• 写了一个hiero中添加自定义Token的脚本

    Talk is cheap,show you the code:

    import hiero.core
    import getpass

    def addDefaultResolveEntries_add(self, resolver):
        """addDefaultResolveEntries(self, resolver)
        Create resolve entries for default resolve tokens shared by all task types.
        @param resolver : ResolveTable object"""
        resolver.addResolver("{version}", "Version string 'v#', defined by the number (#) set in the Version section of the export dialog", lambda keyword, task: task.versionString())
        resolver.addResolver("{project}", "Name of the parent project of the item being processed", lambda keyword, task: task.projectName())
        resolver.addResolver("{projectroot}", "Project root path specified in the Project Settings", lambda keywork, task: task.projectRoot())
        resolver.addResolver("{hierotemp}", "Hiero temp directory as specified in the Application preferences", lambda keyword, task: hiero.core.ApplicationSettings().value("cacheFolder") )
        resolver.addResolver("{splitshot_VHQ}", "show the split name by keyword 'comp' or '_v'", lambda keyword, task: '_'.join(task._item.name().split('_v')[0].split('_')[:-1]))

        resolver.addResolver("{timestamp}", "Export start time in 24-hour clock time (HHMM)", lambda keyword, task: task.timeStamp().strftime("%H%M") )
        resolver.addResolver("{hour24}", "Export start time hour (24-hour clock)", lambda keyword, task: task.timeStamp().strftime("%H") )
        resolver.addResolver("{hour12}", "Export start time hour (12-hour clock)", lambda keyword, task: task.timeStamp().strftime("%I") )
        resolver.addResolver("{ampm}", "Locale's equivalent of either AM or PM.", lambda keyword, task: task.timeStamp().strftime("%p") )
        resolver.addResolver("{minute}", "Export start time minute [00,59]", lambda keyword, task: task.timeStamp().strftime("%M") )
        resolver.addResolver("{second}", "Export start time second [00,61] - '61' accounts for leap/double-leap seconds", lambda keyword, task: task.timeStamp().strftime("%S") )
        resolver.addResolver("{day}", "Locale's abbreviated weekday name, [Mon-Sun]", lambda keyword, task: task.timeStamp().strftime("%a") )
        resolver.addResolver("{fullday}", "Locale's full weekday name", lambda keyword, task: task.timeStamp().strftime("%A") )
        resolver.addResolver("{month}", "Locale's abbreviated month name, [Jan-Dec]", lambda keyword, task: task.timeStamp().strftime("%b") )
        resolver.addResolver("{fullmonth}", "Locale's full month name", lambda keyword, task: task.timeStamp().strftime("%B") )
        resolver.addResolver("{DD}", "Day of the month as a decimal number, [01,31]", lambda keyword, task: task.timeStamp().strftime("%d") )
        resolver.addResolver("{MM}", "Month as a decimal number, [01,12]", lambda keyword, task: task.timeStamp().strftime("%m") )
        resolver.addResolver("{YY}", "Year without century as a decimal number [00,99]", lambda keyword, task: task.timeStamp().strftime("%y") )
        resolver.addResolver("{YYYY}", "Year with century as a decimal number", lambda keyword, task: task.timeStamp().strftime("%Y") )
        resolver.addResolver("{user}", "Current username", lambda keyword, task: getpass.getuser() )

    hiero.core.FnExporterBase.TaskPresetBase.addDefaultResolveEntries = addDefaultResolveEntries_add

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