• IfcCostResource (成本资源)



    1 IfcArithmeticOperatorEnum
    2 IfcAppliedValueSelect

    1 IfcAppliedValue
    2 IfcCostValue
    3 IfcCurrencyRelationship

    1 IfcArithmeticOperatorEnum (运算符枚举类型)


    Enumeration definition


    2 IfcAppliedValueSelect (应用值选择类型)


    Enumeration definition


    1 IfcAppliedValue (应用实体)


    1 Name IfcLabel [0:1] A name or additional clarification given to a cost value. X
    2 Description IfcText [0:1] The description that may apply additional information about a cost value. X
    3 AppliedValue IfcAppliedValueSelect [0:1] The extent or quantity or amount of an applied value. X
    4 UnitBasis IfcMeasureWithUnit [0:1] The number and unit of measure on which the unit cost is based. Note: As well as the normally expected units of measure such as length, area, volume etc., costs may be based on units of measure which need to be defined e.g. sack, drum, pallet, item etc. Unit costs may be based on quantities greater (or lesser) than a unitary value of the basis measure. For instance, timber may have a unit cost rate per X meters where X > 1; similarly for cable, piping and many other items. The basis number may be either an integer or a real value. Note: This attribute should be asserted for all circumstances where the cost to be applied is per unit quantity. It may be asserted even for circumstances where an item price is used, in which case the unit cost basis should be by item (or equivalent definition). X
    5 ApplicableDate IfcDate [0:1] The date on or from which an applied value is applicable. X
    6 FixedUntilDate IfcDate [0:1] The date until which applied value is applicable. X
    7 Category IfcLabel [0:1] Specification of the type of cost used.
    NOTE  There are many possible types of cost value that may be identified. Whilst there is a broad understanding of the meaning of names that may be assigned to different types of costs, there is no general standard for naming cost types nor are there any broadly defined classifications. To allow for any type of cost value, the IfcLabel datatype is assigned.
    In the absence of any well defined standard, it is recommended that local agreements should be made to define allowable and understandable cost value types within a project or region.
    8 Condition IfcLabel [0:1] The condition under which a cost value applies. For example, within the context of a bid submission, this may refer to an option that may or may not be elected. X
    9 ArithmeticOperator IfcArithmeticOperatorEnum [0:1] The arithmetic operator applied to component values. X
    10 Components IfcAppliedValue L[1:?] Optional component values from which AppliedValue is calculated. X
      HasExternalReference IfcExternalReferenceRelationship
    S[0:?] Reference to an external reference, e.g. library, classification, or document information, that is associated to the IfcAppliedValue. X

    2 IfcCostValue (成本实体)


    • Annual rate of return
    • Bonus
    • Bulk purchase rebate
    • Contract
    • Consultancy
    • Delivery
    • Estimated cost
    • Hire
    • Installation
    • Interest rate
    • Labor
    • Lease
    • List price
    • Maintenance
    • Material
    • Overhead
    • Postage and packing
    • Profit
    • Purchase
    • Rental
    • Repair
    • Replacement
    • Sale
    • Small quantity surcharge
    • Spares
    • Storage
    • Sub-Contract
    • Trade discount
    • Transportation
    • Waste allowance
    • Whole life

    3 IfcCurrencyRelationship (货币关系实体)


    3 RelatingMonetaryUnit IfcMonetaryUnit [1:1] The monetary unit from which an exchange is derived. For instance, in the case of a conversion from GBP to USD, the relating monetary unit is GBP. X
    4 RelatedMonetaryUnit IfcMonetaryUnit [1:1] The monetary unit to which an exchange results. For instance, in the case of a conversion from GBP to USD, the related monetary unit is USD. X
    5 ExchangeRate IfcPositiveRatioMeasure [1:1] The currently agreed ratio of the amount of a related monetary unit that is equivalent to a unit amount of the relating monetary unit in a currency relationship. For instance, in the case of a conversion from GBP to USD, the value of the exchange rate may be 1.486 (USD) : 1 (GBP). X
    6 RateDateTime IfcDateTime [0:1] The date and time at which an exchange rate applies. X
    7 RateSource IfcLibraryInformation [0:1] The source from which an exchange rate is obtained. X
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/herd/p/12160158.html
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