CREATE TABLE tb_sc ( id NUMBER not null primary key, studentid int not null, courseid int not null, score int not null )
Insert into tb_sc select rownum,dbms_random.value(0,10000),dbms_random.value(1,5),dbms_random.value(0,150) from dual connect by level<=100000 order by dbms_random.random
select studentid,courseid,max(score) as score from tb_sc group by studentid,courseid
delete from tb_sc where (studentid,courseid,score) not in (select studentid,courseid,max(score) as score from tb_sc group by studentid,courseid)
而用同为反连接的not exist做就很快:
delete from tb_sc where not exists ( select 'x' from tb_sc a, (select studentid,courseid,max(score) as score from tb_sc group by studentid,courseid) b where a.studentid=b.studentid and a.courseid=b.courseid and a.score=b.score and tb_sc.id=a.id)
SQL> delete from tb_sc where not exists ( 2 select 'x' from tb_sc a, 3 (select studentid,courseid,max(score) as score from tb_sc group by studentid,courseid) b 4 where a.studentid=b.studentid and a.courseid=b.courseid and a.score=b.score and tb_sc.id=a.id); 已删除58032行。 已用时间: 00: 00: 00.75
到这里很多人可能直接否决的not in,直接认为它慢,放弃了,但是看看下面sql,它会跑多久呢?
delete from tb_sc where id not in (select tb_sc.id from tb_sc,( select studentid,courseid,max(score) as score from tb_sc group by studentid,courseid ) tb_sc2 where tb_sc.studentid=tb_sc2.studentid and tb_sc.courseid=tb_sc2.courseid and tb_sc.score=tb_sc2.score)
SQL> delete from tb_sc where id not in (select tb_sc.id from tb_sc,( select studentid,courseid,max(score) as score from tb_sc group by studentid,courseid ) tb_sc2 2 where tb_sc.studentid=tb_sc2.studentid and tb_sc.courseid=tb_sc2.courseid and tb_sc.score=tb_sc2.score); 已删除58032行。 已用时间: 00: 00: 00.56
发现和上面的not exist差不多!你是不是又恢复对not in的信心了呢?
delete from tb_sc where (studentid,courseid,score) not in (select studentid,courseid,max(score) as score from tb_sc group by studentid,courseid)
select a.* from tb_sc a where (a.studentid,a.courseid,a.score) not in (select studentid,courseid,max(score) as score from tb_sc group by studentid,courseid)
19563 9998 2 6 27799 9998 3 95 ID STUDENTID COURSEID SCORE ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 37515 9998 4 60 35809 9998 4 144 65663 9998 5 64 84961 9999 3 2 24730 9999 3 14 99371 9999 3 16 4349 10000 5 2 已选择58032行。 已用时间: 00: 00: 16.01