1 # coding:utf8 2 from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool 3 import multiprocessing 4 import requests, os, codecs, time 5 from lxml import etree 6 7 url = 'https://www.biquge5200.cc/79_79883/' # 要下载的小说章节列表页面url 8 9 10 def getsource(url): 11 try: 12 s = requests.get(url) 13 except: 14 print('访问异常,跳过~!') 15 else: 16 s.encoding = 'gbk' 17 return s.text 18 19 20 def getlist(url): 21 global txtname, txtzz 22 #解析地址 23 html = getsource(url) 24 ehtml = etree.HTML(html) 25 u = ehtml.xpath('//*[@id="list"]/dl/dd/a/@href') 26 t = ehtml.xpath('//*[@id="list"]/dl/dd/a/text()') 27 txtname = ehtml.xpath('//*[@id="info"]/h1/text()')[0].replace('\', '').replace('/', '').replace(':', '').replace( 28 '*', '').replace('?', '').replace('"', '').replace('<', '').replace('>', '').replace('|', '') 29 txtzz = ehtml.xpath('//*[@id="info"]/p[1]/text()')[0].replace('xa0', '') 30 num = 0 31 #循环urllist 32 for i in range(9, len(u)): 33 urllist.append(u[i] + '|' + t[i] + '|' + str(num)) 34 print(urllist) 35 print(u[i] + '|' + t[i] + '|' + str(num)) 36 num += 1 37 38 39 def downtxt(url): 40 global downcount 41 u = url.split('|')[0] 42 t = url.split('|')[1] 43 num = url.split('|')[2] 44 content = '' 45 while len(content) == 0: 46 html = getsource(u) 47 ehtml = etree.HTML(html) 48 content = ehtml.xpath('string(//*[@id="content"])').replace(' ', ' ').replace(' ', ' ').replace( 49 'xa0', '').replace('ufffd', '').replace('u266a', '').replace('readx;', '') 50 if os.path.exists(savepath + num + '.txt'): 51 print(num + '.txt 已经存在!') 52 else: 53 with codecs.open(savepath + num + '.txt', 'a')as f: 54 f.write(' ' + t + ' ' + content) 55 print(t + ' 下载完成!') 56 downcount += 1 57 58 59 time_start = time.time(); 60 downcount = 0 61 urllist = [] 62 getlist(url) 63 savepath = os.getcwd() + '\' + txtname + '\' 64 if os.path.exists(savepath) == False: 65 os.makedirs(savepath) 66 pool = ThreadPool(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) 67 results = pool.map(downtxt, urllist) 68 pool.close() 69 pool.join() 70 print('开始合并txt...') 71 with codecs.open(savepath + txtname + '.txt', 'a')as f: 72 f.write(txtname) 73 f.write(' ') 74 f.write(txtzz) 75 f.write(' ') 76 for i in range(0, len(urllist)): 77 with open(savepath + str(i) + '.txt', "r") as fr: 78 txt = fr.read() 79 f.write(txt) 80 f.write('===========================') 81 fr.close() 82 os.remove(savepath + str(i) + '.txt') 83 print('小说合并完成~!') 84 85 print('') 86 print('*' * 15 + ' 任务完成,结果如下:' + '*' * 15) 87 print('') 88 print('<' + txtname + '> 下载完成' + ',获取并下载章节页面:' + str(downcount) + ' 个') 89 print('') 90 print('耗时:' + str(time.time() - time_start) + ' s') 91 print('') 92 print('*' * 51)