• 我们分组玩的游戏 还记得吗

    use Myschool
    select  gradeid as 年级,sum(Classhour) 
    from subject
    group by gradeid
    order by SUM(Classhour)
    select studentno as 学号,AVG(studentresult)
    from result
    group by studentno
    select * from subject
    select subjectid as 课程,AVG(studentresult) 
    from result
    group by subjectid
    order by AVG(studentresult) desc
    select studentno as 学号,SUM(studentresult) 
    from result
    group by studentno
    order by SUM(studentresult) desc
    use myschool
    select gradeid as 年级,COUNT(subjectid) as 课程数 
    from subject
    where classhour>50
    group by gradeid
    select * from subject
    select * from student
    select gradeid as 年级,AVG(DATEDIFF(yy,birthday,getdate()))as 平均年龄 
    from student
    group by gradeid
    select gradeid as 年级,COUNT(1) as 人数 
    from student
    where address  like('%北京%')
    group by gradeid
    select studentno,AVG(StudentResult) as 平均分
    from Result
    group by StudentNo
    having AVG(StudentResult)>=60
    order by 平均分 desc
    select * from result
    select subjectid,AVG(studentresult) as 平均分
    from Result
    where ExamDate>='2014-2-22' and  ExamDate<'2014-2-23'
    group by SubjectId
    having AVG(StudentResult)>=60
    select studentno,COUNT(1) as  次数
    from Result
    where StudentResult<60
    group by StudentNo

     注意:  (1)where之后不能跟聚合函数

               (2) having是对分组后的数据进行第二次筛选或者过滤,也就是说没有group by就没having

               (3)如果语句中有group by关键字,那么select后只能跟group by后出现的列,或者是聚合函数

    SQL语句的书写顺序:                     执行顺序:

         select 列名或聚合函数              (4)投影结果

         from 表名                              (1)定位到表

         where 条件                            (2)分组前的第一道过滤

         group by 列名                        (3)分组

         having 聚合函数或者分组后的列名(5)分组后的第二道过滤

         order by                                 (6)最后排序

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hmy-1365/p/4935691.html
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