• 枚举类

      1 //手动实现枚举类
      2 //步骤
      3 1.通过private将构造器隐藏起来
      4 2.把这个类的所有可能的实例都使用public static final修饰的类变量来保存
      5 3.如果有必要,可以提供一些静态方法,允许其他程序根据特定的参数来获取与之匹配的实例
      6 public class Season{
      7     //把Season类定义成不可变的,将其Field也定义成final
      8     private final String name;
      9     private final String desc;
     10     public static final Season SPRING
     11         =new Season("春天","踏春");
     12     public static final Season SUMMER
     13         = new Season("夏天","炎炎");
     14     public static final Season FALL
     15         =new Season("秋天","气爽");
     16     public static final Season WINTER
     17         =new Season("冬天","赏雪");
     18     public static Season getSeason(int seasomNim){
     19         switch(seasonNum){
     20             case:1
     21                 return SPRING;
     22                 break;
     23             case:2
     24                 return SUMMER;
     25                 break;
     26             caes:3
     27                 return FALL;
     28                 break;
     29             case:4
     30                 return WINTER;
     31                 break;
     32             default:
     33                 return null;
     34         }
     35     }
     36     //将构造器定义成private访问权限
     37     private Season(String name,String desc){
     38         this.name=name;
     39         this.desc=desc;
     40     }
     41     //只为name和desc提供getter方法
     42     public String getName(){
     43         return this.name;
     44     }
     45     public String getDesc(){
     46         return this.desc;
     47     }
     48 }
     50 //测试方法
     51 public class SeasonTest{
     52     public SeasonTest(Season s){
     53         System.out.println(s.getName+
     54         s.getDesc());
     55     }
     56     public static void main(String[] args){
     57         //直接使用Season的FALL常量代表一个Season对象
     58         new SeasonTest(Season.FALL);
     59     }
     60 }
     61 //使用简单的静态常量来表示
     62 public static final int SEASON_SPRING=1;
     63 public static final int SEASON_SUMMER=2;
     64 public static final int SEASON_FALL=3;
     65 public static final int SEASON_WINTER=4;
     67 枚举类实例:
     68 public enum SeasonEnum{
     69     //在第一行列出4个枚举实例
     71 }
     73 //测试类
     74 public class EnumTest{
     75     public void judge(SeasonEnum s){
     76         //switch语句里的表达式可以是枚举类
     77         switch(s){
     78             case SPRING:
     79                 System.out.println("Spring");
     80                 break;
     81             case SUMMER:
     82                 System.out.println("Summer");
     83                 break;
     84             case FALL:
     85                 System.out.println("Fall");
     86                 break;
     87             case WINTER:
     88                 System.out.println("Winter");
     89                 break;
     90             default:
     91                 System.out.println("error");
     92         }
     93     } 
     94     public static void main(String[] args){
     95         //所有的枚举类都有values方法,返回该枚举类的所有实例
     96         for(SeasonEnum s:SeasonEnum.values()){
     97             System.out.println(s);
     98         }
     99         //平常使用枚举实例时,总是通过EnumClass.variable的形式访问
    100         new EnumTest().judge(SeasonEnum.SPRING);
    101     }
    102 }
  • 相关阅读:
    instanceof 和 typeof
    The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine.
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hephec/p/4273797.html
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