• rsync --include-from --exclude-from的理解

    rsync --include-from --exclude-from的理解:
    1、同时添加--include-from --exclude-from时。后者是对前者的结果进行排除
    如:“--include-from include.txt --include-from exclude.txt” #也就是说绝对不会超过--include-from声明的范围
    2、--include-from 文件前面的符号是有效的有意义的
    3、--exclude-from 文件前面不管是什么符号、有没有符号都是排除的意思





    The filter rules allow for flexible selection of which files to transfer (include) and which files to skip (exclude). The rules either directly specify include/exclude patterns or they specify a way to acquire more include/exclude patterns (e.g. to read them from a file).

    As the list of files/directories to transfer is built, rsync checks each name to be transferred against the list of include/exclude patterns in turn, and the first matching pattern is acted on: if it is an exclude pattern, then that file is skipped; if it is an include pattern then that filename is not skipped; if no matching pattern is found, then the filename is not skipped.

    Rsync builds an ordered list of filter rules as specified on the command-line.


    ### include.txt:
    # CompanyAttachment Files
    # 限制所有目录只包含2019开头的
    - ETest/20191/ #如果非要排除 ETest/20191下的文件 这个排除规则应该放前面。每个路径只找第一个匹配的规则 (只找第一个、只找第一个、只找第一个 这很重要,理解了这个原则,才能理解所有的规则)
    + 2019*/ #这个只是包含了目录,目录下的文件不会同步
    + 2019*/** #这个只包含了目录下的文件,如果没有上面的这个也无效
    + ETest/ #这个只是包含了目录 但是子目录如果符合上面的其它条件也会被同步(如ETest目录下有2019开头的文件夹,也会同步)
    - * #排除其它文件
    - *.tmp #排除所有的.tmp文件。这是个错误的示例,这个不一定会排除所有目录的.tmp文件。因为有些路径会命中前面的规则就直接返回了。这个排除规则要么写到最前面,要么写到exclude.txt里去
    # exclude.txt
    *.tmp #exclude-from文件里不管前面加不加+、-号都是排除(测试+号、-号、不要符号结果是一样的,很奇怪,但测试结果是这样,不知道我是不是理解错误)
    #* #exclude-from 是对include-from的结果进行排除,所以不能加这个。这个相当于禁用同步了。




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/heys/p/10335359.html
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