• binder学习笔记——binder trace Hello

    1. 同步binder传输trace

    (1) 以.txt格式显示的trace

    android.traceur 8705-8705    (  12073) [005] ....  2539.489020: binder_transaction: transaction=981438 dest_node=1347 dest_proc=1602 dest_thread=0 reply=0 flags=0x10 code=0x40
    performance@1.0 1602-1602    (   1602) [005] ....  2539.489058: binder_transaction_received: transaction=981438
    performance@1.0 1602-1602    (   1602) [005] ....  2539.489475: binder_transaction: transaction=981440 dest_node=0 dest_proc=12073 dest_thread=8705 reply=1 flags=0x0 code=0x0
    android.traceur 8705-8705    (  12073) [005] ....  2539.489498: binder_transaction_received: transaction=981440


    2539.489020 - 2539.489058 = 38us  发送端传到接收端耗时38us
    2539.489475 - 2539.489058 = 417us binder reply执行耗时417us
    2539.489498 - 2539.489475 = 23us  reply到传到发送端耗时23us
    2539.489498 - 2539.489020 = 478us binder transaction执行耗时478us

    (2) 选中"binder transaction"标签后显示:

    Name    binder transaction
    Category    binder
    Start time    6s 884ms 598us 100ns
    Duration    478us                 //表示binder transaction执行总时长(包括transaction内的休眠和runable)
    Thread    IntentService[T 8705      //binder发送端线程名和TID
    Process    12073                     //binder发送端进程PID
    Slice ID    129282                //这个是perfetto的,打印的trace里面没有这个域
    flags    0x10 allow replies with file descriptors; 
    code    0x40 Java Layer Dependent
    transaction id    981438                             //trace打印出来的transaction id
    destination node    1347                           //trace打印出来的dest_node
    destination process    1602                           //目标进程
    destination thread    1602                           //目标线程
    destination name    performance@1.0 1602           //目标线程名
    reply transaction?    false                          //表示是reply还是transaction
    calling tid    8705                                   //发送端线程PID
    data size    56
    offsets size    0

    (3) 接收的服务端 performance@1.0 自动图形显示:

                   binder reply
    HIDL::IPerformance::enableDebug::server  //这里显示的是服务端提供服务的是哪个函数


    (4) 选中"binder reply"标签后显示:

    Name    binder reply                   //表明这次一次binder reply
    Category    binder
    Start time    6s 884ms 636us 100ns
    Duration    417us                      //binder reply执行总时长(包括reply内的休眠和runable)
    Thread    performance@1.0 1602           //执行reply的进程名和PID
    Process    1602                           //执行reply的进程PID
    Slice ID    129290
    Preceding flows
    Slice    binder transaction
    Delay    0s
    Thread    IntentService[T 8705 (NULL)    //要reply给谁的线程名和TID
    flags    0x00 No Flags Set
    code    0x0 Java Layer Dependent
    transaction id    981440
    destination node    0                  //reply传输trace打印出来的dest_node=0
    destination process    12073              //要reply给的进程PID
    destination thread    8705               //要reply给的进程的线程的TID
    destination name    IntentService[T    //要reply给的线程的名字
    reply transaction?    true               //true表示是reply传输
    calling tid    1602                       //进程reply的线程id    

    2. 异步binder传输trace

    (1) 异步binder发送端显示:

    Name    binder transaction async
    Category    binder
    Start time    17s 455ms 421us 82ns
    Duration    0s
    Thread    surfaceflinger 2731
    Process    /system/bin/surfaceflinger 1606
    User ID    1000
    Slice ID    286208
    flags    0x11 this is a one-way call: async, no return; allow replies with file descriptors; 
    code    0x01 Java Layer Dependent
    transaction id    7414482
    destination node    56653
    destination process    3713
    reply transaction?    false
    calling tid    2731
    type    internal_slice
    depth    0
    stack_id    8598901110785906
    parent_stack_id    0
    parent_id    null
    arg_set_id    373693

    (2) 异步binder接收端显示:

    Name    binder async rcv
    Category    binder
    Start time    17s 483ms 700us 666ns
    Duration    0s
    Thread    binder:4128_3 4209
    Process    com.android.launcher 4128
    User ID    10178
    Slice ID    288578
    flags    0x11 this is a one-way call: async, no return; allow replies with file descriptors; 
    code    0x01 Java Layer Dependent
    transaction id    7414483
    destination node    36400
    destination process    4128
    reply transaction?    false
    calling tid    2731
    type    internal_slice
    depth    0
    stack_id    1717227819666250
    parent_stack_id    0
    parent_id    null
    arg_set_id    373985

    (3) 根据 "transaction id 7414483" 找到对应trace:

    surfaceflinger-2731  ( 1606) [000] .... 69136.712199: binder_transaction: transaction=7414483 dest_node=36400 dest_proc=4128 dest_thread=0 reply=0 flags=0x11 code=0x1 binder:4128_3-4209  ( 4128) [005] .... 69136.740323: binder_transaction_received: transaction=7414483

    (4) trace代码位置

        trace_binder_transaction(reply, t, target_node); //运行在异步binder发送端进程上下文
        trace_binder_transaction_received(t); //运行在异步binder接收端进程上下文

    (5) 按"{" "}" 键在异步binder的发送端和接收端跳转。选中"binder transaction"/"binder reply"后窗口中的箭头,也可以在发送端和接收端之间跳转。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hellokitty2/p/16542177.html
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