1. 好的参考文档:
2. relabelling的理解
Before applying the relabeling rules, the URI of a request Prometheus would make would look like this:
"http://prometheus.io/probe?module=http_2xx". After relabeling it will look like this "http://localhost:9115/probe?target=http://prometheus.io&module=http_2xx".
First we take the values from the label __address__ (which contain the values from targets)
and write them to a new label __param_target which will add a parameter target to the Prometheus scrape requests:
relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__address__] target_label: __param_target
参考: https://prometheus.io/docs/guides/multi-target-exporter/#querying-multi-target-exporters-with-prometheus
如果HTTP服务启用了安全认证,Blockbox Exporter内置了对basic_auth的支持,可以直接设置相关的认证信息即可:
http_basic_auth_example: prober: http timeout: 5s http: method: POST headers: Host: "login.example.com" basic_auth: username: "username" password: "mysecret"