• DAVID Web Service

    开始是打算用protein gi number,获得他们的go term。 本来想用uniprot来解决,不过想需要convert ID,这其中会导致有的ID对应不正常,一是缺失了;而是一对多,或者多对一。数据至少还要重新整理一次。


    后来看到了david web service,用这个直接搞定,唯一的缺点是直接生成的结果变为文本保存后,不好解析。另外,GOTERM_XX_FAT小木虫上查询说David自己弄的goslim。官方的帮助文档链接失效了。


    import sys
    import logging
    import traceback as tb
    import suds.metrics as metrics
    from tests import *
    from suds import *
    from suds.client import Client
    from datetime import datetime
    import json errors
    = 0 setup_logging() logging.getLogger('suds.client').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) url = 'http://david.abcc.ncifcrf.gov/webservice/services/DAVIDWebService?wsdl' print 'url=%s' % url # # create a service client using the wsdl. # client = Client(url) # # print the service (introspection) # print client #authenticate user email print client.service.authenticate('XXX@XXX.XXX') #add a list #inputIds = '16077069,16077070,16077074,16077075,16077077,16077081,255767015,255767017,16077099,16077106,16077114,16077118,16077119,16077121' inputIds = '16127995,16127996,16127997,16127998' idType = 'PROTEIN_GI_ACCESSION' listName = 'make_up' listType = 0 print client.service.addList(inputIds, idType, listName, listType) #print client.service.getDefaultCategoryNames() #getChartReport thd=0.1 count = 2 #print client.service.getChartReport(thd, count) #getTermClusterReport overlap=3 initialSeed = 3 finalSeed = 3 linkage = 0.5 kappa = 20 #myresult = client.service.getTermClusterReport(overlap, initialSeed, finalSeed, linkage, kappa) mytable = client.service.getTableReport() #mylist = client.service.getListReport() with open('mytable.txt', 'w') as f: print >> f, mytable mylist1 = [] for item in mytable: tpdict = {} tpdict['gi'] = item['values'][0]['array'][0] tpdict['id'] = item['geneObject']['id'] tpdict['name'] = item['name'] tplist = filter(lambda x: x['category'].startswith('GOTERM'), item['annotationRecords']) for i in tplist: tpdict[i['category']] = i['terms'] mylist1.append(tpdict) f = open('test_json1.txt', 'w') json.dump(mylist1, f, sort_keys = True, indent = 1) f.close()
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hluo/p/4107543.html
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