• GlusterFS分布式存储系统



    1.1 分布式文件系统出现

    • 计算机通过文件系统管理,存储数据,而现在数据信息爆炸的时代中人们可以获取的数据成指数倍的增长,单纯通过增加硬盘个数来扩展计算机文件系统的存储容量的方式,已经不能满足目前的需求。
    • 分布式文件系统可以有效解决数据的存储和管理难题,将固定于某个地点的某个文件系统,扩展到任意多个地点/多个文件系统,众多的节点组成一个文件系统网络。每个节点可以分布在不同的地点,通过网络进行节点间的通信和数据传输。人们在使用分布式文件系统时,无需关心数据是存储在哪个节点上,或者是从哪个节点从获取的,只需要像使用本地文件系统一样管理和存储文件系统中的数据。

    1.2 典型代表NFS

    NFS(Network File System)即网络文件系统,它允许网络中的计算机之间通过TCP/IP网络共享资源。在NFS的应用中,本地NFS的客户端应用可以透明地读写位于远端NFS服务器上的文件,就像访问本地文件一样。NFS的优点如下:







    1.3 面临的问题


    1.4 GlusterFS概述

    • GlusterFS是Scale-Out存储解决方案Gluster的核心,它是一个开源的分布式文件系统,具有强大的横向扩展能力,通过扩展能够支持数PB存储容量和处理数千客户端。GlusterFS借助TCP/IP或InfiniBand RDMA网络将物理分布的存储资源聚集在一起,使用单一全局命名空间来管理数据。
    • GlusterFS支持运行在任何标准IP网络上标准应用程序的标准客户端,用户可以在全局统一的命令空间中使用NFS/CIFS等标准协议来访问应用程序。GlusterFS使得用户可摆脱原有的独立,高成本的封闭存储系统,能够利用普通廉价的存储设备来部署可集中管理,横向扩展,虚拟化的存储池,存储容量可扩展至TB/PB级。
    • 目前glusterfs已被redhat收购,它的官方网站是:http://www.gluster.org/



    1.5 GlusterFS企业主要应用场景




    • Media


    • Shared storage


    • Big data



    2.1 GlusterFS 安装前的准备

    1. 电脑一台,内存>=4G,可用磁盘空间大于50G
    2. 安装VMWARE Workstation虚拟机软件
    3. 安装好四台CentOS-6-x86_64(6.2-6.8都可以)的虚拟机
    4. 基本系统:1核CPU+1024M内存+10G硬盘
    5. 网络选择:网络地址转换(NAT)
    6. 关闭iptables和SELinux
    7. 预装glusterfs软件包
    Linux_node1 mystorage01 多添加两块各10G的sdb和sdc
    Linux_node2 mystorage02 多添加两块各10G的sdb和sdc
    Linux_node3 mystorage03 多添加两块各10G的sdb和sdc
    Linux_node4 mystorage04 多添加两块各10G的sdb和sdc
    Linux_node5 WebServerClinet
    1. #为了实验的准确性,请尽量和我用一个版本的Linux操作系统
    2. #并用实验给的rpm包作为yum源
    3. [root@localhost rpm]# cat /etc/redhat-release
    4. CentOS release 6.5 (Final)
    5. [root@localhost rpm]# uname -r
    6. 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64
    7. [root@localhost rpm]# pwd
    8. /root/rpm
    9. [root@localhost rpm]# ls
    10. dbench-4.0-12.el6.x86_64.rpm libaio-0.3.107-10.el6.x86_64.rpm
    11. glusterfs-3.7.20-1.el6.x86_64.rpm libevent-1.4.13-4.el6.x86_64.rpm
    12. glusterfs-api-3.7.20-1.el6.x86_64.rpm libgssglue-0.1-11.el6.x86_64.rpm
    13. glusterfs-api-devel-3.7.20-1.el6.x86_64.rpm libntirpc-1.3.1-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
    14. glusterfs-cli-3.7.20-1.el6.x86_64.rpm libntirpc-devel-1.3.1-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
    15. glusterfs-client-xlators-3.7.20-1.el6.x86_64.rpm libtirpc-0.2.1-13.el6_9.x86_64.rpm
    16. glusterfs-coreutils-0.0.1-0.1.git0c86f7f.el6.x86_64.rpm nfs-utils-1.2.3-75.el6_9.x86_64.rpm
    17. glusterfs-coreutils-0.2.0-1.el6_37.x86_64.rpm nfs-utils-lib-1.1.5-13.el6.x86_64.rpm
    18. glusterfs-devel-3.7.20-1.el6.x86_64.rpm python-argparse-1.2.1-2.1.el6.noarch.rpm
    19. glusterfs-extra-xlators-3.7.20-1.el6.x86_64.rpm python-gluster-3.7.20-1.el6.noarch.rpm
    20. glusterfs-fuse-3.7.20-1.el6.x86_64.rpm pyxattr-0.5.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
    21. glusterfs-ganesha-3.7.20-1.el6.x86_64.rpm repodata
    22. glusterfs-geo-replication-3.7.20-1.el6.x86_64.rpm rpcbind-0.2.0-13.el6_9.1.x86_64.rpm
    23. glusterfs-libs-3.7.20-1.el6.x86_64.rpm rsync-3.0.6-12.el6.x86_64.rpm
    24. glusterfs-rdma-3.7.20-1.el6.x86_64.rpm userspace-rcu-0.7.16-2.el6.x86_64.rpm
    25. glusterfs-resource-agents-3.7.20-1.el6.noarch.rpm userspace-rcu-0.7.7-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
    26. glusterfs-server-3.7.20-1.el6.x86_64.rpm userspace-rcu-devel-0.7.16-2.el6.x86_64.rpm
    27. keyutils-1.4-5.el6.x86_64.rpm userspace-rcu-devel-0.7.7-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
    28. keyutils-libs-1.4-5.el6.x86_64.rpm
    29. [root@localhost rpm]# yum -y install glusterfs-server glusterfs-cli glusterfs-geo-replication

    2.2 GlusterFS 安装

    2.2.1 修改主机名

    2.2.2 添加hosts文件实现集群主机之间相互能够解析

    1. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# cat /etc/hosts
    2. localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
    3. ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6
    4. glusterfs01
    5. glusterfs02
    6. glusterfs03
    7. glusterfs04

    2.2.3 关闭selinux和防火墙

    1. #关闭selinux
    2. sed -i 's#SELINUX=enforcing#SELINUX=disabled#' /etc/sysconfig/selinux
    3. #关闭iptables
    4. service iptables stop
    5. chkconfig iptables off

    2.2.4 利用教程附带的rpm软件包组,充当本地定制化yum源

    1. yum -y install createrepo
    2. yum -y install glusterfs-server glusterfs-cli glusterfs-geo-replication

    2.3 配置glusterfs

    2.3.1 查看glusterfs版本信息

    1. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# which glusterfs
    2. /usr/sbin/glusterfs
    3. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# glusterfs -V
    4. glusterfs 3.7.20 built on Jan 30 2017 15:39:27
    5. Repository revision: git://git.gluster.com/glusterfs.git
    6. Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Red Hat, Inc. <http://www.redhat.com/>
    7. GlusterFS comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
    8. It is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
    9. General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3
    10. or later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2),
    11. in all cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.

    2.3.2 启动停止服务

    1. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# /etc/init.d/glusterd status #查看服务状态
    2. glusterd (pid 906) is running...
    3. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# /etc/init.d/glusterd stop #停止
    4. Stopping glusterd: [ OK ]
    5. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# /etc/init.d/glusterd status
    6. glusterd is stopped
    7. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# /etc/init.d/glusterd start #启动
    8. Starting glusterd: [ OK ]
    9. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# /etc/init.d/glusterd status
    10. glusterd (pid 1356) is running...
    11. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# chkconfig glusrerd on #添加开机启动

    2.3.3 存储主机加入信任存储池


    1. #确保所有的虚拟机的glusterd服务都处于开启状态,然后执行如下操作
    2. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster peer probe glusterfs02
    3. peer probe: success.
    4. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster peer probe glusterfs03
    5. peer probe: success.
    6. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster peer probe glusterfs04
    7. peer probe: success.

    2.3.4 查看虚拟机信任状态添加结果

    1. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster peer status
    2. Number of Peers: 3
    3. Hostname: glusterfs02
    4. Uuid: 0b52290d-96b0-4b9c-988d-44062735a8a8
    5. State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
    6. Hostname: glusterfs03
    7. Uuid: c5dd23d5-c93c-427c-811b-3255da3c9691
    8. State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
    9. Hostname: glusterfs04
    10. Uuid: a43ac51b-641c-4fc4-be56-f6873423b462
    11. State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)


    2.3.5 配置前的准备工作

    1. #链接光盘源,安装xfs支持包(Centos7已经不再需要安装)
    2. #所有都要装
    3. yum -y install xfsprogs


    1. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb
    2. mke2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
    3. /dev/sdb is entire device, not just one partition!
    4. Proceed anyway? (y,n) y
    5. Filesystem label=
    6. OS type: Linux
    7. Block size=4096 (log=2)
    8. Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
    9. Stride=0 blocks, Stripe width=0 blocks
    10. 655360 inodes, 2621440 blocks
    11. 131072 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
    12. First data block=0
    13. Maximum filesystem blocks=2684354560
    14. 80 block groups
    15. 32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
    16. 8192 inodes per group
    17. Superblock backups stored on blocks:
    18. 32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736, 1605632
    19. Writing inode tables: done
    20. Creating journal (32768 blocks): done
    21. Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done
    22. This filesystem will be automatically checked every 28 mounts or
    23. 180 days, whichever comes first. Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.

    在四台机器上执行mkdir -p /gluster/brick1 建立挂在块设备的目录

    1. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# mkdir -p /gluster/brick1
    2. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# mount /dev/sdb /gluster/brick1
    3. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# df -h
    4. Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    5. /dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root 18G 1.1G 16G 7% /
    6. tmpfs 491M 0 491M 0% /dev/shm
    7. /dev/sda1 485M 33M 427M 8% /boot
    8. /dev/sr0 4.2G 4.2G 0 100% /media/cdrom
    9. /dev/sdb 9.9G 151M 9.2G 2% /gluster/brick1



    1. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# echo "mount /dev/sdb /gluster/brick1" >> /etc/rc.local
    2. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# echo "mount /dev/sdc /gluster/brick2" >> /etc/rc.local
    3. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# tail -2 /etc/rc.local
    4. mount /dev/sdb /gluster/brick1
    5. mount /dev/sdc /gluster/brick2

    2.3.6 创建volume分布式卷

    • 基本卷:
      • 分布式卷(Distributed):
      • 复制卷(Replicated):
      • 条带式卷(Striped):
    • 复合卷:
      • 分布式复制卷(Distributed Replicated):
      • 分布式条带卷(Distributed Striped):
      • 复制条带卷(Replicated Striped):
      • 分布式复制条带卷(Distributed Replicated Striped):
    1. #创建分布式卷(在glusterfs01上操作)
    2. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster volume create gs1 glusterfs01:/gluster/brick1 glusterfs02:/gluster/brick1 force
    3. volume create: gs1: success: please start the volume to access data
    4. #启动创建的卷(在glusterfs01上操作)
    5. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster volume start gs1
    6. volume start: gs1: success
    7. #然后我们发现4台虚拟机都能看到如下信息(在任意虚拟机上操作)
    8. [root@glusterfs04 ~]# gluster volume info
    9. Volume Name: gs1 #卷名
    10. Type: Distribute #分布式
    11. Volume ID: 0f0adf7a-3b8f-4016-ac72-83f633e90fac #ID号
    12. Status: Started #启动状态
    13. Number of Bricks: 2 #一共两个块设备
    14. Transport-type: tcp #tcp的连接方式
    15. Bricks: #块信息
    16. Brick1: glusterfs01:/gluster/brick1
    17. Brick2: glusterfs02:/gluster/brick1
    18. Options Reconfigured:
    19. performance.readdir-ahead: on

    2.3.7 volume的两种挂载方式


    1. #挂载卷到目录(在glusterfs01上操作)
    2. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# mount -t glusterfs /mnt #将本地的分布式卷gs01挂载到/mnt目录下
    3. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# df -h
    4. Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    5. /dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root 18G 1.1G 16G 7% /
    6. tmpfs 491M 0 491M 0% /dev/shm
    7. /dev/sda1 485M 33M 427M 8% /boot
    8. /dev/sr0 4.2G 4.2G 0 100% /media/cdrom
    9. /dev/sdb 9.9G 151M 9.2G 2% /gluster/brick1
    10. 20G 302M 19G 2% /mnt #挂载成功,我们看到磁盘空间已经整合
    11. #在挂载好的/mnt目录里创建实验文件(在glusterfs01上操作)
    12. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# touch /mnt/{1..5}
    13. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# ls /mnt
    14. 1 2 3 4 5
    15. #在其他虚拟机上挂载分布式卷gs1,查看同步挂载结果
    16. [root@glusterfs02 rpm]# mount -t glusterfs /mnt
    17. [root@glusterfs02 rpm]# ls /mnt
    18. 1 2 3 4 5
    19. [root@glusterfs03 rpm]# mount -t glusterfs /mnt
    20. [root@glusterfs03 rpm]# ls /mnt
    21. 1 2 3 4 5
    22. [root@glusterfs04 ~]# mount -t glusterfs /mnt
    23. [root@glusterfs04 ~]# ls /mnt
    24. 1 2 3 4 5



    1. #在glusterfs01上执行如下操作
    2. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster volume status #查看分布式卷的状态
    3. Status of volume: gs1
    4. Gluster process TCP Port RDMA Port Online Pid
    5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    6. Brick glusterfs01:/gluster/brick1 49152 0 Y 1911
    7. Brick glusterfs02:/gluster/brick1 49152 0 Y 1695
    8. NFS Server on localhost N/A N/A N N/A #本地分布式卷NFS挂载未开启
    9. NFS Server on glusterfs04 2049 0 Y 2679
    10. NFS Server on glusterfs02 2049 0 Y 2600 #出现具体的端口就表明开启了
    11. NFS Server on glusterfs03 2049 0 Y 2608
    12. Task Status of Volume gs1
    13. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    14. There are no active volume tasks

    如果NFS Server的挂载端口显示N/A表示未开启挂载功能,这是由于要先进行nfs挂载是需要装两个nfs的软件包的rpcbind和nfs-utils

    1. #在glusterfs01上执行如下操作
    2. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# rpm -qa nfs-utils #查看是否安装nfs-utils
    3. nfs-utils-1.2.3-75.el6_9.x86_64
    4. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# rpm -qa rpcbind #查看是否安装rpcbind
    5. rpcbind-0.2.0-13.el6_9.1.x86_64
    6. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# /etc/init.d/rpcbind status #查看rpcbind服务状态
    7. rpcbind is stopped
    8. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# /etc/init.d/rpcbind start #开启rpcbind服务
    9. Starting rpcbind: [ OK ]
    10. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# /etc/init.d/glusterd stop #停止glusterd服务
    11. Stopping glusterd: [ OK ]
    12. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# /etc/init.d/glusterd start #开启glusterd服务
    13. Starting glusterd: [ OK ]
    14. root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster volume status #这里需要等几秒再查看,就会发现nfs挂载方式开启了
    15. Status of volume: gs1
    16. Gluster process TCP Port RDMA Port Online Pid
    17. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    18. Brick glusterfs01:/gluster/brick1 49152 0 Y 1911
    19. Brick glusterfs02:/gluster/brick1 49152 0 Y 1695
    20. NFS Server on localhost 2049 0 Y 2984 #已经开启
    21. NFS Server on glusterfs04 2049 0 Y 2679
    22. NFS Server on glusterfs03 2049 0 Y 2608
    23. NFS Server on glusterfs02 2049 0 Y 2600
    24. Task Status of Volume gs1
    25. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    26. There are no active volume tasks


    1. #在Webserver上进行如下操作
    2. [root@WebServer ~]# rpm -qa nfs-utils #查看nfs-utils是否安装
    3. nfs-utils-1.2.3-39.el6.x86_64
    4. [root@WebServer ~]# mount -t nfs /mnt #以nfs方式远程挂载分布式卷
    5. mount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is required for remote locking.
    6. mount.nfs: Either use '-o nolock' to keep locks local, or start statd.
    7. mount.nfs: an incorrect mount option was specified #根据提示我们加上-o nolock参数
    8. [root@WebServer ~]# mount -o nolock -t nfs /mnt
    9. [root@WebServer ~]# ls /mnt #挂载成功
    10. 1 2 3 4 5 6 666 sss yunjisuan
    11. [root@WebServer ~]# touch /mnt/benet #创建文件测试
    12. [root@WebServer ~]# ls /mnt
    13. 1 2 3 4 5 6 666 benet sss yunjisuan
    14. #在glusterfs任意虚拟机上进行如下操作
    15. [root@glusterfs04 ~]# mount -t glusterfs /mnt
    16. [root@glusterfs04 ~]# ls /mnt
    17. 1 2 3 4 5 6 666 benet sss yunjisuan #数据已经同步

    2.3.8 创建分布式复制卷

    1. #在任意一台gluster虚拟机上进行如下操作
    2. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster volume create gs2 replica 2 glusterfs03:/gluster/brick1 glusterfs04:/gluster/brick1 force
    3. volume create: gs2: success: please start the volume to access data
    4. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster volume info gs2
    5. Volume Name: gs2
    6. Type: Replicate #复制卷
    7. Volume ID: c76fe8fd-71a7-4395-9dd2-ef1dc85163b8
    8. Status: Created
    9. Number of Bricks: 1 x 2 = 2
    10. Transport-type: tcp
    11. Bricks:
    12. Brick1: glusterfs03:/gluster/brick1
    13. Brick2: glusterfs04:/gluster/brick1
    14. Options Reconfigured:
    15. performance.readdir-ahead: on
    16. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster volume start gs2 #启动卷
    17. volume start: gs2: success

    2.3.9 创建分布式条带卷

    1. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster volume create gs3 stripe 2 glusterfs01:/gluster/brick2 glusterfs02:/gluster/brick2 force
    2. volume create: gs3: success: please start the volume to access data
    3. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster volume info gs3
    4. Volume Name: gs3
    5. Type: Stripe #条带卷
    6. Volume ID: 6d2e27c7-f5a1-4473-9df8-a7261851a2ed
    7. Status: Created
    8. Number of Bricks: 1 x 2 = 2
    9. Transport-type: tcp
    10. Bricks:
    11. Brick1: glusterfs01:/gluster/brick2
    12. Brick2: glusterfs02:/gluster/brick2
    13. Options Reconfigured:
    14. performance.readdir-ahead: on
    15. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster volume start gs3 #启动卷
    16. volume start: gs3: success



    3.1 分布式卷gs1的数据写入测试

    1. #在WebServer上进行数据写入操作
    2. [root@WebServer ~]# mount -o nolock -t nfs /mnt
    3. [root@WebServer ~]# df -h
    4. Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    5. /dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root 18G 1014M 16G 7% /
    6. tmpfs 491M 0 491M 0% /dev/shm
    7. /dev/sda1 485M 33M 427M 8% /boot
    8. /dev/sr0 4.2G 4.2G 0 100% /media/cdrom
    9. 20G 301M 19G 2% /mnt
    10. [root@WebServer ~]# touch /mnt/{1..10}
    11. [root@WebServer ~]# ls /mnt/
    12. 1 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    13. #在glusterfs01和glusterfs02上进行查看(看看数据到底写入了哪个盘)
    14. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# ls /gluster/brick1
    15. 1 5 7 8 9
    16. [root@glusterfs02 ~]# ls /gluster/brick1
    17. 10 2 3 4 6


    3.2 分布式复制卷gs2的数据写入测试

    1. #在WebServer上进行数据写入操作
    2. [root@WebServer ~]# mount -o nolock -t nfs /mnt
    3. [root@WebServer ~]# df -h
    4. Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    5. /dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root 18G 1014M 16G 7% /
    6. tmpfs 491M 0 491M 0% /dev/shm
    7. /dev/sda1 485M 33M 427M 8% /boot
    8. /dev/sr0 4.2G 4.2G 0 100% /media/cdrom
    9. 9.9G 151M 9.2G 2% /mnt #可用容量减半
    10. [root@WebServer ~]# ls /mnt
    11. lost+found
    12. [root@WebServer ~]# touch /mnt/{1..10}
    13. [root@WebServer ~]# ls /mnt
    14. 1 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lost+found
    15. #在glusterfs03和glusterfs04上进行查看(看看数据到底写入了哪个盘)
    16. [root@glusterfs03 ~]# ls /gluster/brick1
    17. 1 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lost+found
    18. [root@glusterfs04 ~]# ls /gluster/brick1
    19. 1 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lost+found


    3.3 分布式条带卷gs3的数据写入测试

    1. #在WebServer上进行数据写入操作
    2. [root@WebServer ~]# umount /mnt
    3. [root@WebServer ~]# mount -o nolock -t nfs /mnt
    4. [root@WebServer ~]# df -h
    5. Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    6. /dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root 18G 1014M 16G 7% /
    7. tmpfs 491M 0 491M 0% /dev/shm
    8. /dev/sda1 485M 33M 427M 8% /boot
    9. /dev/sr0 4.2G 4.2G 0 100% /media/cdrom
    10. 20G 301M 19G 2% /mnt
    11. [root@WebServer ~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/root/test bs=1024 count=262144 #创建大小为256M的文件
    12. 262144+0 records in
    13. 262144+0 records out
    14. 268435456 bytes (268 MB) copied, 1.81006 s, 148 MB/s
    15. [root@WebServer ~]# du -sh test
    16. 256M test
    17. [root@WebServer ~]# cp test /mnt/ #复制到/mnt目录下
    18. [root@WebServer ~]# ls /mnt
    19. test
    20. [root@WebServer ~]# du -sh /mnt/test #查看大小为256M
    21. 256M /mnt/test
    22. #在glusterfs01和glusterfs02上进行查看(看看数据到底是怎么存的)
    23. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# du -sh /gluster/brick2/test
    24. 129M /gluster/brick2/test
    25. [root@glusterfs02 ~]# du -sh /gluster/brick2/test
    26. 129M /gluster/brick2/test



    4.1 分布式复制卷的扩容

    1. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster volume add-brick gs2 replica 2 glusterfs03:/gluster/brick2 glusterfs04:/gluster/brick2 force #添加两个块设备
    2. volume add-brick: success
    3. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster volume info gs2
    4. Volume Name: gs2
    5. Type: Distributed-Replicate
    6. Volume ID: c76fe8fd-71a7-4395-9dd2-ef1dc85163b8
    7. Status: Started
    8. Number of Bricks: 2 x 2 = 4 #已经扩容
    9. Transport-type: tcp
    10. Bricks:
    11. Brick1: glusterfs03:/gluster/brick1
    12. Brick2: glusterfs04:/gluster/brick1
    13. Brick3: glusterfs03:/gluster/brick2
    14. Brick4: glusterfs04:/gluster/brick2
    15. Options Reconfigured:
    16. performance.readdir-ahead: on

    对分布式复制卷和分布式条带卷进行扩容时,要特别注意,如果创建卷之初的时候选择的是replica 2 或者stripe 2。那么扩容时,就必须一次性扩容两个或两个的倍数的块设备。

    4.2 查看扩容后的容量并进行写入测试

    1. #在WebServer上挂载gs2并查看挂载目录的容量
    2. [root@WebServer ~]# umount /mnt
    3. [root@WebServer ~]# mount -o nolock -t nfs /mnt
    4. [root@WebServer ~]# df -h
    5. Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    6. /dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root 18G 1.3G 16G 8% /
    7. tmpfs 491M 0 491M 0% /dev/shm
    8. /dev/sda1 485M 33M 427M 8% /boot
    9. /dev/sr0 4.2G 4.2G 0 100% /media/cdrom
    10. 20G 301M 19G 2% /mnt #已经扩容


    1. #在WebServer上进行数据写入操作
    2. [root@WebServer ~]# touch /mnt/{11..20}
    3. [root@WebServer ~]# ls /mnt
    4. 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 20 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lost+found
    5. #在glusterfs03和glusterfs04上查看数据存到哪里去了
    6. [root@glusterfs03 ~]# gluster volume info gs2
    7. Volume Name: gs2
    8. Type: Distributed-Replicate
    9. Volume ID: c76fe8fd-71a7-4395-9dd2-ef1dc85163b8
    10. Status: Started
    11. Number of Bricks: 2 x 2 = 4
    12. Transport-type: tcp
    13. Bricks:
    14. Brick1: glusterfs03:/gluster/brick1 #组成gs2的块设备就在03和04上
    15. Brick2: glusterfs04:/gluster/brick1
    16. Brick3: glusterfs03:/gluster/brick2
    17. Brick4: glusterfs04:/gluster/brick2
    18. Options Reconfigured:
    19. performance.readdir-ahead: on
    20. [root@glusterfs03 ~]# ls /gluster/brick1
    21. 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 20 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lost+found
    22. [root@glusterfs03 ~]# ls /gluster/brick2
    23. lost+found #什么都没有
    24. [root@glusterfs04 ~]# ls /gluster/brick1
    25. 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 20 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lost+found
    26. [root@glusterfs04 ~]# ls /gluster/brick2
    27. lost+found #还是什么都没有


    4.3 进行磁盘存储的平衡


    1. #对gs2进行磁盘存储平衡
    2. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster volume rebalance gs2 start
    3. volume rebalance: gs2: success: Rebalance on gs2 has been started successfully. Use rebalance status command to check status of the rebalance process.
    4. ID: 0024338c-84df-4edb-b68c-107415a27506
    5. #检查gs2块设备磁盘平衡结果
    6. [root@glusterfs03 ~]# ls /gluster/brick1
    7. 10 12 14 15 16 17 2 3 4 6 lost+found
    8. [root@glusterfs03 ~]# ls /gluster/brick2
    9. 1 11 13 18 19 20 5 7 8 9 lost+found
    10. [root@glusterfs04 ~]# ls /gluster/brick1
    11. 10 12 14 15 16 17 2 3 4 6 lost+found
    12. [root@glusterfs04 ~]# ls /gluster/brick2
    13. 1 11 13 18 19 20 5 7 8 9 lost+found





    1. #先停止卷gs2
    2. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster volume stop gs2
    3. Stopping volume will make its data inaccessible. Do you want to continue? (y/n) y
    4. volume stop: gs2: success
    5. #然后移除卷,因为是复制卷且replica为2,因此每次移除必须是2的倍数
    6. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster volume remove-brick gs2 replica 2 glusterfs03:/gluster/brick2 glusterfs04:/gluster/brick2 force
    7. Removing brick(s) can result in data loss. Do you want to Continue? (y/n) y
    8. volume remove-brick commit force: success
    9. #我们发现gs2的卷已经被移除
    10. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster volume info gs2
    11. Volume Name: gs2
    12. Type: Replicate
    13. Volume ID: c76fe8fd-71a7-4395-9dd2-ef1dc85163b8
    14. Status: Stopped
    15. Number of Bricks: 1 x 2 = 2
    16. Transport-type: tcp
    17. Bricks:
    18. Brick1: glusterfs03:/gluster/brick1
    19. Brick2: glusterfs04:/gluster/brick1
    20. Options Reconfigured:
    21. performance.readdir-ahead: on
    22. #重新启动卷gs2
    23. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster volume start gs2
    24. volume start: gs2: success


    1. #停止卷gs1
    2. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster volume stop gs1
    3. Stopping volume will make its data inaccessible. Do you want to continue? (y/n) y
    4. volume stop: gs1: success
    5. #删除卷gs1
    6. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster volume delete gs1
    7. Deleting volume will erase all information about the volume. Do you want to continue? (y/n) y
    8. volume delete: gs1: success
    9. #查看卷信息,发现gs1已经没了
    10. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster volume info
    11. Volume Name: gs2
    12. Type: Replicate
    13. Volume ID: c76fe8fd-71a7-4395-9dd2-ef1dc85163b8
    14. Status: Started
    15. Number of Bricks: 1 x 2 = 2
    16. Transport-type: tcp
    17. Bricks:
    18. Brick1: glusterfs03:/gluster/brick1
    19. Brick2: glusterfs04:/gluster/brick1
    20. Options Reconfigured:
    21. performance.readdir-ahead: on
    22. Volume Name: gs3
    23. Type: Stripe
    24. Volume ID: 6d2e27c7-f5a1-4473-9df8-a7261851a2ed
    25. Status: Started
    26. Number of Bricks: 1 x 2 = 2
    27. Transport-type: tcp
    28. Bricks:
    29. Brick1: glusterfs01:/gluster/brick2
    30. Brick2: glusterfs02:/gluster/brick2
    31. Options Reconfigured:
    32. performance.readdir-ahead: on



    6.1 硬件要求


    6.2 系统要求和分区划分


    6.3 网络环境


    6.4 服务器摆放分布




    6.5 构建高性能,高可用存储


    6.5.1 开启防火墙端口


    1. iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 24007:24011 -j ACCEPT
    2. iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 49152:49162 -j ACCEPT
    1. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# cat /etc/glusterfs/glusterd.vol
    2. volume management
    3. type mgmt/glusterd
    4. option working-directory /var/lib/glusterd
    5. option transport-type socket,rdma
    6. option transport.socket.keepalive-time 10
    7. option transport.socket.keepalive-interval 2
    8. option transport.socket.read-fail-log off
    9. option ping-timeout 0
    10. option event-threads 1
    11. # option base-port 49152 #默认端口可以在这里改,因为这个端口可能会和企业里的kvm端口冲突

    6.5.2 Glusterfs文件系统优化

    Auth.allow IP访问授权 *(allow all) IP地址
    Cluster.min-free-disk 剩余磁盘空间阈值 10% 百分比
    Cluster.stripe-block-size 条带大小 128KB 字节
    Network.frame-timeout 请求等待时间 1800s 0-1800
    Network.ping-timeout 客户端等待时间 42s 0-42
    Nfs.disabled 关闭NFS服务 Off Off|on
    Performance.io-thread-count IO线程数 16 0-65
    Performance.cache-refresh-timeout 缓存校验周期 1s 0-61
    Performance.cache-size 读缓存大小 32MB 字节



    Glusster volume set <卷> <参数>

    1. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster volume info gs2
    2. Volume Name: gs2
    3. Type: Replicate
    4. Volume ID: c76fe8fd-71a7-4395-9dd2-ef1dc85163b8
    5. Status: Started
    6. Number of Bricks: 1 x 2 = 2
    7. Transport-type: tcp
    8. Bricks:
    9. Brick1: glusterfs03:/gluster/brick1
    10. Brick2: glusterfs04:/gluster/brick1
    11. Options Reconfigured:
    12. performance.readdir-ahead: on
    13. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster volume set gs2 performance.read-ahead on #设置预缓存优化
    14. volume set: success
    15. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster volume info gs2
    16. Volume Name: gs2
    17. Type: Replicate
    18. Volume ID: c76fe8fd-71a7-4395-9dd2-ef1dc85163b8
    19. Status: Started
    20. Number of Bricks: 1 x 2 = 2
    21. Transport-type: tcp
    22. Bricks:
    23. Brick1: glusterfs03:/gluster/brick1
    24. Brick2: glusterfs04:/gluster/brick1
    25. Options Reconfigured:
    26. performance.read-ahead: on #已经添加上了
    27. performance.readdir-ahead: on
    28. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster volume set gs2 performance.cache-size 256MB #设置读缓存大小
    29. volume set: success
    30. [root@glusterfs01 ~]# gluster volume info gs2
    31. Volume Name: gs2
    32. Type: Replicate
    33. Volume ID: c76fe8fd-71a7-4395-9dd2-ef1dc85163b8
    34. Status: Started
    35. Number of Bricks: 1 x 2 = 2
    36. Transport-type: tcp
    37. Bricks:
    38. Brick1: glusterfs03:/gluster/brick1
    39. Brick2: glusterfs04:/gluster/brick1
    40. Options Reconfigured:
    41. performance.cache-size: 256MB #已经添加上了
    42. performance.read-ahead: on
    43. performance.readdir-ahead: on

    6.5.3 监控及日常维护


    1. #以下命令在复制卷的场景下才会有
    2. #gluster volume status gs2 查看节点NFS是否在线
    3. (开没开端口)
    4. #gluster volume heal gs2 full 启动完全修复
    5. #gluster volume heal gs2 info 查看需要修复的文件
    6. #gluster volume heal gs2 info healed 查看修复成功的文件
    7. #gluster volume heal gs2 info heal-failed 查看修复失败文件
    8. #gluster volume heal gs2 info split-brain 查看脑裂的文件
    9. #gluster volume quota gs2 enable --激活quota功能
    10. #gluster volume quota gs2 disable --关闭quota功能
    11. #gluster volume quota gs2 limit-usage /data 10GB --/gs2/data 目录限制
    12. #gluster volume quota gs2 list --quota 信息列表
    13. #gluster volume quota gs2 list /data --限制目录的quota信息
    14. #gluster volume set gs2 features.quota-timeout 5 --设置信息的超时事实上时间
    15. #gluster volume quota gs2 remove /data -删除某个目录的quota设置
    16. 备注:
    17. 1quota 功能,主要是对挂载点下的某个目录进行空间限额。如:/mnt/glusterfs/data目录,而不是对组成卷组的空间进行限制

    七 生产环境遇到常见故障处理

    7.1 硬盘故障


    7.2 一台主机故障




    找一台完全一样的机器,至少要保证硬盘数量大小一致,安装系统,配置和故障机同样的ip,安装gluster软件,保证配置一样,在其他健康的节点上执行命令gluster peer status,查看故障服务器的uuid

    1. #例如:
    2. [root@glusterfs03 ~]# gluster peer status
    3. Number of Peers: 3
    4. Hostname: glusterfs02
    5. Uuid: 0b52290d-96b0-4b9c-988d-44062735a8a8
    6. State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
    7. Hostname: glusterfs04
    8. Uuid: a43ac51b-641c-4fc4-be56-f6873423b462
    9. State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
    10. Hostname: glusterfs01
    11. Uuid: 198f2c7c-1104-4671-8989-b430b77540e9
    12. State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
    13. [root@glusterfs03 ~]#


    1. [root@glusterfs04 ~]# cat /var/lib/glusterd/glusterd.info
    2. UUID=a43ac51b-641c-4fc4-be56-f6873423b462
    3. operating-version=30712


    1. [root@glusterfs04 ~]# gluster volume heal gs2 full
    2. Launching heal operation to perform full self heal on volume gs2 has been successful
    3. Use heal info commands to check status


    1. [root@glusterfs04 ~]# gluster volume heal gs2 info
    2. Brick glusterfs03:/gluster/brick1
    3. Status: Connected
    4. Number of entries: 0
    5. Brick glusterfs04:/gluster/brick1
    6. Status: Connected
    7. Number of entries: 0

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