• poj 2987 Firing 最大权闭合图


    You’ve finally got mad at “the world’s most stupid” employees of yours and decided to do some firings. You’re now simply too mad to give response to questions like “Don’t you think it is an even more stupid decision to have signed them?”, yet calm enough to consider the potential profit and loss from firing a good portion of them. While getting rid of an employee will save your wage and bonus expenditure on him, termination of a contract before expiration costs you funds for compensation. If you fire an employee, you also fire all his underlings and the underlings of his underlings and those underlings’ underlings’ underlings… An employee may serve in several departments and his (direct or indirect) underlings in one department may be his boss in another department. Is your firing plan ready now?




    胡伯涛 《最小割模型在信息学竞赛中的应用》


      1 #include<iostream>
      2 #include<cstdio>
      3 #include<cstring>
      4 #include<cstdlib>
      5 #include<cmath>
      6 #include<algorithm>
      7 #include<vector>
      8 #include<queue>
      9 #define inf 0x7fffffff
     10 using namespace std;
     11 typedef long long LL;
     12 const int maxn=5000+10;
     13 const int M = 25000000+10;
     15 int n,m,from,to;
     16 struct node
     17 {
     18     int v,flow;
     19     int next;
     20 }edge[M*3];
     21 int head[maxn],edgenum;
     23 void add(int u,int v,int flow)
     24 {
     25     edge[edgenum].v=v ;edge[edgenum].flow=flow ;
     26     edge[edgenum].next=head[u] ;head[u]=edgenum++ ;
     28     edge[edgenum].v=u ;edge[edgenum].flow=0 ;
     29     edge[edgenum].next=head[v] ;head[v]=edgenum++ ;
     30 }
     32 int d[maxn];
     33 int bfs()
     34 {
     35     memset(d,0,sizeof(d));
     36     d[from]=1;
     37     queue<int> Q;
     38     Q.push(from);
     39     while (!Q.empty())
     40     {
     41         int u=Q.front() ;Q.pop() ;
     42         for (int i=head[u] ;i!=-1 ;i=edge[i].next)
     43         {
     44             int v=edge[i].v;
     45             if (!d[v] && edge[i].flow)
     46             {
     47                 d[v]=d[u]+1;
     48                 Q.push(v);
     49                 if (v==to) return 1;
     50             }
     51         }
     52     }
     53     return 0;
     54 }
     56 int dfs(int u,int flow)
     57 {
     58     if (u==to || flow==0) return flow;
     59     int cap=flow;
     60     for (int i=head[u] ;i!=-1 ;i=edge[i].next)
     61     {
     62         int v=edge[i].v;
     63         if (d[v]==d[u]+1 && edge[i].flow)
     64         {
     65             int x=dfs(v,min(edge[i].flow,cap));
     66             edge[i].flow -= x;
     67             edge[i^1].flow += x;
     68             cap -= x;
     69             if (cap==0) return flow;
     70         }
     71     }
     72     return flow-cap;
     73 }
     75 LL dinic()
     76 {
     77     LL ans=0;
     78     while (bfs()) ans += dfs(from,inf);
     79     return ans;
     80 }
     82 int vis[maxn];
     83 void dfs2(int u)
     84 {
     85     if (u==to) return ;
     86     vis[u]=1;
     87     for (int i=head[u] ;i!=-1 ;i=edge[i].next)
     88         if (edge[i].flow>0 && !vis[edge[i].v ])
     89             dfs2(edge[i].v);
     90 }
     92 int main()
     93 {
     94     while (scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)!=EOF)
     95     {
     96         memset(head,-1,sizeof(head));
     97         edgenum=0;
     98         from=n+1;
     99         to=from+1;
    100         int a,b;
    101         LL sum=0;
    102         for (int i=1 ;i<=n ;i++)
    103         {
    104             scanf("%d",&a);
    105             if (a>0) {sum += a ;add(from,i,a) ;}
    106             else add(i,to,-a);
    107         }
    108         for (int i=0 ;i<m ;i++)
    109         {
    110             scanf("%d%d",&a,&b);
    111             add(a,b,inf);
    112         }
    113         sum=sum-dinic();
    114         memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis));
    115         dfs2(from);
    116         int ans=0;
    117         for (int i=1 ;i<=n ;i++) if (vis[i]) ans++;
    118         printf("%d %I64d
    119     }
    120     return 0;
    121 }
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    appium 设备信息字典(desired_caps)
    appium 操作界面
    jemter csv参数化时注意问题
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/huangxf/p/4357012.html
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