• L416 Why Do People Cheat on Their Partners?

    Why Do People Cheat on Their Partners?

    There is a pretty girl in a school and there is a nerd. The nerd is infatuated with the pretty girl but never gathered courage in his life to speak to this girl. This pretty girl was involved with many boys and men in her life. From the age of 16–27 she is the absolute queen. She could break any relation at her will.

    Since she got attention and benefits from everywhere she never bothered to work hard. She never made any financial success. Now she is 27, she is not getting the same attention she wanted. Her finances are almost zero. Her life is in a disarray and she is working as sales girl in automobile store. The greatest asset she had is now gone.

    Now that same nerd worked hard all his life. When he reached 28 he just blossomed. He achieves great success. He worked out in gym, build muscles and now he is slowly becoming the alpha. But still he cherishes his childhood crush. He musters courage and somehow proposes this girl. They get married happily ever after.

    But here is thing after marriage he realizes that trophy that he was chasing was not good anymore. The same pretty girl is showing affects of aging. After she has become a mother, she has put on some weight.

    By the time she married him, he realized that he is the catch now, he can do much better than her. Now with financial muscle he has become the God of the dating game. The ultimate stroke comes when he realizes that he was just PLAN B for her. Her retirement package. She never loved him. He was just an utility. This makes him very angry coupled with the fact that in sexual market his attractiveness is at the peak. Even though he is married he starts looking for options and he gets them. All he has to do swipe right on tinder. Then he does forbidden thing. He starts craving for more and more.

    From the age of 16–27 are women’s prime dating years and from 27–50 + is the man’s. The shy nerd becomes the alpha leader with plenty options. A man can technically become a father anytime he wants but a women’s options are limited after 35 .

    Advice to average women:

    Please don’t ignore the power of financial literacy. Our beauty will fade we need to stand up on our own feet. Entitled princess suffers the most in future. Do not depend on spouse’s income. Apart from basic income create a secondary source of income. Invest and save.

    Advice to average men:

    Still lamenting over that you don’t have a girlfriend? Work hard on your career and your physique. It is only after you reach 28 the real magic will begin. YOU ARE THE REAL PRIZE .

    General advice :

    I too had a break up, a very brutal one. I was cheated left and right. I am still single because of my insecurities and fears. My era is ending because I am reaching the dreaded 30s. But the sweet pie is that I have made significant inroads in my career. The dating game works on the principle of survival of the fittest. The alpha of the both sexes has unlimited options. Become the alpha.

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