• 原来还有这样的记词方法_Java版记不规则动词_博主推荐








    "all" :  输出所有的不规则动词信息

    "pronunciation" : 单词的发音,该命令时一个发音开关,如果连续输入,效果则是:开,关,开,关...

    "exit" : 退出系统

    其他:如果用户输入的在库中没有,系统则会给出一些联想的词汇供用户选择,如:"drea", 则供选择的是 "dream"

    如果用户输入的在库中,如:"dream", 系统会输出"dream"的详细信息,这样用户就可以轻松和系统交互,并且在这一




    Source Code


    User input some commands in the console,then the system will receive the command

    and process it, and display the result to user.


    ONE : When user input the command "all", then the system will display all irregular verbs.

    TWO : When user input the command "pronunciation", then the system will change the status of the pronunciation.

    THREE : When user input the a irregular verb, then the system will diplay the detial of the word.



      1 /**
      2  * 
      3  */
      4 package com.b510.irregularverbs.client;
      6 import java.util.Scanner;
      8 import com.b510.irregularverbs.utils.CommonUtil;
      9 import com.b510.irregularverbs.utils.IrregularVerbUtil;
     10 import com.b510.irregularverbs.utils.PrintUtil;
     12 /**
     13  * User input some commands in the console,then the system will receive<br> 
     14  * the command and process it, and display the result to user.<br>
     15  * for example: 
     16  * <li>all : show the all of the Irregular Verbs</li>
     17  * <li>pronunciation : the switch of the pronunciation.and the system default status<br>
     18  *     is not pronunciation.</li>
     19  * <li>The Irregular Verbs : user input the irregular verb,for example: "swim", "cost", "became".etc.</li>
     20  * @author Hongten
     21  * @created Feb 27, 2014
     22  */
     23 public class Client {
     25     private Scanner inputStreamScanner;
     26     private boolean controlFlag = false;
     28     public static void main(String[] args) {
     29         Client client = new Client();
     30         client.listenConsoleAndHandleContent();
     31     }
     33     public Client() {
     34         inputStreamScanner = new Scanner(System.in);
     35     }
     37     /**
     38      * Listen to the console and handle the content,what user inputed.
     39      */
     40     public void listenConsoleAndHandleContent() {
     41         PrintUtil.printInfo(CommonUtil.DESCRIPTION);
     42         try {
     43             while (!controlFlag && inputStreamScanner.hasNext()) {
     44                 processingConsoleInput();
     45             }
     46         } catch (Exception e) {
     47             e.printStackTrace();
     48         } finally {
     49             closeScanner();
     50         }
     51     }
     53     /**
     54      * The system receive the content, and process it.
     55      */
     56     private void processingConsoleInput() {
     57         String inputContent = inputStreamScanner.nextLine();
     58         if (!inputContent.isEmpty()) {
     59             if (pronounce(inputContent)) {
     60                 IrregularVerbUtil.reLoadVerbs();
     61             } else {
     62                 if (showAll(inputContent)) {
     63                     return;
     64                 }
     65                 controlFlag = exit(inputContent);
     66                 if (!controlFlag) {
     67                     notExit(inputContent);
     68                 }
     69             }
     70         }
     71     }
     73     /**
     74      * When user input the command "all"(ignore case),the system will handle the command "all",<br>
     75      * and display the all of the irregular verbs.
     76      * @param inputContent the command "all"(ignore case)
     77      * @return true, if user input the command "all"(ignore case);return false,if user input other command.
     78      */
     79     private boolean showAll(String inputContent) {
     80         if (CommonUtil.ALL.equalsIgnoreCase(inputContent)) {
     81             IrregularVerbUtil.showAll();
     82             return true;
     83         } else {
     84             return false;
     85         }
     86     }
     88     /**
     89      * When user input the command "pronunciation"(ignore case), the system will handle the command "pronunciation",<br>
     90      * and reload all of the irregular verbs. and display the message "After loading vocabulary!".
     91      * @param inputContent the command "pronunciation"(ignore case)
     92      * @return true, if user input the command "pronunciation"(ignore case);return false, if user input other command.
     93      */
     94     private boolean pronounce(String inputContent) {
     95         if (CommonUtil.PRONUNCIATION.equalsIgnoreCase(inputContent)) {
     96             IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag = !IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag;
     97             return true;
     98         } else {
     99             return false;
    100         }
    101     }
    103     private void notExit(String inputContent) {
    104         IrregularVerbUtil verbsLib = IrregularVerbUtil.getInstance();
    105         verbsLib.match(inputContent);
    106     }
    108     private boolean exit(String inputContent) {
    109         if (CommonUtil.EXIT.equalsIgnoreCase(inputContent)) {
    110             controlFlag = true;
    111             systemExit();
    112         }
    113         return controlFlag;
    114     }
    116     private void systemExit() {
    117         System.out.println(CommonUtil.EXIT_SYSTEM);
    118         System.exit(0);
    119     }
    121     private void closeScanner() {
    122         inputStreamScanner.close();
    123     }
    124 }


      1 /**
      2  * 
      3  */
      4 package com.b510.irregularverbs.lib;
      6 import java.util.HashMap;
      7 import java.util.Iterator;
      8 import java.util.List;
      9 import java.util.Map;
     11 import com.b510.irregularverbs.utils.CommonUtil;
     12 import com.b510.irregularverbs.utils.IrregularVerbUtil;
     13 import com.b510.irregularverbs.vo.IrregularVerbsVO;
     15 /**
     16  * Library for the irregular verbs.
     17  * @author Hongten
     18  * @created Feb 28, 2014
     19  */
     20 public class VocabularyLib {
     22     /**
     23      * Load all of the irregular verbs.<br>
     24      * There have FOUR types of the irregular verbs : "AAA", "ABA", "ABB", "ABC".<br>
     25      * so,there are FOUR methods to load all irregular verbs.
     26      * @return all of the irregular verbs.
     27      */
     28     public static List<IrregularVerbsVO> getVocabularyLib() {
     29         formatAAA();
     30         formatABA();
     31         formatABB();
     32         formatABC();
     33         return IrregularVerbUtil.verbs;
     34     }
     36     /**
     37      * The "AAA" format for irregular verbs.
     38      * 
     39      * @return
     40      */
     41     private static List<IrregularVerbsVO> formatAAA() {
     42         Map<String, String> aaaTypemap = libAAA();
     43         Iterator<String> it = aaaTypemap.keySet().iterator();
     44         while (it.hasNext()) {
     45             handleAAA(aaaTypemap, it);
     46         }
     47         return IrregularVerbUtil.verbs;
     48     }
     50     /**
     51      * @param aaaTypemap
     52      * @param it
     53      */
     54     private static void handleAAA(Map<String, String> aaaTypemap, Iterator<String> it) {
     55         String key = it.next();
     56         if (IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag) {
     57             IrregularVerbUtil.verbs.add(new IrregularVerbsVO(key, key, key, aaaTypemap.get(key)));
     58         } else {
     59             IrregularVerbUtil.verbs.add(new IrregularVerbsVO(key, key, key, aaaTypemap.get(key)));
     60         }
     61     }
     63     /**
     64      * The "ABA" format for irregular verbs
     65      * 
     66      * @return
     67      */
     68     private static List<IrregularVerbsVO> formatABA() {
     69         Map<String, String> abaTypemap = libABA();
     70         Iterator<String> it = abaTypemap.keySet().iterator();
     71         while (it.hasNext()) {
     72             handleABA(abaTypemap, it);
     73         }
     74         return IrregularVerbUtil.verbs;
     75     }
     77     /**
     78      * @param abaTypemap
     79      * @param it
     80      */
     81     private static void handleABA(Map<String, String> abaTypemap, Iterator<String> it) {
     82         String key = it.next();
     83         String[] keys = key.split(CommonUtil.COMMA);
     84         if (IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag) {
     85             IrregularVerbUtil.verbs.add(new IrregularVerbsVO(keys[0] + CommonUtil.COMMA + keys[1], keys[2] + CommonUtil.COMMA + keys[3], keys[0] + CommonUtil.COMMA + keys[1], abaTypemap
     86                     .get(key)));
     87         } else {
     88             IrregularVerbUtil.verbs.add(new IrregularVerbsVO(keys[0], keys[1], keys[0], abaTypemap.get(key)));
     89         }
     90     }
     92     /**
     93      * The "ABB" format for irregular verbs
     94      * 
     95      * @return
     96      */
     97     private static List<IrregularVerbsVO> formatABB() {
     98         Map<String, String> abbTypemap = libABB();
     99         Iterator<String> it = abbTypemap.keySet().iterator();
    100         while (it.hasNext()) {
    101             handleABB(abbTypemap, it);
    102         }
    103         return IrregularVerbUtil.verbs;
    104     }
    106     /**
    107      * @param abbTypemap
    108      * @param it
    109      */
    110     private static void handleABB(Map<String, String> abbTypemap, Iterator<String> it) {
    111         String key = it.next();
    112         String[] keys = key.split(CommonUtil.COMMA);
    113         if (IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag) {
    114             IrregularVerbUtil.verbs.add(new IrregularVerbsVO(keys[0] + CommonUtil.COMMA + keys[1], keys[2] + CommonUtil.COMMA + keys[3], keys[2] + CommonUtil.COMMA + keys[3],
    115                     abbTypemap.get(key)));
    116         } else {
    117             IrregularVerbUtil.verbs.add(new IrregularVerbsVO(keys[0], keys[1], keys[1], abbTypemap.get(key)));
    118         }
    119     }
    121     /**
    122      * The "ABC" format for irregular verbs
    123      * 
    124      * @return
    125      */
    126     private static List<IrregularVerbsVO> formatABC() {
    127         Map<String, String> abaTypemap = libABC();
    128         Iterator<String> it = abaTypemap.keySet().iterator();
    129         while (it.hasNext()) {
    130             handleABC(abaTypemap, it);
    131         }
    132         return IrregularVerbUtil.verbs;
    133     }
    135     /**
    136      * @param abaTypemap
    137      * @param it
    138      */
    139     private static void handleABC(Map<String, String> abaTypemap, Iterator<String> it) {
    140         String key = it.next();
    141         String[] keys = key.split(CommonUtil.COMMA);
    142         if (IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag) {
    143             IrregularVerbUtil.verbs.add(new IrregularVerbsVO(keys[0] + CommonUtil.COMMA + keys[1], keys[2] + CommonUtil.COMMA + keys[3], keys[4] + CommonUtil.COMMA + keys[5], abaTypemap
    144                     .get(key)));
    145         } else {
    146             IrregularVerbUtil.verbs.add(new IrregularVerbsVO(keys[0], keys[1], keys[2], abaTypemap.get(key)));
    147         }
    148     }
    150     //============================================
    151     // Library for all of the irregular verbs
    152     //============================================
    153     /**
    154      * Library for "AAA" type.
    155      * @return
    156      */
    157     private static Map<String, String> libAAA() {
    158         Map<String, String> aaaTypemap = new HashMap<String, String>();
    159         aaaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "cost,[kɔst]" : "cost", "花费");
    160         aaaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "cut,[kʌt]" : "cut", "割,切");
    161         aaaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "hurt,[hə:t]" : "hurt", "受伤");
    162         aaaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "hit,[hit]" : "hit", "打,撞");
    163         aaaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "let,[let]" : "let", "让");
    164         aaaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "put,[put]" : "put", "放下");
    165         aaaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "read,[ri:d]" : "read", "读");
    166         aaaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "set,[set]" : "set", "安排,安置");
    167         aaaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "spread,[spred]" : "spread", "展开,传播,涂");
    168         aaaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "spit,[spit]" : "spit", "吐痰");
    169         aaaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "shut,[ʃʌt]" : "shut", "关上, 闭起,停止营业");
    170         return aaaTypemap;
    171     }
    173     /**
    174      * Library for "ABA" type.
    175      * @return
    176      */
    177     private static Map<String, String> libABA() {
    178         Map<String, String> abaTypemap = new HashMap<String, String>();
    179         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "become,[bi'kʌm],became,[bi'keim]" : "become,became", "变");
    180         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "come,[kʌm],came,[keim]" : "come,came", "来");
    181         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "run,[rʌn],ran,[ræn]" : "run,ran", "跑");
    182         return abaTypemap;
    183     }
    185     /**
    186      * Library for "ABB" type.
    187      * @return
    188      */
    189     private static Map<String, String> libABB() {
    190         Map<String, String> abbTypemap = new HashMap<String, String>();
    191         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "burn,[bə:n],burnt,[bə:nt]" : "burn,burnt", "燃烧");
    192         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "deal,[di:l],dealt,[delt]" : "deal,dealt", "解决");
    193         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "dream,[dri:m],dreamed,[dremt]" : "dream,dreamed", "做梦");
    194         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "dream,[dri:m],dreamt,[dremt]" : "dream,dreamt", "做梦");
    195         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "hear,[hiə],heard,[hə:d]" : "hear,heard", "听见");
    196         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "hang,['hæŋ],hanged,[]" : "hang,hanged", "绞死,悬挂");
    197         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "hang,['hæŋ],hung,[hʌŋ]" : "hang,hung", "绞死,悬挂");
    198         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "learn,[lə:n],learned,[]" : "learn,learned", "学习");
    199         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "learn,[lə:n],learnt,[lə:nt]" : "learn,learnt", "学习");
    200         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "light,['lait],lit,[lit]" : "light,lit", "点燃, 照亮");
    201         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "light,['lait],lighted,[]" : "light,lighted", "点燃, 照亮");
    202         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "mean,[mi:n],meant,[ment]" : "mean,meant", "意思");
    203         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "prove,[pru:v],proved,[]" : "prove,proved", "证明, 证实,试验");
    204         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "shine,[ʃain],shone,[ʃəun]" : "shine,shone", "使照耀,使发光");
    205         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "shine,[ʃain],shined,[]" : "shine,shined", "使照耀,使发光");
    206         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "show,[ʃəu],showed,[]" : "show,showed", "展示, 给...看");
    207         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "smell,[smel],smelled,[]" : "smell,smelled", "闻, 嗅");
    208         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "smell,[smel],smelt,[smelt]" : "smell,smelt", "闻, 嗅");
    209         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "speed,[spi:d],sped,[sped]" : "speed,sped", "加速");
    210         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "speed,[spi:d],speeded,[]" : "speed,speeded", "加速");
    211         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "spell,[spel],spelled,[]" : "spell,spelled", "拼写");
    212         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "spell,[spel],spelt,[spelt]" : "spell,spelt", "拼写");
    213         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "wake,[weik],waked,[]" : "wake,waked", "醒来,叫醒, 激发");
    214         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "wake,[weik],woke,[wəuk]" : "wake,woken", "醒来,叫醒, 激发");
    215         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "build,[bild],built,[bilt]" : "build,built", "建筑");
    216         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "lend,[lend],lent,[lent]" : "lend,lent", "借给");
    217         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "rebuild,[ri:'bild],rebuilt,[ri:'bilt]" : "rebuild,rebuilt", "改建, 重建");
    218         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "send,[send],sent,[sent]" : "send,sent", "送");
    219         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "spend,[spend],spent,[spent]" : "spend,spent", "花费");
    220         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "bring,[briŋ],brought,[brɔ:t]" : "bring,brought", "带来");
    221         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "buy,[bai],bought,[bɔ:t]" : "buy,bought", "买");
    222         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "fight,[fait],fought,[fɔ:t]" : "fight,fought", "打架");
    223         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "think,[θiŋk],thought,[θɔ:t]    " : "think,though", "思考,想");
    224         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "catch,[kætʃ],caught,[kɔ:t]" : "catch,caught", "捉,抓");
    225         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "teach,[ti:tʃ],taught,[tɔ:t]" : "teach,taught", "教");
    226         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "dig,[diɡ],dug,[dʌɡ]" : "dig,dug", "掘(土), 挖(洞、沟等)");
    227         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "feed,[fi:d],fed,[fed]" : "feed,fed", "喂");
    228         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "find,[faind],found,[]" : "find,found", "发现,找到");
    229         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "get,[ɡet],got,[ɡɔt]" : "get,got", "得到");
    230         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "hold,[həuld],held,[held]" : "hold,held", "拥有,握住,支持");
    231         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "lead,[li:d],led,[led]" : "lead,led", "引导, 带领, 领导");
    232         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "meet,[mi:t],met,[met]" : "meet,met", "遇见");
    233         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "sit,[sit],sat,[sæt]" : "sit,sat", "坐");
    234         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "shoot,[ʃu:t],shot,[ʃɔt]" : "shoot,shot", "射击");
    235         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "spit,[spit],spit,[]" : "spit,spit", "吐痰");
    236         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "spit,[spit],spat,[spæt]" : "spit,spat", "吐痰");
    237         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "stick,[stik],stuck,[stʌk]" : "stick,stuck", "插进, 刺入, 粘住");
    238         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "win,[win],won,[wʌn]" : "win,won", "赢");
    239         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "feel,['fi:l],felt,[felt]" : "feel,felt", "感到");
    240         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "keep,[ki:p],kept,[kept]" : "keep,kept", "保持");
    241         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "leave,[li:v],left,[left]" : "leave,left", "离开");
    242         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "sleep,[sli:p],slept,[slept]" : "sleep,slept", "睡觉");
    243         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "sweep,[swi:p],swept,[swept]" : "sweep,swept", "扫");
    244         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "lay,[lei],laid,[leid]" : "lay,laid", "下蛋, 放置");
    245         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "pay,[pei],paid,[peid]" : "pay,paid", "付");
    246         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "say,[sei],said,[sed]" : "say,said", "说");
    247         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "stand,[stænd],stood,[stud]" : "stand,stood", "站");
    248         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "understand,[],understood,[ʌndə'stænd]" : "understand,understood", "明白");
    249         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "lose,[lu:z],lost,[lɔst]" : "lose,lost", "失去");
    250         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "have,[həv],had,[hæd]" : "have,had", "有");
    251         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "make,[meik],made,[meid]" : "make,made", "制造");
    252         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "sell,[sel],sold,[səuld]" : "sell,sold", "卖");
    253         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "tell,[tel],told,[təuld]" : "tell,told", "告诉");
    254         abbTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "retell,[ri:'tel],retold,[ri:'təuld]" : "retell,retold", "重讲,重复,复述");
    255         return abbTypemap;
    256     }
    260     /**
    261      * Library for "ABC" type.
    262      * @return
    263      */
    264     private static Map<String, String> libABC() {
    265         Map<String, String> abaTypemap = new HashMap<String, String>();
    266         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "blow,[bləu],blew,[blu:],blown,[]" : "blow,blew,blown", "吹");
    267         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "drive,[draiv],drove,[drəuv],driven,[drivən]" : "drive,drove,driven", "驾驶");
    268         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "draw,[drɔ:],drew,[dru:],drawn,[drɔ:n]" : "draw,drew,drawn", "画画");
    269         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "eat,[i:t],ate,[eit],eaten,['i:tən]" : "eat,ate,eaten", "吃");
    270         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "fall,[fɔ:l],Fell,[fel],fallen,['fɔ:lən]" : "fall,fell,fallen", "落下");
    271         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "give,[ɡiv],gave,[ɡeiv],given,['ɡivən]" : "give,gave,given", "给");
    272         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "get,[ɡet],got,[ɡɔt],gotten,['ɡɔtən]" : "get,got,gotten", "得到");
    273         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "show,[ʃəu],showed,[],shown,['ʃəun]" : "show,showed,shown", "展示, 给...看");
    274         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "fall,[fɔ:l],Fell,[fel],fallen,['fɔ:lən]" : "prove,proved,proven", "证明, 证实,试验");
    275         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "give,[ɡiv],gave,[ɡeiv],given,['ɡivən]" : "beat,beat,beaten", "打败");
    276         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "grow,[ɡrəu],grew,[ɡru:],grown,[ɡrəun]" : "grow,grew,grown", "生长");
    277         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "forgive,[fə'ɡiv],forgot,[fə'ɡɔt],forgiven,[]" : "forgive,forgot,forgiven", "原谅, 饶恕");
    278         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "know,[nəu],knew,[nju: nu:],known,[]" : "know,knew,known", "知道");
    279         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "mistake,[mi'steik],mistook,[mi'stuk],mistooken,[]" : "mistake,mistook,mistooken", "弄错; 误解,");
    280         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "overeat,['əuvə'i:t],overate,[əuvə'reit],overeaten,[]" : "overeat,overate,overeaten", "(使)吃过量");
    281         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "take,[teik],took,[tuk],taken,['teikn]" : "take,took,taken", "拿");
    282         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "throw,[θrəu],threw,[θru:],thrown,[θrəun]" : "throw,threw,thrown", "抛,扔");
    283         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "ride,[raid],rode,[rəud],ridden,['ridən]" : "ride,rode,ridden", "骑");
    284         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "see,[si:],saw,[sɔ:],seen,[si:n]" : "see,saw,seen", "看见");
    285         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "write,[rait],wrote,[rəut],written,['ritən]" : "write,wrote,writen", "写");
    286         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "break,[breik],broke,[brəuk],broken,['brəukən]" : "break,broke,broken", "打破");
    287         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "choose,[tʃu:z],chose,[tʃəuz],chosen,['tʃəuzən]" : "choose,chose,chosen", "选择");
    288         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "hide,[haid],hid,[hid],hidden,['hidən]" : "hide,hid,hidden", "隐藏");
    289         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "forget,[fə'ɡet],forgot,[fə'ɡɔt],forgotten,[fə'ɡɔtn]" : "forget,forgot,forgotten", "忘记");
    290         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "freeze,[fri:z],froze,[frəuz],frozen,['frəuzn]" : "freeze,froze,frozen", "冷冻,结冰,感到严寒");
    291         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "speak,[spi:k],spoke,[spəuk],spoken,['spəukən]" : "speak,spoke,spoken", "说");
    292         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "steal,[sti:l],stole,[],stolen,['stəulən]" : "steal,stole,stolen", "偷");
    293         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "begin,[bi'ɡin],began,[bi'ɡæn],begun,[bi'ɡʌn]" : "begin,began,gegun", "开始");
    294         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "drink,[driŋk],drank,[dræŋk],drunk,[drʌŋk]" : "drink,drank,drunk", "喝");
    295         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "sing,[siŋ],sang,[sæŋ],sung,[sʌŋ]" : "sing,sang,sung", "唱");
    296         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "sink,[siŋk],sank,[sæŋk],sunk,[sʌŋk]" : "sink,sank,sunk", "下沉, 沉没");
    297         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "swim,[swim],swam,[swæm],swum,[swʌm]" : "swim,swam,swum", "游泳");
    298         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "ring,[riŋ],rang,[ræŋ],rung,[rʌŋ]" : "ring,rang,rung", "打电话");
    299         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "be,[],was,[],been,[]" : "be,was,been", "是");
    300         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "be,[],was,[],been,[]" : "be,were,been", "是");
    301         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "bear,[bεə],bore,[bɔ:],born,[]" : "bear,bore,born", "负担, 忍受");
    302         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "bear,[bεə],bore,[bɔ:],born,[bɔ:n]" : "bear,bore,borne", "负担, 忍受");
    303         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "do,[du:],did,[did],done,[dʌn]" : "do,did,done", "做");
    304         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "fly,[flai],flew,[flu:],flown,[fləun]" : "fly,flew,flown", "飞");
    305         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "go,[ɡəu],went,[went],gone,[ɡɔn]" : "go,went,gone", "去");
    306         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "lie,[lai],lay,[lei],lain,[lein]" : "lie,lay,lain", "躺");
    307         abaTypemap.put(IrregularVerbUtil.proFlag ? "wear,[wεə],wore,[wɔ:],worn,[wɔ:n]" : "wear,wore,worn", "穿");
    308         return abaTypemap;
    309     }
    310 }


     1 /**
     2  * 
     3  */
     4 package com.b510.irregularverbs.utils;
     6 /**
     7  * @author Hongten
     8  * @created Feb 27, 2014
     9  */
    10 public class CommonUtil {
    12     //Commands
    13     public static final String EXIT = "exit";
    14     public static final String PRONUNCIATION = "pronunciation";
    15     public static final String ALL = "all";
    16     //Description
    17     public static final String DESCRIPTION = "Please input a Irregular Verb or Command:
    [e.g: 'came', 'all', 'pronunciation', 'exit']";
    18     public static final String EXIT_SYSTEM = "exited system.";
    19     public static final String LOADIGN_VERBS = "After loading vocabulary!";
    21     public static final String NO_MATCHED = "No matched!";
    22     public static final String ADVICE = "You may want to search the follow word(s):";
    23     public static final String SPEND = "Spend >> [";
    24     public static final String SPEND_END = "]ms";
    26     public static final int STR_SIZE = 25;
    27     public static final String COMMA = ",";
    28     public static final String EMPTY = "";
    29     public static final String BLANK = " ";
    31     public static final String LINE_ONE = "=====================";
    32     public static final String LINE_TWO = LINE_ONE + LINE_ONE;
    33     public static final String LINE_THREE = LINE_TWO+ "
    34 }


      1 /**
      2  * 
      3  */
      4 package com.b510.irregularverbs.utils;
      6 import java.util.ArrayList;
      7 import java.util.List;
      9 import com.b510.irregularverbs.lib.VocabularyLib;
     10 import com.b510.irregularverbs.vo.IrregularVerbsVO;
     12 /**
     13  * The tool for the Irregular Verbs. Providing load and reload methods to get all irregular verbs.<br>
     14  * it also provide the match method to handle the content, which user input in the console.<br>
     15  * and display the result of matching.
     16  * @author Hongten
     17  * @created Feb 27, 2014
     18  */
     19 public class IrregularVerbUtil {
     21     private static IrregularVerbUtil irregularVerbs = new IrregularVerbUtil();
     22     public static List<IrregularVerbsVO> verbs = new ArrayList<IrregularVerbsVO>();
     23     // The switch of the pronunciation
     24     public static boolean proFlag = false;
     26     /**
     27      * Load all of the irregular verbs.<br>
     28      * @return all of the irregular verbs.
     29      */
     30     public static List<IrregularVerbsVO> loadIrregularVerbsVOs() {
     31         return VocabularyLib.getVocabularyLib();
     32     }
     34     private IrregularVerbUtil() {
     35     }
     37     public static IrregularVerbUtil getInstance() {
     38         if (verbs.size() <= 0) {
     39             loadIrregularVerbsVOs();
     40         }
     41         return irregularVerbs;
     42     }
     44     /**
     45      * Reload all of the irregular verbs.
     46      */
     47     public static void reLoadVerbs() {
     48         verbs = null;
     49         verbs = new ArrayList<IrregularVerbsVO>();
     50         loadIrregularVerbsVOs();
     51         PrintUtil.printInfo(CommonUtil.LOADIGN_VERBS);
     52         PrintUtil.printInfo(CommonUtil.LINE_THREE);
     53     }
     55     /**
     56      * Processing the input content,and display the result for matching.
     57      * @param input input content.
     58      */
     59     public void match(String input) {
     60         long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
     61         List<IrregularVerbsVO> temp = new ArrayList<IrregularVerbsVO>();
     62         List<IrregularVerbsVO> mayBeVOs = new ArrayList<IrregularVerbsVO>();
     63         for (IrregularVerbsVO vo : verbs) {
     64             handleMatchWord(input, temp, vo);
     65             // match same word(s)
     66             input = input.toLowerCase();
     67             if (vo.getPrototype().startsWith(input) || vo.getPostTense().startsWith(input) || vo.getPostParticiple().startsWith(input)) {
     68                 mayBeVOs.add(vo);
     69             }
     70         }
     71         PrintUtil.printInfo(CommonUtil.LINE_TWO);
     72         matchResult(temp, mayBeVOs);
     73         long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
     74         PrintUtil.printInfo(CommonUtil.SPEND + (endTime - startTime) + CommonUtil.SPEND_END);
     75         PrintUtil.printInfo(CommonUtil.LINE_THREE);
     76     }
     78     /**
     79      * There have two results for matching.<br>
     80      * <li>First : matched, then display the result of matched.</li>
     81      * <li>Second : not matched, then display the related irregular verb(s)</li>
     82      * @param matchedList
     83      * @param relatedList
     84      */
     85     private void matchResult(List<IrregularVerbsVO> matchedList, List<IrregularVerbsVO> relatedList) {
     86         if (matchedList.size() > 0) {
     87             loopMatchResult(matchedList);
     88         } else {
     89             PrintUtil.printInfo(CommonUtil.NO_MATCHED);
     90             if (relatedList.size() > 0) {
     91                 PrintUtil.printInfo(CommonUtil.LINE_ONE);
     92                 PrintUtil.printInfo(CommonUtil.ADVICE);
     93                 loopMatchResult(relatedList);
     94             }
     95         }
     96     }
     98     /**
     99      * Display the match result
    100      * @param list
    101      */
    102     private static void loopMatchResult(List<IrregularVerbsVO> list) {
    103         for (IrregularVerbsVO vo : list) {
    104             PrintUtil.printInfo(addBlank(vo.getPrototype().replace(CommonUtil.COMMA, CommonUtil.EMPTY))
    105                     + addBlank(vo.getPostTense().replace(CommonUtil.COMMA, CommonUtil.EMPTY))
    106                     + addBlank(vo.getPostParticiple().replace(CommonUtil.COMMA, CommonUtil.EMPTY)) + vo.getMean());
    107         }
    108     }
    110     /**
    111      * @param input
    112      * @param temp
    113      * @param vo
    114      */
    115     private void handleMatchWord(String input, List<IrregularVerbsVO> temp, IrregularVerbsVO vo) {
    116         if (proFlag) {
    117             if (input.equalsIgnoreCase(vo.getPrototype().split(CommonUtil.COMMA)[0]) || input.equalsIgnoreCase(vo.getPostTense().split(CommonUtil.COMMA)[0])
    118                     || input.equalsIgnoreCase(vo.getPostParticiple().split(CommonUtil.COMMA)[0])) {
    119                 temp.add(vo);
    120             }
    121         } else {
    122             if (input.equalsIgnoreCase(vo.getPrototype()) || input.equalsIgnoreCase(vo.getPostTense()) || input.equalsIgnoreCase(vo.getPostParticiple())) {
    123                 temp.add(vo);
    124             }
    125         }
    126     }
    128     /**
    129      * Show all of the irregular verbs.
    130      */
    131     public static void showAll() {
    132         if (verbs.size() <= 0) {
    133             loadIrregularVerbsVOs();
    134         }
    135         long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    136         PrintUtil.printInfo(CommonUtil.LINE_TWO);
    137         loopMatchResult(verbs);
    138         long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    139         PrintUtil.printInfo(CommonUtil.SPEND + (endTime - startTime) + CommonUtil.SPEND_END);
    140         PrintUtil.printInfo(CommonUtil.LINE_THREE);
    141     }
    143     /**
    144      * Add the blank
    145      * @param str
    146      * @return
    147      */
    148     private static String addBlank(String str) {
    149         int blank = CommonUtil.STR_SIZE - str.getBytes().length;
    150         for (int i = 0; i < blank; i++) {
    151             str += CommonUtil.BLANK;
    152         }
    153         return str.toString();
    154     }
    155 }


     1 /**
     2  * 
     3  */
     4 package com.b510.irregularverbs.utils;
     6 /**
     7  * @author Hongten
     8  * @created 2014-2-27
     9  */
    10 public class PrintUtil {
    12     public static void printInfo(String info) {
    13         System.out.println(info);
    14     }
    16     public static void printInfo(StringBuffer info) {
    17         System.out.println(info);
    18     }
    20     public static void printInfo(char info) {
    21         System.out.println(info);
    22     }
    23 }


     1 /**
     2  * 
     3  */
     4 package com.b510.irregularverbs.vo;
     6 /**
     7  * @author Hongten
     8  * @created Feb 27, 2014
     9  */
    10 public class IrregularVerbsVO {
    12     private String prototype;
    13     private String postTense;
    14     private String postParticiple;
    15     private String mean;
    17     public IrregularVerbsVO(String prototype, String postTense, String postParticiple, String mean) {
    18         super();
    19         this.prototype = prototype;
    20         this.postTense = postTense;
    21         this.postParticiple = postParticiple;
    22         this.mean = mean;
    23     }
    25     public String getPrototype() {
    26         return prototype;
    27     }
    29     public void setPrototype(String prototype) {
    30         this.prototype = prototype;
    31     }
    33     public String getPostTense() {
    34         return postTense;
    35     }
    37     public void setPostTense(String postTense) {
    38         this.postTense = postTense;
    39     }
    41     public String getPostParticiple() {
    42         return postParticiple;
    43     }
    45     public void setPostParticiple(String postParticiple) {
    46         this.postParticiple = postParticiple;
    47     }
    49     public String getMean() {
    50         return mean;
    51     }
    53     public void setMean(String mean) {
    54         this.mean = mean;
    55     }
    57 }


    Download Source Code : http://files.cnblogs.com/hongten/IrregularVerbs.zip


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hongten/p/hongten_java_ireegular_verbs.html
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