• BEC listen and translation exercise 12

    More than 220 cities now have air quality monitoring systems and 42 others will have systems in place by the end of this year.

    I think I will drop in the day after tomorrow to check out.

    I want to talk about an area of security or safety — bicycles.

    It's very pleasant to have a chance to talk to you about something that is obviously very much on everybody's minds.

    You can book the courts for thirty minutes or an hour.

    It has been dominated in recent years by two Taiwanese brands — Master Kang and Uni-President.
    I am reading about a new telephone that allows you to see the person you are speaking to as well as hear him.

    There will be all sorts of big differences like that, but I'll have to get used to when I arrive there.

    This is the age group when children are first expected to study hard and parents have great expectations of their progress in school.

    Storms sank two river ferries in southern Bangladesh on Sunday and some 90 passengers were reported missing while at least another 68 died.

    An economic forum on opportunities in China is expected to bring scholars, business leaders and government officials to Beijing next week.

    It is still true that a dog is the most useful animal in the world.

    An Indonesia ferry packed with hundreds of refugees fleeing violence in the ravaged Spice Islands, sank yesterday.

    Nearly a third of the abused children we see are in the age group between six and ten, and about sixty-five percent of them are boys.
    I'll have to get used to different working conditions.

    Crowds at Tel Aviv's main square added to the growing call for withdrawal from the war-torn territory.

    Nearly a third of the abused children we see are in the age group between six and ten, and about sixty-five percent of them are boys.

    Crowds at Tel Aviv's main square added to the growing call for withdrawal from the war-torn territory.

    We need to find out a few things about both your academic background and recent work experience.

    The course is held on Tuesdays between 12:30 and 1:30.

    Advertising has already become a very specialized activity in modern times.

    If you're in a western country, you'll often see people walking their dogs.

    The club room is open until 11 o'clock. But all players must leave the courts by 10 o'clock.

    We wish to improve their fluency, grammar and pronunciation in English.

    According to a survey, more than 55 percent of Guangzhou residents showed interest in visiting the theme park.

    The two states will join the 25-nation block provided they carry out reforms.

    Manufacturers often spend huge sums of money on advertisements.

    My university had links with an Indian engineering university.

    Israel's army entered the West Bank area on Tuesday to evacuate the last two Jewish settlements there.
    People often don't ask themselves if the advertisements are telling the truth when they buy advertised products from shops.

    Do spend money on a good lock, because the cheap ones can be very very easy to cut.

    The course runs for 5 weeks, and two hours in a week.

    We buy a particular product because we think that is the best.

    I got a bit lost and I had to ask a stranger, but I got here eventually.

    If you have an expensive bike, it's worth buying two locks.

    More than 800 delegates are expected to attend 3-day Fortune Global Forum which opens on Monday.预计将有超过800名代表会参加于下周一召开的为期三天的全球财富论坛。

    This can frighten criminals away if they realize there is a number stamped on it.

    It concentrates on the writing skills needed for assignments in the departments of economics and social sciences.

    First, when you get your bike whether it's new or second hand, bring it as soon as possible to us.

    Once upon a time, a man met a dog and wanted it to help him in the fight against other animals.
    Now people do not have to use a dog, but they keep it as a friend, just like a member of the family.
    Families who beat their children are not particularly different from other people.

    You'd better tell me your name, so I can find your form.

    Most experts seem to agree that child abuse is caused by a combination of social and psychological factors.

    We have a club room which serves food and drink behind reception.

    I was thinking of going to the university library to do a bit of study.

    This is the tennis club reception area. As a member, you don't have to register when you arrive.
    Some parents are hurting their children because they strongly believe in the use of traditional disciplinary methods.

    The most common type of child abuse you know is beating with the hands or with an instrument usually a cane in some places.
    All large and medium-sized Chinese cities will have greater air quality monitoring by 2010, says a government official.
    It usually has articles and stories about current affairs, about science as well as papers about new developments and research.

    Business organizations that need to frequently contact overseas organizations would want it.需要经常与海外机构联系的商业机构会想要这个的。
    Go to the end of this corridor, turn left and it's the third door on the right.

    Dogs were also used for driving sheep and guarding chickens.

    For old people, a dog is also a child when their real children have grown up and left.

    Here are the changing rooms with showers and lockers for your clothes and things.

    PepsiCo of the US and Unilever of the UK have become the latest foreign entrance in China's competitive bottle tea market.

    I am going to work in a totally new environment.

    Sometimes the power can be so great that young people may easily become victims to their attraction.

    I thought we could just go for a walk, maybe down to that park near the beach.

    We must work together to use its power for better ends.

    China has a growing bottle tea market estimated to be worth 10 billion Yuan.

    Look, the film got a fantastic review in the paper last week.

    They are often the victims of violence themselves.

    Most websites are known as different Internet applications.

    We don't allow smoking in the wards, and the same goes for alcohol.

    According to a Xinhua report, over 16.6 million Chinese traveled abroad last year, up 37 percent from the previous year.

    I understand that you manufacture computers, prepare software and advise clients on how to use them.

    He had seen the lack of medical services and the great suffering of many of the wounded who simply died from lack of care.

    A joint committee will soon seek further cooperation between Egypt and Spain in industry, trade, investment and science and technology.

    From early times, good communications with the rest of the country have led to industrial prosperity for the area.

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