• L125

    The United States Senate (参议院)has taken the first step toward ending President Barack Obama's healthcare program.

    More than half of survey respondents think the current overall 整体 system is unfair and offers little hope for the future.

    Flashing a two-finger peace sign is very common among Japanese when posing for a photo.

    The high-resolution photograph was taken with a 135-mm lens mounted on a digital SLR (single lens reflex 单反)camera.

    Fingerprint scanners have found their way into mobile phones, laptops, external hard drives and electronic wallets.

    The International Monetary Fund says global economic growth will speed up a bit this year and the next after a lackluster 2016.

    If the economy overheats, the  central bank might raise interest rates in an effort to keep inflation at a low level.

    Darkness preserves people's ability to see stars and spot the Milky Way, an ever-dwindling phenomenon.

    Each campus provides combined working and meeting spaces that are free and open for anyone in the startup community.

    Entrepreneurs can network, attend classes and collaborate with mentors to help their startups grow.

    Investigators determined that a helium tank had burst inside a liquid oxygen tank, triggering the explosion.

    Ringling Bros. has two touring circuses this season and will perform 30 shows between now and May.


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