position是指 头寸
头寸(position)是一个金融术语,指的是个人或实体持有或拥有的特定商品、证券、货币等的数量。汉语将其翻译为“头寸”,源于旧社会作为货币的“袁大头”每十个摞起来为一寸 。
early 13c., "apparatus for weighing," from Old French balance (12c.) "balance, scales for weighing,
" also in the figurative sense; from Medieval Latin bilancia, from Late Latin bilanx, from Latin (libra)
bilanx "(scale) having two pans," possibly from Latin bis "twice" + lanx "dish, plate, scale of a balance."
The accounting sense is from 1580s; the meaning "general harmony between parts" is from 1732; sense
of "physical equipoise" is from 1660s. Balance of power in the geopolitical sense is from 1701. Many figurative
uses (such as hang in the balance, late 14c.), are from Middle English image of the scales in the hands of
personified Justice, Fortune, Fate, etc.