• sql语句面试练习



    create table Student
        sId int not null primary key,
        sName varchar(20) not null,
        sage int,
        sSex varchar(20)
    insert into Student values 
    create table Course
        cId int not null primary key,
        cName varchar(20) not null,
        tId int not null
    insert into Course values 
    create table SC
        sId int not null ,
        cId int not null ,
        score int,
        foreign key (cId) references Course(cId),
      foreign key (sId) references Student(sId)
    insert into SC values(01,01,98);
    insert into SC values(01,02,91);
    insert into SC values(01,03,30);
    insert into SC values(02,03,80);
    insert into SC values(02,01,99);
    insert into SC values(02,02,70);
    insert into SC values(03,01,66);
    create table Teacher
        tId int not null primary key,
        tName int not null
    alter table course 
    add foreign key (tId) references Teacher(tId);
    alter table Teacher change tName tName varchar(20);
    insert into Teacher values(01,"张燕");
    insert into Teacher values(02,"聪姐");
    insert into Teacher values(03,"谢芳");


    create view view_test as
    select s.sId,s.sName,s.sage,s.sSex,sc.cId,c.cName,t.tId,t.tName,sc.score
    from Student s,sc,Course c,Teacher t
    where s.sId=sc.sId and sc.cId=c.cId and c.tId=t.tId;
    select * from view_test;


    select a.sId from (select sId,score from SC where cId=01) a,(select sId,score from SC where cId=02) b
    where a.score>b.score and a.sId=b.sId;
    select sId,avg(score)
    from sc
    group by sId having avg(score)>60;
    select s.sId,s.sName,count(sc.cId),sum(score)
    from Student s,sc
    where s.sId=sc.sId 
    group by s.sId,s.sName;
    select s.sId,s.sName,count(sc.cId),sum(score)
    from Student s left outer join sc on s.sId=sc.sId
    group by s.sId,s.sName;
    select count(distinct(tName))
    from Teacher
    where tName like "聪%";
    select Student.sId,Student.sName
    from Student
    where sId not in (select sc.sId from sc,Course,Teacher where sc.cId=Course.cId
    and Course.tId=Teacher.tId and Teacher.tName="谢芳" );
    select sId,sName from Student 
    where sId in(select sc.sId from sc,Student where cId=01 and sc.sId=Student.sId and  sc.sId
    in (select sc.sId from sc,Student where cId=02 and sc.sId=Student.sId ));
    select Student.sId,Student.sName
    from Student,sc 
    where Student.sId=sc.sId and sc.cId=01 and
    exists(select * from sc as sc_2 where sc_2.sId=sc.sId and sc_2.cId=02);
    select distinct s.sId,s.sName
    from Student s,sc,Course c,Teacher t
    where t.tName="聪姐" and c.tId=t.tId and c.cId=sc.cId and sc.sId=s.sId;
    select result.sId,result.sName 
    from (select s.sId,s.sName,sc.score,(select score from sc sc_2 where sc_2.sId=s.sId and sc_2.cId=02) score2 
    from Student s,sc where s.sId=sc.sId and sc.cId=01)result where score2<score;
    select result.sId,result.sName
    from (select s.sId,s.sName,sc.score from Student s,sc
    where s.sId=sc.sId and sc.score>60) result;
    select s.sId,s.sName
    from Student s,sc
    where s.sId=sc.sId 
    group by s.sId,s.sName 
    having count(sc.cId)<(select count(cId) from Course);
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/huangcongcong/p/4004811.html
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