• 打开Execel和关闭Excel进程

    #region 导出excel
            /// <summary>
            /// 把数据插入到Excel表中
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="sql">Sql语句</param>
            /// <param name="Tablename">sheet名或者表名</param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public void InsertDataToExcel()
                #region Excel进程ID存储
                System.Diagnostics.Process[] ps = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL");
                int[] pssOld = new int[ps.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < ps.Length; i++)
                    pssOld[i] = ps[i].Id;
                object missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
                Excel.Application app = new Excel.Application();
                System.Diagnostics.Process[] psNew = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL");
                Excel.Workbook book = (Excel.Workbook)app.ActiveWorkbook;
                Excel.Worksheet sheet = (Excel.Worksheet)book.ActiveSheet;
                // 赋死值
                for (int t = 1; t <= 5; t++)
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++)
                        Excel.Range rang1;
                        rang1 = sheet.Range[sheet.Cells[t, i], sheet.Cells[t, i]];
                        rang1.ColumnWidth = 15;
                        rang1.Font.Size = 13;
                        rang1.Font.Bold = true;
                        rang1.Borders.ColorIndex = "1";
                        if (t == 3)
                            rang1.Font.ColorIndex = "3";
                            rang1.Font.ColorIndex = "5";
                sheet.Cells[1, 1] = "航空公司";
                sheet.Cells[1, 2] = "适用行程";
                sheet.Cells[1, 3] = "出发机场";
                sheet.Cells[1, 4] = "到达机场";
                sheet.Cells[1, 5] = "排除出发机场";
                sheet.Cells[1, 6] = "排除到达机场";
                sheet.Cells[1, 7] = "适用航班";
                sheet.Cells[1, 8] = "不适用航班";
                sheet.Cells[1, 9] = "班期限制";
                sheet.Cells[1, 10] = "适用舱位";
                sheet.Cells[1, 11] = "返佣政策";
                sheet.Cells[1, 12] = "乘机开始日期";
                sheet.Cells[1, 13] = "乘机截止日期";
                sheet.Cells[1, 14] = "出票开始日期";
                sheet.Cells[1, 15] = "出票截止日期";
                sheet.Cells[1, 16] = "适用票证";
                sheet.Cells[1, 17] = "是否需要换PNR";
                sheet.Cells[1, 18] = "是否自动出票";
                sheet.Cells[1, 19] = "备注信息";
                sheet.Cells[1, 20] = "政策发布";
                sheet.Cells[2, 1] = "MU";
                sheet.Cells[2, 2] = "单程";
                sheet.Cells[2, 3] = "PEK/SHA";
                sheet.Cells[2, 4] = "XXX";
                sheet.Cells[2, 5] = "PEK";
                sheet.Cells[2, 6] = "SZX";
                sheet.Cells[2, 7] = "5167/5233";
                sheet.Cells[2, 8] = "5166/5231";
                sheet.Cells[2, 9] = "1|3|5|6";
                sheet.Cells[2, 10] = "F/C/Y/B";
                sheet.Cells[2, 11] = "7.5";
                sheet.Cells[2, 12] = "3.5";
                sheet.Cells[2, 13] = "2010-3-1";
                sheet.Cells[2, 14] = "2010-3-21";
                sheet.Cells[2, 15] = "2010-3-1";
                sheet.Cells[2, 16] = "2010-3-31";
                sheet.Cells[2, 17] = "BSP";
                sheet.Cells[2, 18] = "";
                sheet.Cells[2, 19] = "";
                sheet.Cells[2, 20] = "1|2|3";
                sheet.Cells[3, 1] = "1、必须填写 2、只限填写某一个航空公司代码";
                sheet.Cells[3, 2] = "1、必须填写 2、1)单程;2)往返;3)单程及往返";
                sheet.Cells[3, 3] = "1、必须填写 2、只限填写机场三字代码,可填写多个,多个时以英文的/隔开,并且支持XXX(全国)";
                sheet.Cells[3, 4] = "1、必须填写 2、只限填写机场三字代码,可填写多个,多个时以英文的/隔开";
                sheet.Cells[3, 5] = "1、必须填写 2、只限填写机场三字代码,可填写多个,多个时以英文的/隔开";
                sheet.Cells[3, 6] = "1、非必填项 2、各个航班号中间用英文的“/”隔开。例:CA5166,CA5231 输入 5166/5231,如果无限制,则不填写";
                sheet.Cells[3, 7] = "1、非必填项 2、各个航班号中间用英文的“/”隔开。例:CA5166,CA5231 输入 5166/5231,如果无限制,则不填写";
                sheet.Cells[3, 8] = "1、非必填项 2、班期以“|”隔开,如果无限制,则不填写";
                sheet.Cells[3, 9] = "1、必须填写 2、直接填写舱位代码,多个之间用“/”隔开";
                sheet.Cells[3, 10] = "1、必须填写 2、2.5-50之间 3、直接填写政策值即可(政策值只支持小数点后1位,即不支持7.55),不支持添加%,即不支持7.5 %";
                sheet.Cells[3, 11] = "1、必须填写 2、2.5-50之间 3、直接填写政策值即可(政策值只支持小数点后1位,即不支持7.55),不支持添加%,即不支持7.5 %";
                sheet.Cells[3, 12] = "1、必须填写 2、格式为YY-MM-DD 3、开始日期小于等于截止日期";
                sheet.Cells[3, 13] = "1、必须填写 2、格式为YY-MM-DD 3、开始日期小于等于截止日期";
                sheet.Cells[3, 14] = "1、必须填写 2、格式为YY-MM-DD 3、开始日期小于等于截止日期";
                sheet.Cells[3, 15] = "1、必须填写 2、格式为YY-MM-DD 3、开始日期小于等于截止日期";
                sheet.Cells[3, 16] = "1、必须填写 2、BSP或者B2B";
                sheet.Cells[3, 17] = "1、必须填写 2、BSP或者B2B";
                sheet.Cells[3, 18] = "1、必须填写 2、填写“是”或者“否”";
                sheet.Cells[3, 19] = "1、必须填写 2、填写“是”或者“否”";
                sheet.Cells[3, 20] = "1、非必填项 2、填写下面“备注参考数据”的编号,中间以“|”隔开 3、若“备注参考数据”无数据,则说明未给当前供应商设置备注权限";
                sheet.Cells[4, 1] = "政策备注参考数据";
                sheet.Cells[5, 1] = "编号";
                sheet.Cells[5, 2] = "备注";
                List<PolicyRemark> list = BPolicyMangeBLL.GetSupplyPolicyRemark(agentCode).ToList();
                for (int k = 0; k < list.Count; k++)
                    PolicyRemark pol = new PolicyRemark();
                    pol = list[k];
                    sheet.Cells[k + 6, 1] = pol.prid;
                    sheet.Cells[k + 6, 2] = pol.prRemark;
                    Excel.Range rang1;
                    for (int t = 1; t <= 2; t++)
                        rang1 = sheet.Range[sheet.Cells[k + 6, t], sheet.Cells[k + 6, t]];
                        rang1.ColumnWidth = 15;
                        rang1.Borders.ColorIndex = "1";
                string path = Request.MapPath(@"ExcelFile\model_" + agentCode + ".xls");
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(path)) System.IO.File.Delete(path);
                Excel.XlFileFormat version = Excel.XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookNormal;//Excel 标准版本 
                book.SaveAs(path, version, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value);
                book.Close(false, missing, missing);
                foreach (System.Diagnostics.Process n in psNew)
                    if (!pssOld.Contains(n.Id))
                Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel";
                Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=model_" + agentCode + ".xls;filetype=excel");
                Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312");


    <!-- 系统配置信息:权限控制 -->
    <identity impersonate="true" userName="administrator" password="abc123."/>

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