove, .icon-remove-2, .icon-briefcase, .icon-airplane, .icon-truck, .icon-road, .icon-accessibility, .icon-power-cord, .icon-eye-blocked, .icon-eye, .icon-attachment, .icon-flag, .icon-lightning, .icon-link, .icon-globe, .icon-upload, .icon-download, .icon-cloud-upload, .icon-cloud-download, .icon-cloud, .icon-eye-2, .icon-bookmarks, .icon-bookmark, .icon-star, .icon-star-2, .icon-star-3, .icon-heart, .icon-heart-2, .icon-heart-broken, .icon-thumbs-up, .icon-thumbs-up-2, .icon-forward-2, .icon-backward {
    font-family: 'icomoon';
    speak: none;
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    font-variant: normal;
    text-transform: none;
    line-height: 1;
    font-style: normal;
    -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
    .icon-home:before {
    content: "\e000";
    .icon-office:before {
    content: "\e001";
    .icon-pencil:before {
    content: "\e002";
    .icon-pencil-2:before {
    content: "\e003";
    .icon-connection:before {
    content: "\e004";
    .icon-bullhorn:before {
    content: "\e005";
    .icon-newspaper:before {
    content: "\e006";
    .icon-images:before {
    content: "\e007";
    .icon-camera:before {
    content: "\e008";
    .icon-file:before {
    content: "\e009";
    .icon-profile:before {
    content: "\e00a";
    .icon-file-2:before {
    content: "\e00b";
    .icon-library:before {
    content: "\e00c";
    .icon-books:before {
    content: "\e00d";
    .icon-book:before {
    content: "\e00e";
    .icon-feed:before {
    content: "\e00f";
    .icon-podcast:before {
    content: "\e010";
    .icon-pacman:before {
    content: "\e013";
    .icon-folder:before {
    content: "\e011";
    .icon-folder-open:before {
    content: "\e012";
    .icon-tags:before {
    content: "\e014";
    .icon-qrcode:before {
    content: "\e015";
    .icon-cart:before {
    content: "\e016";
    .icon-cart-2:before {
    content: "\e017";
    .icon-credit:before {
    content: "\e018";
    .icon-coin:before {
    content: "\e019";
    .icon-support:before {
    content: "\e01a";
    .icon-calendar:before {
    content: "\e01b";
    .icon-calendar-2:before {
    content: "\e01c";
    .icon-alarm:before {
    content: "\e01d";
    .icon-alarm-2:before {
    content: "\e01e";
    .icon-map:before {
    content: "\e01f";
    .icon-map-2:before {
    content: "\e020";
    .icon-location:before {
    content: "\e021";
    .icon-location-2:before {
    content: "\e022";
    .icon-pushpin:before {
    content: "\e023";
    .icon-envelop:before {
    content: "\e024";
    .icon-notebook:before {
    content: "\e025";
    .icon-address-book:before {
    content: "\e026";
    .icon-phone-hang-up:before {
    content: "\e027";
    .icon-phone:before {
    content: "\e028";
    .icon-print:before {
    content: "\e029";
    .icon-keyboard:before {
    content: "\e02a";
    .icon-screen:before {
    content: "\e02b";
    .icon-laptop:before {
    content: "\e02c";
    .icon-mobile:before {
    content: "\e02d";
    .icon-mobile-2:before {
    content: "\e02e";
    .icon-tablet:before {
    content: "\e02f";
    .icon-tv:before {
    content: "\e030";
    .icon-box-add:before {
    content: "\e031";
    .icon-box-remove:before {
    content: "\e032";
    .icon-disk:before {
    content: "\e033";
    .icon-users:before {
    content: "\e034";
    .icon-bubbles:before {
    content: "\e035";
    .icon-bubbles-2:before {
    content: "\e036";
    .icon-bubbles-3:before {
    content: "\e037";
    .icon-reply:before {
    content: "\e038";
    .icon-forward:before {
    content: "\e039";
    .icon-redo:before {
    content: "\e03a";
    .icon-undo:before {
    content: "\e03b";
    .icon-spinner:before {
    content: "\e03c";
    .icon-binoculars:before {
    content: "\e03d";
    .icon-zoom-in:before {
    content: "\e03e";
    .icon-expand:before {
    content: "\e03f";
    .icon-contract:before {
    content: "\e040";
    .icon-expand-2:before {
    content: "\e041";
    .icon-contract-2:before {
    content: "\e042";
    .icon-key:before {
    content: "\e043";
    .icon-lock:before {
    content: "\e044";
    .icon-unlocked:before {
    content: "\e045";
    .icon-food:before {
    content: "\e046";
    .icon-glass:before {
    content: "\e047";
    .icon-gift:before {
    content: "\e048";
    .icon-bars:before {
    content: "\e049";
    .icon-stats:before {
    content: "\e04a";
    .icon-cog:before {
    content: "\e04b";
    .icon-cogs:before {
    content: "\e04c";
    .icon-cog-2:before {
    content: "\e04d";
    .icon-equalizer:before {
    content: "\e04e";
    .icon-settings:before {
    content: "\e04f";
    .icon-fire:before {
    content: "\e050";
    .icon-remove:before {
    content: "\e051";
    .icon-remove-2:before {
    content: "\e052";
    .icon-briefcase:before {
    content: "\e053";
    .icon-airplane:before {
    content: "\e054";
    .icon-truck:before {
    content: "\e055";
    .icon-road:before {
    content: "\e056";
    .icon-accessibility:before {
    content: "\e057";
    .icon-power-cord:before {
    content: "\e058";
    .icon-eye-blocked:before {
    content: "\e059";
    .icon-eye:before {
    content: "\e05a";
    .icon-attachment:before {
    content: "\e05b";
    .icon-flag:before {
    content: "\e05c";
    .icon-lightning:before {
    content: "\e05d";
    .icon-link:before {
    content: "\e05e";
    .icon-globe:before {
    content: "\e05f";
    .icon-upload:before {
    content: "\e060";
    .icon-download:before {
    content: "\e061";
    .icon-cloud-upload:before {
    content: "\e062";
    .icon-cloud-download:before {
    content: "\e063";
    .icon-cloud:before {
    content: "\e064";
    .icon-eye-2:before {
    content: "\e065";
    .icon-bookmarks:before {
    content: "\e066";
    .icon-bookmark:before {
    content: "\e067";
    .icon-star:before {
    content: "\e068";
    .icon-star-2:before {
    content: "\e069";
    .icon-star-3:before {
    content: "\e06a";
    .icon-heart:before {
    content: "\e06b";
    .icon-heart-2:before {
    content: "\e06c";
    .icon-heart-broken:before {
    content: "\e06d";
    .icon-thumbs-up:before {
    content: "\e06e";
    .icon-thumbs-up-2:before {
    content: "\e06f";
    .icon-forward-2:before {
    content: "\e070";
    .icon-backward:before {
    content: "\e071";

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/huanhuan1989/p/3253302.html
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