- 尽量减少在循环中遍历调用对象,公式计算
- (操作VBA代码若出现屏幕闪屏,会拖慢运行速度),可以禁止屏幕闪屏。多用在操作工作表/薄,单元格的时候。
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
- 需声明变量类型,减少工作表函数的使用。(多写循环代替工作表函数)
- 减少VBA函数的使用,如int(10000/3) 可以用10000 3 替代
- 单元格填充数据前先清空单元格数据
- 批量操作及减少循环次数
- 巧妙填充公式,如单元格的filldown方法向下复制,避开循环
cell(2,a) = " = b2*c2"
Public Sub RngFont() With Range("d3").Font .Name = "华文彩云" .FontStyle = "Bold" .Size = 28 .ColorIndex = 3 .Underline = 5 End With With Range("d3").Interior .Pattern = xlPatternCrissCross '设置内部图案为十字图案 .PatternColorIndex = 6 End With End Sub
2、单元格区域设置样式,borders方法,BorderAround 用于区域最外边框设置
Sub AddVBorders() Dim rng As Range Set rng = Range("a5:c9") With rng.Borders .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlThin .ColorIndex = 5 End With rng.BorderAround xlContinuous, xlMedium, 5 Set rng = Nothing End Sub
BorderAround 后参数:
Sub bordersDemo() Dim rng As Range Set rng = Range("e5:g9") With rng.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal) .LineStyle = xlDot .Weight = xlThin .ColorIndex = 5 End With With rng.Borders(xlInsideVertical) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlThin .ColorIndex = 5 End With rng.BorderAround xlContinuous, xlMedium, 5 Set rng = Nothing End Sub
3、行高、列宽设置 (磅或厘米)
Sub RngToPoints() With Range("i14") .RowHeight = Application.CentimetersToPoints(1.2) .ColumnWidth = Application.CentimetersToPoints(0.8) End With With Range("j15") .RowHeight = Application.InchesToPoints(0.5) .ColumnWidth = Application.InchesToPoints(0.2) End With End Sub
4、单元格数据有效性设置 Validation对象add方法
Sub Validation() '建立数据有效性 With Range("a1:a3").Validation .Delete .Add Type:=xlValidateList, _ Operator:=xlBetween, _ Formula1:="1,2,3,4,5,6,7" 'formula1,formula2可设置有效性公式 End With '判断数据有效性 On Error GoTo Line If Range("a1").Validation.Type >= 0 Then MsgBox "have validation" Exit Sub End If Line: MsgBox "none" End Sub
Private Sub worksheet_Selectionchange(ByVal target As Range) If target.Column = 1 And target.Count = 1 And target.Row > 1 Then With target.Validation .Delete .Add Type:=xlValidateList, _ Operator:=xlBetween, _ Formula1:="主机,显示器" End With End If If target.Column = 2 Then Application.SendKeys "%{down}" ' 点击单元格自动下拉展示所有选项 End If End Sub Private Sub worksheet_change(ByVal target As Range) If target.Column = 1 And target.Row > 1 And target.Count = 1 Then With target.Offset(0, 1).Validation .Delete Select Case target Case "主机" .Add Type:=xlValidateList, _ AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, _ Operator:=xlBetween, _ Formula1:="z286,z386,z486,z586" Case "显示器" .Add Type:=xlValidateList, _ AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, _ Operator:=xlBetween, _ Formula1:="三星1,飞利浦1,三星2,飞利浦2" End Select End With End If End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Select Case Selection.HasFormula Case True MsgBox "公式单元格" Case False MsgBox "非公式单元格" Case Else MsgBox "公式位置" & Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, 23).Address(0, 0) End Select End Sub
若需要返回公式引用的单元格区域则使用公式单元格Precedents属性,exp: range("c1").Precedents.address(0,0)
1)逻辑值判断 - 空时返回True
- range("a1")=""
- len(range("a1")) = 0
- VBA.IsEmpty(range("a1"))
- VBA.TypeName(range("a1").Value) 值返回为Empty时为空
- VBA.IsNumeric(range("c1"))
- Application.WorkSheetFunction.IsNumber(range("c1"))
2) 值判断,不是返回Error--均用于判断数字和错误值
- VBA.TypeName(range("a1").Value)
- Application.IsText(range("a1"))
- VBA.IsError(range("a1").value)
- VBA.IsArray(arr)
- VBA.IsDate(range("a1"))
format( , ) 函数可将一种类型格式化显示为数字或文本类型
exp: format(234.5678,"0.00")
- format(now,"yyyy-mm-dd") 如2002-12-11
- format(now,"yyyy年mm月dd天")
- format(now,"yyyy年mm月dd天 h:mm:ss")
- format(now,"d-mmm-yy") 英文日期如19-Oct-02
- format(now,"d-mmmm-yy") 英文日期月份完整拼写 如19-October-02
- format(now,"aaaa") 中文日期星期几 如星期三
- format(now,"ddd") 英文日期星期几(简写) 如Sat
- format(now,"dddd") 英文日期星期几(完整写法) 如Saturday
日期连接 VBA.DateSerial(2011,10,1)
时间连接 VBA.TimeSerial(1,2,1)
3) 日期时间返回 year(now)
4) 日期时间计算datediff,dateadd
datediff("d",d1,d2) 等等。。注意datediff("q",d1,d2) q为计算季度差,对年计算时需要参数为4个yyyy,计算分钟时参数为n dateadd("n",10,d1)
dateadd("d",10,d1) 加10天 等等 。。 注意计算分钟时参数为n dateadd("n",10,d1),对年计算时需要参数为4个yyyy
5)制作一个简单计时器(application 的ontime函数)案例:注意设置doevents的意义为当前程序运行时允许其他程序运行,当公共变量k值改变则程序停止。
Option Explicit Dim k Public Sub clock() Dim x If k = 1 Then k = 0 End End If With Range("c5").Font .Name = "Times New Roman" .FontStyle = "bold" .Size = 28 .ColorIndex = 3 End With With Range("c5").Interior .Pattern = xlPatternCrissCross .PatternColorIndex = 6 End With Range("c5") = Format(Now, "h:mm:ss") Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"), "clock" x = DoEvents '此处设置终止 End Sub Sub stopclock() k = 1 End Sub Sub startclock() Call clock End Sub
Sub rndSelect() Dim arr Dim x, num, k As Integer, sr As String Range("c1:c10") = "" Range("a1:a10") = Application.Transpose(Array("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J")) For x = 1 To 10 num = (Rnd() * (10 - x) + 1) 1 '1 表示除1取整 Range("a1:a" & (10 - x + 1)).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone Range("a" & num).Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Range("c" & x) = Range("a" & num) sr = Range("a" & num) Range("a" & num) = Range("a" & (10 - x + 1)) Range("a" & (10 - x + 1)) = sr Range("a" & (10 - x + 1)).Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Next x End Sub
案例2 : A列20000行数据A1,A2....A20000
不重复随机抽取的三种方式:1、字典 2、换位法(换取的A列数据为字符串)3、换位法优化(添加一维数组辅助交换,索引为1~20000的数组,值为对应的索引,此时交换的值为integer型)
Sub rndict() '字典法 Dim d As Object Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") Dim arr, num As Integer, x As Integer, arr1(1 To 20000, 1 To 1) As String, t t = Timer arr = Range("a1:a20000") For x = 1 To 20000 100: num = Rnd() * (20000 - 1) + 1 If d.exists(num) Then GoTo 100 Else d(num) = "" arr1(x, 1) = arr(num, 1) End If Next x Range("c1:c20000") = "" Range("c1:c20000") = arr1 [d65535].End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = Timer - t End Sub Sub rndSel() ' 换位法,换字符串效率相对低 Dim arr Dim x, num As Integer, arr1(1 To 20000, 1 To 1), sr As String, t t = Timer arr = Range("a1:a20000") For x = 1 To UBound(arr) num = (Rnd() * (20000 - x) + 1) 1 arr1(x, 1) = arr(num, 1) sr = arr(num, 1) arr(num, 1) = arr(20000 - x + 1, 1) arr(20000 - x + 1, 1) = sr Next x Range("c1:c20000") = "" Range("c1:c20000") = arr1 [d65535].End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = Timer - t End Sub Sub rndsel2() '换位法,添加辅助数字列,换数字 提高运行效率 Dim arr Dim arr1(1 To 20000, 1 To 1), sr As String Dim x, num, arr2(1 To 20000) As Integer, t t = Timer arr = Range("a1:a20000") For x = 1 To 20000 arr2(x) = x Next x For x = 1 To UBound(arr) num = (Rnd() * (20000 - x) + 1) arr1(x, 1) = arr(arr2(num), 1) sr = arr2(num) arr2(num) = arr2(20000 - x + 1) arr2(20000 - x + 1) = sr Next x Range("c1:c20000") = "" Range("c1:c20000") = arr1 [d65535].End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = Timer - t End Sub