• How to handle null database fields with Java


    Content is king and large software cannot get away from serving content. In this post, I shall document how to use Java to access relational databases, with the MySQL database as an example. Suppose we have created a database instance with two tables with the following SQL commands:
    CREATE DATABASE `db-instance`;
    USE `db-instance`;
            `name` VARCHAR(255),
            `description` TEXT,
            PRIMARY KEY(id)
    CREATE TABLE Person (
    	`name` VARCHAR(255),
    	`address` VARCHAR(255),
    	`job-id` INT,
            FOREIGN KEY (`job-id`) REFERENCES Job(`id`)


    The above SQL commands will create a Job table and a Person table in the db-instance database.

    Steps to interact with the database through JDBC

    • Load the database driver.
    • Provide a username and password pair and name of database instance to get a Connection object.
    • Create a Statement object from the Connection object.
    • Use the Statement object to execute SQL commands to interact with the database.

    Sample code to interact with the database through the JDBC api.

    Connection dbConnection = null;
    try {
         // Load the MySQL driver
         // Connect to the database instance (db-instance)
         // @ localhost with a user account (identified by user and password).
         dbConnection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/"
                 + "db-instance", "user", "password");
         // Execute a SQL select statement on the database.
         Statement sqlStat = dbConnection.createStatement();
         ResultSet sqlResult = sqlStat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Person");
         // Traverse sqlResult
         while(sqlResult .next()) {
             // Get the value of job-id
             int jobId = sqlResult.getInt("job-id");
             System.out.println("Job ID: " + jobId);
         } // end while
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
    } catch (SQLException sqle) {
    } finally {
         // Free up resources used
         if (dbConnection != null) {
             try {
             } catch (SQLException sqle) {
                 // Swallow any exceptions when closing the connection.
             } // end try-catch block
         } // end if
    } // end try-catch block


    What is wrong with the above code?

    Based on the database schema shown earlier, we can see that the job-id column of the Person table can contain null values. However, in the above coding, we are using the getInt() method of the ResultSet class to retrieve a the job-id value. The int data type being one of Java’s primitive types is not able to store the null. On my machine, the getInt() method returns 0 when it hits a null on the job-id.

    How to solve the problem?

    There are two ways to detect whether a null value is read.

    1) Use the wasNull() method provided by the ResultSet class.

    // Traverse sqlResult
    while(sqlResult.next()) {
        // Get the value of job-id
        int jobId = sqlResult.getInt("job-id");
        // if jobId is supposed to be null
        if (sqlResult.wasNull()) {
                System.out.println("Job ID: null");
        } else {
                System.out.println("Job ID: " + jobId);
    } // end while


    2) Use the getObject() method instead of the getInt() method to retrieve the value of the job-id column. By using the getObject() method, we are able to get null values if there any appears.

    // Traverse sqlResult
    while(sqlResult.next()) {
        Object jobId = sqlResult.getObject("job-id");
        if (jobId == null) {
            System.out.println("Job ID: null");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Job ID: " + jobId);
        } // end if (jobId == null)
    } // end while


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hephec/p/4570549.html
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