从上一篇NHibernate与Entity Framework性能比较中可以看出来LINQ预编译查询可以大大提高性能。本文对预编译查询做简单介绍。
1. 命名方法,匿名方法和Lambda表达式
class Test
delegate void TestDelegate(string s);
static void M(string s)
static void Main(string[] args)
// Original delegate syntax required initialization with a named method.
TestDelegate testDelA = new TestDelegate(M);
// C# 2.0: A delegate can be initialized with inline code, called an "anonymous method." This
// method takes a string as an input parameter.
TestDelegate testDelB = delegate(string s) { Console.WriteLine(s); };
// C# 3.0. A delegate can be initialized with a lambda expression. The lambda also takes a string
// as an input parameter (x). The type of x is inferred by the compiler.
TestDelegate testDelC = (x) => { Console.WriteLine(x); };
// Invoke the delegates.
testDelA("Hello. My name is M and I write lines.");
testDelB("That's nothing. I'm anonymous and ");
testDelC("I'm a famous author.");
2. Linq.Expression 和 Func<>
Expression<Func<double, double>> sqrExpression = (x => x * x);
Func<double, double> sqr = sqrExpression.Compile();
3. 预编译LINQ
public IList<Product> SearchByName(string name)
using (NorthWindEntities ctx = new NorthWindEntities())
return ctx.Products.Where(o => o.ProductName.Contains(name.Trim())).ToList();
private static Func<NorthWindEntities, string, IQueryable<Product>> searchByNameQuery =
CompiledQuery.Compile<NorthWindEntities, string, IQueryable<Product>>
((NorthWindEntities ctx, string name) => ctx.Products.Where(o => o.ProductName.Contains(name.Trim())));
public IList<Product> SearchByNameCompiled(string name)
using (NorthWindEntities ctx = new NorthWindEntities())
return searchByNameQuery(ctx, name).ToList();
上面的例子我们把编译后的Func<>放到一个static变量中,这样可以保证全局范围内只需要compile一次。当然也可以在此基础上再做改进,比如Lazy-load Singleton。