用file_get_contents来进行POST?很妖吧。 回忆未来?别惊讶,用他的话来说是山寨D。 原文: file_get_contents.php: Post数据 而file_get_contents呢?它说: Note: Context support was added with PHP 5.0.0. For a description of contexts, refer to Reference CLX, Stream Functions. 关于Stream Functions,手册上这么描述的。。。 A wrapper is additional code which tells the stream how to handle specific protocols/encodings. For example, the http wrapper knows how to translate a URL into an HTTP/1.0 request for a file on a remote server. There are many wrappers built into PHP by default (See Appendix O), and additional, custom wrappers may be added either within a PHP script using stream_wrapper_register(), or directly from an extension using the API Reference in Chapter 52. Because any variety of wrapper may be added to PHP, there is no set limit on what can be done with them. To access the list of currently registered wrappers, use stream_get_wrappers(). A stream is referenced as: scheme://target target - Depends on the wrapper used. For filesystem related streams this is typically a path and filename of the desired file. For network related streams this is typically a hostname, often with a path appended. Again, see Appendix O for a description of targets for built-in streams. |