1.数据 s1,201801,A s1,201802,A s1,201803,C s1,201804,A s1,201805,A s1,201806,A s2,201801,A s2,201802,B s2,201803,C s2,201804,A s2,201805,D s2,201806,A s3,201801,C s3,201802,A s3,201803,A s3,201804,A s3,201805,B s3,201806,A 2.建表 create table if not exists student(name string,month string,degree string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' ; load data local inpath '/root/stu.txt' into table student; 3.现要查询表中连续三个月以上degree均为A的记录? select a1.name, a1.month, a1.degree from ( select name, month, degree, sum(if(degree = 'A', 1, 0)) OVER(PARTITION BY name ORDER BY month ROWS BETWEEN 2 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS score1, sum(if(degree = 'A', 1, 0)) OVER(PARTITION BY name ORDER BY month ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING AND 1 following) AS score2, sum(if(degree = 'A', 1, 0)) OVER(PARTITION BY name ORDER BY month ROWS BETWEEN CURRENT ROW AND 2 following) AS score3 from student ) as a1 where a1.score1 = 3 or a1.score2 = 3 or a1.score3 = 3 结果: s1 201804 A s1 201805 A s1 201806 A s3 201802 A s3 201803 A s3 201804 A