• sql-server笔记

    create table 表名
    字段名 数据类型 [约束条件(identity(1,1);primary key)],
    字段名2 数据类型 [约束条件]


    drop 数据库名
    drop table 表名

    create table TblStudent
    tSId int identity(1,1) primary key,
    tSName nvarchar(50) not null,
    tSGender nchar(1),
    tSAge int,
    tSBirthday datetime,
    tSCardId VARCHAR(18),
    tSClassId INT


    create table TblClass
    tClassId int identity(1,1) primary key,
    tClassName nvarchar(50)


    create table TblScore
    tScoreId int identity(1,1) primary key,
    tSid int not null,
    tEnglish float,
    tMath float

    use HeiMal3
    create table Tblteacher
    tTId int identity(1,1) primary key,
    tTName nvarchar(50) not null,
    tTGender nchar(1),
    tTAge int,
    tTSalary money,
    tTBirthday datetime,
    tTJionDate datetime

    create table Departments
    DepID int identity(1,1) primary key,
    DepName nvarchar(50) null

    create table Employees
    EmpID int identity(1,1) primary key,
    EmpIDCard varchar(18) not null,
    EmpName nvarchar(50) null,
    EmpGender bit not null,
    EmpJionDate datetime,
    EmpAge int,
    EmpAddress nvarchar(300),
    EmpPhone varchar(100),
    Empmaill varchar(100),
    DeptID int not null,


    create table TblPerson
    autoId int identity(1,1) primary key,
    uName nvarchar(10),
    age int,
    height int,
    gendder bit

    --insert into 表名(列1,列2,列3) values(值1,值2,值3)
    --insert into 表名(列1,列2,列3) values(值1,值2,值3),(值1,值2,值3),(值1,值2,值3)

    insert into TblClass(tClassName) values ('.net黑马一期')

    select * from TblClass
    insert into

    insert into

    insert into
    select * from TblStudent

    insert into TblStudent(tSName,tsgender,tSAge)
    insert into TblClass(tClassId,tClassName)
    set identity_insert TblClass on
    insert into TblClass(tClassId,tClassName)
    set identity_insert TblClass off
    select * from TblClass

    insert into TblClass(tClassName)

    insert into TblClass(tClassName)

    --update 表名 set 列=新值,列2=新值2,......where 条件

    use HeiMal3
    select * from TblStudent

    --如果不加where 条件,那么表示对表中所有的数据都进行修改,所以一定要加where条件

    update TblStudent set tSAge=tSAge-1,tSName=tSName+'(女)' where tSGender='女'

    --update 表名 set age=18 where name='王灿'or age<25
    --update 表名 set age=30 where (age>20and age<30) or age=50

    --delete from 表名 where ......
    --delete 语句如果不加where 条件,表示将表中所有的数据都删除,加了where条件后,只会按照where条件进行删除

    select * from TblStudent

    --删除table学生表,不需要加在delete 后面 加 * 无条件进行删除,只有查询的时候带* 号
    delete from TblStudent

    insert into
    select * from TblStudent


    delete from TblStudent where tSGender='女' and tSAge<20

    --delete只是删除数据,表还在,和 drop不同

    --1.delete from 表
    --2.truncate table 表
    --1>truncate 语句不能跟where条件(无法根据条件进行删除,只能全部删除数据)
    --2>同时自动编号恢复到初始值。delete 不能恢复到初始值
    --3>使用truncate 删除表中所有数据比delete的效率高
    --4>truncate 删除数据,不触发delete触发器。
    select * from Tblteacher

    insert into Tblteacher(tTName,tTGender,tTAge,tTSalary,tTBirthday,tTJionDate)
    insert into Tblteacher(tTName,tTGender,tTAge,tTSalary,tTBirthday,tTJionDate)

    --1.使用insert into 向TblTeacher表插入2条数据
    select * from Tblteacher
    insert into Tblteacher


    select * from TblPerson
    insert into TblPerson

    select * from TblScore
    insert into TblScore

    update TblScore set tEnglish=tEnglish+10 where tSid=1

    select * from TblScore
    update TblScore set tEnglish=100 where(tEnglish+10>100 or tEnglish+10=100)
    update TblScore set tEnglish=tEnglish+10 where tEnglish+10<100

    select * from TblStudent
    update TblStudent set tSAge=tSAge-1 where tSGender='男'

    select * from Tblteacher
    delete from Tblteacher where tTSalary>20000

    truncate table TblTeacher


    create table Department
    Depid int identity(1,1),
    DepName varchar(50)


    create table Employees
    EmpId int identity(1,1),
    EmpName varchar(50),
    EmpGender char(2),
    EmpAge int,
    Empmail varchar(100),
    EmpAddress varchar(500),


    select * from Employees
    select * from Department

    --4.2主键约束(PK) primary key constraint 唯一且不能空
    --4.3唯一约束(UQ) unique constraint 唯一,允许为空,但只能出现一次
    --4.4默认约束(DF) default constraint 默认值
    --4.5检查约束(Ck)check constraint 范围以及格式限制
    --4.6外键约束(Fk) foreign key constraint表关系


    truncate table TblScore
    truncate table TblStudent


    drop table Department
    drop table Employees

    --alter table 表名 drop column EmpAddress
    alter table Employees drop column EmpAddress
    select * from Employees

    --5.2增加一列EmpAddr nvarchar(1000)
    alter table Employees add EmpAddr nvarchar(1000)


    alter table Employees alter column Empmail varchar(200)

    alter table Employees add constraint PK_Employees_EmpId primary key(EmpId)

    --5.5为EmpName增加一个非空约束(修改列,由null修改为not null)

    alter table Employees alter column EmpName varchar(50) not null


    alter table Employees add constraint UQ_Employees_EmpName unique(EmpName)

    alter table Employees add constraint DF_Employees_EmpGender default('男') for EmpGender

    --5.8为性别增加一个检查约束,要求性别只能是:'男' or '女'
    alter table Employees add constraint CK_Employees_EmpGender check(EmpGender='男' or EmpGender='女')
    alter table Employees add constraint CK_Employees_EmpAge check(EmpAge>=0 and EmpAge<=120)

    select * from Department
    select * from Employees

    alter table Department add constraint PK_Department_DepId primary key(DepId)

    alter table Employees alter column

    alter table Employees drop column DepId
    alter table Employees add EmpDepId int not null

    alter table Employees add constraint FK_Employees_Department foreign key(EmpDepId) references Department(Depid)

    --alter table Employees drop constraint 外键1,外键2,外键3,
    alter table Employees drop constraint FKEmployees_Department,PK_Department_DepId

    alter table Employees add
    constraint FK_Employees_Department foreign key(EmpDepId) references Department(Depid),
    constraint PK_Department_DepId primary key(DepId),
    constraint CK_Employees_EmpAge check(EmpAge>=0 and EmpAge<=120)


    drop table Department
    drop table Employees
    create table Department
    DepId int identity(1,1) primary key,
    DepName varchar(50) not null unique

    create table Department
    Depid int identity(1,1) primary key,
    DepName varchar(50) not null unique


    create table Employees
    EmpId int identity(1,1) primary key ,
    EmpName varchar(50) not null unique check(len(EmpName)>2) ,
    EmpGender char(2) default('男'),
    EmpAge int check(EmpAge>0 and EmpAge<120),
    Empmail varchar(100) unique,
    EmpAddress varchar(500) not null,
    EmpDepId int foreign key references Department(DepId) on delete cascade
    --EmpDepId int foreign key references Department(DepId) on delete cascade //可以实现级联删除


    --* 表示所有列
    --先执行from语句,再执行select 语句
    select *
    from Tblteacher

    select tTid,tTname,tTGender from Tblteacher

    select * from Tblteacher where tTId=5

    --给查询结果的列起别名,也可以把 as 省略掉
    select tTid as 编号,tTname as 姓名,tTGender as 性别 from Tblteacher

    tTid as '(编号)',
    tTname as 姓名,
    tTGender as 性别
    from Tblteacher

    --备注:并不是select 必须和from 一起使用
    select GETDATE() 当前系统时间

    --distinct 是针对已经查询出的结果后去除重复
    select * from Tblteacher

    select distinct * from Tblteacher

    select distinct tTGender from Tblteacher

    --Top一般都与order by一起使用

    --order by 列名
    update Tblteacher set tTAge=16 where tTId=1
    select * from Tblteacher order by tTAge desc

    select * from Tblteacher order by tTAge

    --显示前2条 top后面都有 * 号
    select top 2 * from Tblteacher order by tTAge

    --显示前20% 条数据,向上取整
    select top 20 percent * from Tblteacher order by tTAge desc


    select * from Tblteacher
    select SUM(tTAge) as 年龄总和 from Tblteacher

    select COUNT(*) from Tblteacher

    select AVG(tTAge) as 平均年龄 from Tblteacher
    select AVG(tTAge*1.0) as 平均年龄 from Tblteacher
    select ((select SUM(tTAge) as 年龄总和 from Tblteacher)*1.0/(select COUNT(*) as 总数 from Tblteacher)) as 平均年龄
    select max(tTAge) as 最大年龄 from Tblteacher

    select min(tTAge) as 最小年龄 from Tblteacher

    --聚合函数不统计空值--count(),avg() 不统计空值,sum()把空值默认为0进行计算
    --select count(tTAge) from Tblteacher

    --如果使用聚合函数的时候,没有手动用group by 分组,那么聚合函数会把整个表中的数据作为一组来统计

    --select 列
    --from 表
    --where 条件

    select * from TblScore

    insert into TblScore(tSid,tEnglish,tMath)

    insert into TblScore
    select * from TblScore where tEnglish<60 or tMath<60

    select * from TblStudent where tSAge>=20 and tSAge<=30 and tSGender='男'
    select * from TblStudent where tSAge between 20 and 30 and tSGender='男'

    select * from TblStudent where tSClassId =3 or tSClassId =4 or tSClassId =5
    select * from TblStudent where tSClassId in(3,4,5)

    select * from TblStudent where tSClassId >=3 and tSClassId<=5

    --备注:对于in或者or查询,如果查询中的条件是连续的几个数字,最好使用>= <= 或者 between and
    --不要使用or 或者 in。提高效率


    --通配符:_ (下划线) 、 % 、 [] 、^

    select * from Tblteacher where tTName like '苏__'

    select * from Tblteacher where tTName like '苏%'

    select * from Tblteacher where tTName like '苏%' and LEN(tTName)=2

    --tTName:张a雨(女)(女) 把(女去掉)
    update Tblteacher set tTName =REPLACE(tTName,'(女)','')


    select * from Tblteacher where tTName like '张[0-9]妹'
    select * from Tblteacher where tTName like '张[a-z]妹'
    select * from Tblteacher where tTName like '张_妹'

    select * from Tblteacher where tTName like '张[^0-9]妹'

    select * from Tblteacher where tTName like '%\%%' --错误
    select * from Tblteacher where tTName like '%[%]%'--错误

    --where columnA like '%5/%%' escape '/'
    select * from Tblteacher where tTName like '%/%%' escape '/'

    select * from Tblteacher where tTName like '%/]%' escape '/'
    select * from Tblteacher where tTName like '%/[%' escape '/'
    select * from Tblteacher where tTName like '%/[%/]%' escape '/'


    select * from Tblteacher

    select * from Tblteacher where tTAge=null --查询不出来

    select * from Tblteacher where tTAge<>null--查询不出来
    select * from Tblteacher where tTAge=18 --查询出来
    select * from Tblteacher where tTAge<>18 --查询出来

    --判断null值必须使用is null 或者 is not null
    select * from Tblteacher where tTAge is null
    select * from Tblteacher where tTAge is not null


    ---十三、order by排序
    --1.降序order by 列名 desc
    --2.升序order by 列名 asc 或者order by 列名(默认是升序)
    --3.order by 语句必须一定要放在整个sql语句的最后
    --select * from 表名
    --where ...
    --gourp by...
    --haing ...
    --order by ...

    select * from TblScore order by tEnglish desc,tMath desc

    alter table TblScore add tAvg int
    update TblScore set tAvg=(tEnglish+tMath)/2 where tScoreId =6
    select *from TblScore

    select * ,(tEnglish+tMath)/2 as 平均分

    from TblScore
    order by 平均分 desc

    select * ---3执行
    from TblScore ---1先执行
    where tEnglish>=60 and tMath>=60 ----2执行
    order by tEnglish desc,tMath desc ---4最后

    --top一般都要配合order by一起使用

    --第十三章 数据分组

    use HeiMal3


    tSClassId as 班级ID,
    COUNT(*) as 班级人数
    from TblStudent
    group by tSClassId


    tSGender as 性别,
    COUNT(*) as 人数
    from TblStudent
    group by tSGender

    tSClassId as 班级ID,
    COUNT(*) as 男同学人数
    from TblStudent
    where tSGender='男'
    group by tSClassId

    sum(tsage) 年龄,
    tsgender as 性别,
    count(*) as 人数

    from TblStudent
    group by tsgender
    --当使用了分组语句(group by)或者是聚合函数的时候,在select的查询列表中不能再包含其他列的别名。
    --除非该列同时也出现了group by 子语句中,或者该列也包含了某个聚合函数中

    --第十四章 having----对分组以后的数据进行筛选:
    tSClassId as 班级ID,
    COUNT(*) as 男同学人数
    from TblStudent
    where tSGender='男'
    group by tSClassId
    having COUNT(*)>5
    order by 男同学人数 asc --进行排序
    --5>select 5.1选择列, 5.2>distinct,5.3>top(应用top选项最后计算)
    --1>from 表
    --2>where 条件
    --3>group by 列
    --4>having 筛选条件
    --6>order by 列

    --备注:select 语句的出来顺序
    --5.group by
    --6.with |cube 或with rollup
    --10.order by


    select 商品名称,
    SUM(销售数量) as 销量
    from MyOrder
    group by 商品名称
    order by sum(销售数量) desc

    select 商品名称,
    SUM(销售数量*销售价格) as 各总价格
    from MyOrder
    group by 商品名称
    having sum(销售数量*销售价格) >3000
    order by sum(销售数量*销售价格) desc

    select 购买人,
    sum(销售数量) as 可口可乐的数量
    from MyOrder
    where 商品名称='可口可乐'
    group by 购买人


    SUM(T.销售数据) 喜爱度,
    T.购买人 客户

    from (select * from MyOrder where 商品名称='可口可乐') as T
    group by T.购买人
    order by 喜爱度 desc

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    lua 根据路径获取文件名
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hnwcan/p/6711538.html
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