1 mysql -u root -p 以root权限登录,默认密码为空 2 show databases; 列出所有数据库 3 drop table if exists hst; 如果存在表hst则先删除 4 create database hst; 创建数据库 5 use hst; 进入数据库 6 create table student( 7 id int auto_increment primary key, 8 name varchar(50), 9 sex varchar(20), 10 date varchar(50), 11 content varchar(100) 12 )default charset=utf8; 创建表 13 drop table student; 删除表 14 describe student; 查看表结构(desc student;) 15 16 insert into student values(null,'aa','男','1988-10-12','.....'); 插入数据 17 select * from student; 18 select id,name from student; 查询id,name列 19 20 update student set sex='男' where id=4; 修改id为4的行性别为男 21 22 delete from student where id=5; 删除id为5的行 23 24 select * from student where date>'1988-1-2' and date<'1988-12-1'; and、or 25 26 select * from student where date between '1988-1-2' and '1988-12-1'; between
安装了mysql,python3.0先装好pymysql,在IDLE中测试下import pymysql是否报错,没有报错,完美。
1 import pymysql 2 db = pymysql.connect("localhost", "root", "", "test") 连接test数据库 3 cursor=db.cursor() 4 cursor.execute(sql语句) 5 db.commit() 6 db.close()
1 #!/user/bin/python 2 #-*-coding:UTF-8 *-* 3 4 import pymysql 5 import random,string,uuid 6 7 def generateN(len, count, cursor, db, database): 8 getChars = lambda: string.ascii_letters+string.digits 9 generate = lambda len: "".join(random.sample(getChars(), len)) 10 for i in range(count): 11 sql = "insert into {0} (id,value) values ({1},'{2}')".format(database,"null", generate(len)) 12 cursor.execute(sql) 13 db.commit() 14 15 #generateN(10, 20) 16 db = pymysql.connect("localhost", "root", "", "hst") 17 cursor = db.cursor() 18 cursor.execute("drop table if exists generateCodes") 19 sql = "create table generateCodes(id int auto_increment primary key, value varchar(50))" 20 cursor.execute(sql) 21 cursor.execute("show tables"); 22 generateN(10, 20, cursor, db, "generateCodes") 23 db.close()
问题1:pymysql.err.InternalError: (1054, "Unknown column '***' in 'field list'")
参考:https://blog.csdn.net/fk103/article/details/80139284,原因是字符串占位符那里没有写'',将(values ({1},{2})修改为(values ({1},'{2}'))
问题2:插入第2个数据的时候Duplicate entry for key 'PRIMARY'
1 select * from generateCodes;