• shell参数扩展




    3) 在算术表达式,命令替换或者变量扩展里面的,如${value}



    Use Default Values. If parameter is unset or null, the expansion ofword (or an empty string if word is omitted) shall be substituted; otherwise, the value ofparameter shall be substituted.
    [hdfs@cdh51kdc ~]$ bb=3
    [hdfs@cdh51kdc ~]$ echo ${aa}
    [hdfs@cdh51kdc ~]$ echo ${bb}
    [hdfs@cdh51kdc ~]$ echo ${aa-${bb}}
    [hdfs@cdh51kdc ~]$ aa=2
    [hdfs@cdh51kdc ~]$ echo ${aa-${bb}}
    Assign Default Values. If parameter is unset or null, the expansion ofword (or an empty string if word is omitted) shall be assigned toparameter. In all cases, the final value of parameter shall be substituted. Only variables, not positional parameters or special parameters, can be assigned in this way.
    [hdfs@cdh51kdc ~]$ echo ${aa-${bb}}
    [hdfs@cdh51kdc ~]$ echo ${aa:=${bb}}
    [hdfs@cdh51kdc ~]$ echo ${cc}
    [hdfs@cdh51kdc ~]$ echo ${cc:=${bb}}
    [hdfs@cdh51kdc ~]$ echo ${cc}
    Indicate Error if Null or Unset. If parameter is unset or null, the expansion ofword (or a message indicating it is unset if word is omitted) shall be written to standard error and the shell exits with a non-zero exit status. Otherwise, the value ofparameter shall be substituted. An interactive shell need not exit.
    [hdfs@cdh51kdc ~]$ echo ${cc:?"Value not set"}
    [hdfs@cdh51kdc ~]$ echo ${dd:?"Value not set"}
    -bash: dd: Value not set
    Use Alternative Value. If parameter is unset or null, null shall be substituted; otherwise, the expansion ofword (or an empty string if word is omitted) shall be substituted.
    [hdfs@cdh51kdc ~]$ echo ${cc:+"Value not set"}
    Value not set
    [hdfs@cdh51kdc ~]$ echo ${dd:+"Value not set"}

    String Length. The length in characters of the value of parameter shall be substituted. If parameter is '*' or '@', the result of the expansion is unspecified. If parameter is unset andset -u is in effect, the expansion shall fail.
    [hdfs@cdh51kdc ~]$ echo ${#cc}
    [hdfs@cdh51kdc ~]$ echo ${#dd}

    The following four varieties of parameter expansion provide for substring processing. In each case, pattern matching notation (see Pattern Matching Notation), rather than regular expression notation, shall be used to evaluate the patterns. Ifparameter is '#', '*', or '@', the result of the expansion is unspecified. Ifparameter is unset and set -u is in effect, the expansion shall fail. Enclosing the full parameter expansion string in double-quotes shall not cause the following four varieties of pattern characters to be quoted, whereas quoting characters within the braces shall have this effect. In each variety, ifword is omitted, the empty pattern shall be used.

    Remove Smallest Suffix Pattern. The word shall be expanded to produce a pattern. The parameter expansion shall then result inparameter, with the smallest portion of the suffix matched by the pattern deleted. If present,word shall not begin with an unquoted'%'.
    [hdfs@cdh51kdc ~]$ echo ${cc}
    Value not set
    [hdfs@cdh51kdc ~]$ echo ${cc%"et"}
    Value not s
    Remove Largest Suffix Pattern. The word shall be expanded to produce a pattern. The parameter expansion shall then result inparameter, with the largest portion of the suffix matched by the pattern deleted.
    [hdfs@cdh51kdc ~]$ echo ${cc%%t*}
    Value no
    [hdfs@cdh51kdc ~]$ echo ${cc%t*}
    Value not se
    Remove Smallest Prefix Pattern. The word shall be expanded to produce a pattern. The parameter expansion shall then result inparameter, with the smallest portion of the prefix matched by the pattern deleted. If present,word shall not begin with an unquoted '#'.
    Remove Largest Prefix Pattern. The word shall be expanded to produce a pattern. The parameter expansion shall then result inparameter, with the largest portion of the prefix matched by the pattern deleted.
    [hdfs@cdh51kdc ~]$ echo ${cc#*t}
    [hdfs@cdh51kdc ~]$ echo ${cc##*t}
    [hdfs@cdh51kdc ~]$ echo ${cc#V}
    alue not set
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/huangmr0811/p/5570932.html
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