The fields usedto determine sort order must be carefully chosen. Documents must contain asingle term in such a field, and the value of the term should indicate thedocument's relative position in a given sort order. The field must be indexed,but should not be tokenized, and does not need to be stored (unless you happento want it back with the rest of your document data). In other words:
document.add (new Field ("byNumber",Integer.toString(x), Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
Ø TopFieldDocs search(
Query query,
Filter filter, int n,
Sort sort)
Searchimplementation with arbitrary sorting.
Ø Sort(
SortField field)
Sorts by thecriteria in the given SortField.
Ø SortField(
String field, int type)
Creates a sort byterms in the given field with the type of term values explicitly given.
SortField sortF = new SortField("f", SortField.INT);
Sort sort = new Sort(sortF);
TopFieldDocs docs =, null, 10, sort);
ScoreDoc[] docs2 = docs.scoreDocs;
Field Summary | |
static int |
BYTE Sort using term values as encoded Bytes. |
static int |
CUSTOM Sort using a custom Comparator. |
static int |
DOC Sort by document number (index order). |
static int |
DOUBLE Sort using term values as encoded Doubles. |
static SortField |
FIELD_DOC Represents sorting by document number (index order). |
static SortField |
FIELD_SCORE Represents sorting by document score (relevancy). |
static int |
FLOAT Sort using term values as encoded Floats. |
static int |
INT Sort using term values as encoded Integers. |
static int |
LONG Sort using term values as encoded Longs. |
static int |
SCORE Sort by document score (relevancy). |
static int |
SHORT Sort using term values as encoded Shorts. |
static int |
STRING Sort using term values as Strings. |
static int |
STRING_VAL Sort using term values as Strings, but comparing by value (using String.compareTo) for all comparisons. |