• 散列表(C版)


    1 #include <stdio.h>
    2 #include <stdlib.h>
    3 #include <string.h>
    4 #include <ctype.h>
    7  #define N 30
    8  #define L 38
    9 #define P 37
    12 typedef struct
    13 {
    14 char *name;
    15 char *py;
    16 int k;
    17 }old;
    18 old oldlist[N];
    20 typedef struct
    21 {
    22 char *name;
    23 char *py;
    24 int k;
    25 int b;
    26 }hx;
    27 hx hlist[L];
    29 void InputOldlist()
    30 {
    31 int i,s=0,r;
    32 /*for(i=1;i<=N;i++){
    33 oldlist[i-1].name=(char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*20);
    34 printf("请输入人名:");
    35 gets(oldlist[i-1].name);
    36 oldlist[i-1].py=(char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*20);
    37 printf("请输入拼音:");
    38 gets(oldlist[i-1].py);
    39 }*/
    40 oldlist[0].name="栾雪峰"; oldlist[0].py="luan xue feng";
    41 oldlist[1].name="刘翔"; oldlist[1].py="liu xiang";
    42 oldlist[2].name="马三立"; oldlist[2].py="ma san li";
    43 oldlist[3].name="李开复"; oldlist[3].py="li kai fu";
    44 oldlist[4].name="李彦宏"; oldlist[4].py="li yan hong";
    45 oldlist[5].name="王冰杰"; oldlist[5].py="wang bin jie";
    46 oldlist[6].name="孟茂昌"; oldlist[6].py="meng mao chang";
    47 oldlist[7].name="蒋睿杰"; oldlist[7].py="jiang rui jie";
    48 oldlist[8].name="嫦娥"; oldlist[8].py="chang er";
    49 oldlist[9].name="孙悟空"; oldlist[9].py="sun wu kong";
    50 oldlist[10].name="猪八戒"; oldlist[10].py="zhu ba jie";
    51 oldlist[11].name="徐琛"; oldlist[11].py="xu chen";
    52 oldlist[12].name="唐僧"; oldlist[12].py="tang seng";
    53 oldlist[13].name="周星驰"; oldlist[13].py="zhou xing chi";
    54 oldlist[14].name="董寸瑞"; oldlist[14].py="dong cun rui";
    55 oldlist[15].name="黄继光"; oldlist[15].py="huang ji guang";
    56 oldlist[16].name="金庸"; oldlist[16].py="jin rong";
    57 oldlist[17].name="杨过"; oldlist[17].py="yang guo";
    58 oldlist[18].name="小龙女"; oldlist[18].py="xiao long nv";
    59 oldlist[19].name="郭大侠"; oldlist[19].py="guo da xia";
    60 oldlist[20].name="黄蓉"; oldlist[20].py="huang rong";
    61 oldlist[21].name="老师"; oldlist[21].py="lao shi";
    62 oldlist[22].name="学生"; oldlist[22].py="xue sheng";
    63 oldlist[23].name="小平同志"; oldlist[23].py="xiao ping tong zhi";
    64 oldlist[24].name="泽民"; oldlist[24].py="ze min";
    65 oldlist[25].name="圣诞老人"; oldlist[25].py="sheng dan lao ren";
    66 oldlist[26].name="朱德庸"; oldlist[26].py="zhu de yong";
    67 oldlist[27].name="阿扁"; oldlist[27].py="a bian";
    68 oldlist[28].name="连战"; oldlist[28].py="lian zhan";
    69 oldlist[29].name="幸福"; oldlist[29].py="xing fu";
    71 for (i=0;i<N;i++)
    72 {
    73 for(s=0,r=0;oldlist[i].py[r]!='\0';r++)
    74 {
    75 s=toascii(oldlist[i].py[r])+s;
    76 }
    77 oldlist[i].k=s;
    78 }
    79 }
    81 void hash()
    82 {
    83 int i,adr,d;
    84 float average,sum=0;
    85 for (i=0;i<L;i++)
    86 {
    87 hlist[i].name="";
    88 hlist[i].py="";
    89 hlist[i].k=0;
    90 hlist[i].b=0;
    91 }
    93 for (i=0;i<N;i++)
    94 {
    95 adr=(oldlist[i].k)%P;
    96 d=adr;
    97 if(hlist[adr].b==0)
    98 {
    99 hlist[adr].k=oldlist[i].k;
    100 hlist[adr].name=oldlist[i].name;
    101 hlist[adr].py=oldlist[i].py;
    102 hlist[adr].b=1;
    103 sum=sum+1;
    104 }
    105 else
    106 {
    107 do
    108 {
    109 d=(d+adr%10+1)%P;
    110 sum=sum+1;
    111 }while (hlist[d].b!=0);
    112 hlist[d].k=oldlist[i].k;
    113 hlist[d].name=oldlist[i].name;
    114 hlist[d].py=oldlist[i].py;
    115 hlist[d].b=1;
    116 }
    117 }
    118 average=sum/30;
    119 printf("平均查找长度为:%f\n",average);
    120 if(average>2)
    121 hash();
    122 }
    125 void findlist()
    126 {
    127 char c[20];
    128 int i=0,d,g,adr,s=0;
    129 printf("请输入你要查找的人的拼音:\n");
    130 getchar();
    131 gets(c);
    133 for(i=0;c[i]!='\0';i++)
    134 {
    135 s=toascii(c[i])+s;
    136 }
    137 adr=s%P;
    138 d=adr;
    139 if(strcmp(hlist[adr].py,c)==0)
    140 {
    141 printf("姓名:%s 拼音:%s 哈希表中存储位置:%d\n",hlist[adr].name,hlist[adr].py,adr);
    142 }
    143 else if(hlist[adr].b==0)
    144 {
    145 printf("哈希表中无记录!\n");
    146 }
    147 else
    148 {
    149 g=0;
    150 for (i=0;g==0;i++)
    151 {
    152 d=(d+adr%10+1)%P;
    153 if(hlist[d].b==0)
    154 {
    155 printf("哈希表中无记录!\n");
    156 g=1;
    157 }
    158 if(strcmp(hlist[d].py,c)==0)
    159 {
    160 printf("姓名:%s 拼音:%s 哈希表中存储位置:%d\n",hlist[d].name,hlist[d].py,d);
    161 g=1;
    162 }
    163 }
    164 }
    165 }
    167 void printlist()
    168 {
    169 int i;
    170 for(i=0;i<L;i++)
    171 printf("%s %s %d \n",hlist[i].name,hlist[i].py,hlist[i].k);
    172 }
    174 int main()
    175 {
    176 int ch;
    177 InputOldlist();
    178 hash();
    179 do
    180 {
    181 printf("1.查找 2.输出哈希表 3.退出程序\n");
    182 scanf("%d",&ch);
    183 switch(ch)
    184 {
    185 case 1:
    186 findlist();
    187 printf("Press any key to continue.\n");
    188 break;
    189 case 2:
    190 printlist();
    191 printf("Press any key to continue.\n");
    192 break;
    193 case 3:
    194 break;
    195 default:
    196 printf("No this operation.\n");
    197 printf("Press any key to continue.\n");
    198 }
    199 getchar();
    200 }while (ch!=3);
    201 }

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    【POJ2942】Knights of the Round Table-点双连通分量+判断奇环
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hicjiajia/p/1898482.html
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