Value Sql Description
ftUnknown Unknown or undetermined
ftString char Character or string field
ftSmallint smallint 16-bit integer field
ftInteger int 32-bit integer field
ftWord tinyint 16-bit unsigned integer field
ftBoolean bit Boolean field
ftFloat float、real Floating-point numeric field
ftCurrency Money field
ftBCD decimal、money、 Binary-Coded Decimal field
ftDate Date field
ftTime Time field
ftDateTime datetime、smalldatetime Date and time field
ftBytes binary、timestamp Fixed number of bytes (binary storage)
ftVarBytes varbinary Variable number of bytes (binary storage)
ftAutoInc Auto-incrementing 32-bit integer counter field
ftBlob image Binary Large OBject field
ftMemo text Text memo field
ftGraphic Bitmap field
ftFmtMemo Formatted text memo field
ftParadoxOle Paradox OLE field
ftDBaseOle dBASE OLE field
ftTypedBinary Typed binary field
ftCursor Output cursor from an Oracle stored procedure (TParam only)
ftFixedChar Fixed character field
ftWideString nchar、nvarchar Wide string field
ftLargeInt bigint Large integer field
ftADT Abstract Data Type field
ftArray Array field
ftReference REF field
ftDataSet DataSet field
ftOraBlob BLOB fields in Oracle 8 tables
ftOraClob CLOB fields in Oracle 8 tables
ftVariant sql_variant Data of unknown or undetermined type
ftInterface References to interfaces (IUnknown)
ftIDispatch References to IDispatch interfaces
ftGuid uniqueidentifier globally unique identifier (GUID) values