• 2019.8.1英语节课总结

    secretary ['sekrəteri] 外交秘书
    attorney [ə'tɝni] 律师
    Security guards 保安
    Senior /'sinɪɚ/(易读错) supervisor 高级主管

    Reading comprehension阅读理解
    Skin找关键信息: 新概念3就是专门训练Skin阅读

    She suddenly remember / that she had to buy / some food / for her son.

    E-mail 正式 间接 简短 明确 礼貌 时效 格式无误

    Don't send without checking for mistakes
    Don't escalate a conflict by sending an emotionally charged response.
    Don't make any assumptions about the sender's emotional state.


    词性转换,比较级和最高级(er est,more the most)


    PPT演讲: 要多训练。我就是逻辑会混乱,不会临场发挥。 Don't:Rock, shake, lean too much. 

    Life english:生活英语  拿短对话练习

    Job interview:面试 会谈英语 

    Why do you want this job?
    This is not only a fine opportunity, but this company is a place where my qualifications can make a difference. I see this position as made to order. It contains the challenge to keep me on my toes. That's the kind of job I like to anticipate every morning.
    This job is a good fit for what I've been interested in throughout my career. It offers a nice mix of short- and long-term activities. My short-term achievements keep me cranked up and the long-term accomplishments make me feel very good.

    * When I'm working on a project, I don't want just to meet deadlines. Rather, I prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule.
    * Being organized wasn't my strongest point, but I implemented a time management system that really helped my organization skills.
    * I like to make sure that my work is perfect, so I tend to perhaps spend a little too much time checking it. However, I've come to a good balance by setting up a system to ensure everything is done correctly the first time.
    * I used to wait until the last minute to set appointments for the coming week, but I realized that scheduling in advance makes much more sense.

    * When I'm working on a project, I don't want just to meet deadlines. Rather, I prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule.
    * I have exceeded my sales goals every quarter and I've earned a bonus each year since I started with my current employer.
    * My time management skills are excellent and I'm organized, efficient, and take pride in excelling at my work.
    * I pride myself on my customer service skills and my ability to resolve what could be difficult situations.

    Business english: 商务英语场景很多:会客,出差,招聘  要多做场景练习 

    meeting english:会议英语 场景训练 


    电话英语:数字 地点 名字 要听清楚  (我听不清电话数字  连读方式)

    Hello,(is that ) berry?

    Hello? This is Ada speaking.

    Sorry, I must have dialed the wrong number
    May I have Jack?
    I have something urgent to consult Kelly.事情紧急

    Topic speech 主题演讲:

    电子专业英语:要积累电子 软件 工程 机械 行业的专业词汇,不然无法应付技术会议。

    临场演讲:三段论   先列提纲,再找关键词语,用三句说完( 提出观点,解释观点,客套一下)


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/huangbaobaoi/p/11285303.html
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